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I looked to see what was wrong then that's when I saw...

Cody's POV

I was walking home from school to see Katelyn and Chester at my door I went up to them and hugged Katelyn from behind. "C-Cody?!" Katelyn stutter, her voice sounded broken and I felt a tear go on to my hand "K-Kate" I said worried, She turned around and she looked up at me she was crying, I pulled her into a tight hug. "Hey talk to me what happed?" I said looking at Chester trying to figure out what happed. "N-nothing" Katelyn said trying to keep in her tears. "what's going on?" Ray asked while walking up the steps. "I'll tell you later" Chester said looking down at the ground.

I took her to my room while Ray and Chester had to go to the shop and get a few things. Me and Katelyn sat on my bed. I asked her what happed but she just stared crying again. I moved closer to her and pulled her into a hug trying to calm her down. After a few minuets I Finally got her to clam down. "H-hey Cody" Katelyn stutter "yeah?" I replied "I think I'm ready to tell you what happed" she said. we both sat up and she began to tell me what happed

Katelyn's POV

AN: you can ever skip this part or re-read this part

"Me and Chester went out for lunch. we went to the shop to and got some food. We then went into an ally way next to the school to just relax and talk. we heard some people Flirting and laughing. I got up and help Chester up. We got our stuff and went down the ally way to get to school. We stared walking to school and then I went quite and fell to the ground. My eyes where filling up with tears. Chester looked to see what was wrong then that's when he saw..."

"saw what?" Cody asked. I took a deep breath and Continued to say what happed.

"that's when he saw Carly kissing someone else..." I said trying not to have a break done.

"When was this?" Cody asked, "yesterday" I replied.

Cody's POV

I felt angry but I also felt relieved. I pulled her into a hug, I relieved when I felt her hugging me back.

"Hey, Cody mum wants to speak to you down stairs" Ray said. "oh okay" I got up and walked downstairs

Katelyn's POV

"Hey Kate I need to tell you something but I don't know how your gonna take it so please take a seat" Ray said. I got a really bad shiver down my back when he asked me that. "y-yeah?" I asked. "listen Cody has a really big Crush on you and I know you have just seen you girlfriend kiss some else, I just wanted you to know" Ray said. I was in shocked and I could feel me cheeks heating up and heart beating faster it felt like it was going to explode. "right I'll leave you be now" Ray said. Ray walked outside into the hallway "oh hey brother" Ray said "What did you do?" Cody asked "oh nothing" Ray said while walking away with a smirk on his face.

Cody walked into his room to see Katelyn sitting with her face hidden in her hands. "are you okay?" Cody asked.

I stood up and walked over to Cody and hugged him "Are you okay?" Cody asked "your to tall" I said looking away from him. he bent down "is that better" Cody said Blushing a bit. "rude" I replied.

Me and the brother spent the whole weekend together. On Friday went stayed in and played some video games then on Saturday we went to the beach and got ice-cream and the finally on Sunday we help they're mum go shopping.

Even if I know now Cody likes me I can't do anything about it un-till I'm able to look Carly in the eyes without tearing up and break up with her. 

Those Lost eyes - book 2Where stories live. Discover now