The Secret

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"I'm gonna have fun having braking them up so my brother can be happy" Ray thought...

Thursday morning 9:30am

Ray's POV

I walked outside of the school building and sat on the beach due to I've got a free period. I saw a group of first years skipping, I looked down at my phone and played some games to pas the time.

"hey Carly are you still dating that second year" one of the first year said. I got up and walked over to them "so your the one dating Katelyn?" I said. "and who might you be?" Carly asked "Someone hows gonna make your life a living hell" I said. "heh?" Carly replied to that. Carly turned her head to see that her friends where gone. "listen here first year stay away from Katelyn" I said, "Mate she's my Girlfriends so you back of" Carly yelled. I walked closer to her and pushed her over "Did I stutter" I yelled back at her. "Like hell" Carly said. I walked away leaving her on the ground I went back in said a saw Cody at the Vending machine getting himself something to eat.

"Hey Ray you okay?" Cody asked. "uh yea sorry" I said "you seam angry what happed?" Cody asked "Yeah I just walked into Carly" I replied. Cody seamed shocked and Confused. "Listen I need to tell you something" I said "ok what is it?" Cody asked. "well uh..." I said trying to think how to say it. "hey you two!" a voice said. Both of the boys stood still knowing who it is. "H-hey K-Katelyn!" Cody said. "are you both okay?" Katelyn asked. "yeah" I relied. Katelyn looked at me and Cody Confused then sighed.

"Kate!" Carly yelled and hugged Katelyn from behind, Katelyn smiled at her girlfriend. "Is everything okay?" Katelyn asked. "Some boy just Hit me and pushed me over outside" Carly said, Katelyn turned around and looked at Carly, I could feel my chest beating faster to nervous from what I did and how Katelyn would take it. "Who?" Katelyn asked "HIM!" Carly said while pointing at me "Kate I can expla-" I got cut of by Katelyn "Carly I think you're Misunderstanding Ray may be a jerk sometimes but he would never do that to someone" Katelyn said "What so you don't Believe me or something?" Carly yelled at Katelyn, Carly hit Katelyn out of anger. "Oi there no need for that" I yelled. Carly just stood there in shook from what she just did. "Kate are you okay" Cody said while giving her a hand to help her up. "yeah I'm okay" Katelyn said with a smile. Everyone went silent until the bell went.

everyone went to class and no-one said anything about what happed.

Later on at Lunch

with Katelyn ands Chester

Katelyn's POV

Me and Chester went out for lunch. We went to the shop and got some food. We then went into an ally way next to the school to just relax and talk. we heard some people Flirting and laughing. I got up and help Chester up. We got our stuff went down the ally way to get to school.

Chester's POV

We stared walking to school and then Katelyn went quite and fell to the ground, her eyes where filling up with tears I looked to see what was wrong then that's when I saw...

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