Back to school

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Cody and Katelyn have been able to keep it quiet for 23 days but Ray and Chester are catching on.

Cody's POV

Me and Katelyn having be spending time together cuddling since 05:30. "Hey Cody" Katelyn asked "yeah?" I replied. "Can I um... k-kiss you?" Katelyn said as her cheek went red. I lend over and kissed her, her Face went bright and so did mine. "Was that okay?" I said "yeah" Katelyn said.

I started to tickling her and she was laughing so much. She was laughing so much that she started crying. I stop tickling her and stood up, "I'm going to get something to drink would you like something to drink?" I asked "yes please" she said "can I get uppsise?" She asked "yeah" I said. I went over to her and I picked her up and kissed her. I broke the kiss and I walked downstairs. She had a tight grip on me so I couldn't drop her. I kissed her again once we got into the kitchen. She broke the kiss and I putted her down on the the counter. I walked over to the fridge and got the cookies that we made at the party and gived her one.

We then got ready for school and started walking to school at 08:15.

At school
Katelyn POV
In reg 8:36

I walked into class and felt a bit nervous since I haven't been in class for a while. I walked to my seat to see Ellie. "Hey Katelyn welcome back" Jane said "Hey oh uh thanks" I said as I took a seat. "How you feeling now?" Ellie asked. "I'm feeling a lot better and the October holidays really helped I think" I said as I looked at Ellie. Ellie gived a small smile then the bell went.

In first class

Me and Ellie walked to our first class together. We had history. "Hey you okay?" Simon said "yeah I'm okay!" I said as I gived a little smile. We went into the class and I was sitting next to Simon.

After class
Walking to Drama

"Hey Kate let's go to the toilets before we go to class" Ellie said. I nodded my head and followed her into the toilets. We walked in and saw Abigail she came up to me on hit my head softly. "Im glad your back" Abigail said as she took her hand of my head. "I'm glad to be back I suppose" I said "alright I'm going to the toilet now" Ellie said as she walked into a stall. Me and Abigail didn't talk much but we did hace a good laugh. Ellie finally came out of the stall she cleaned her hands the grabbed mine and Abi's arm and took us upstairs to our class.

At brake

Cody walked into the place where me and my friend eat break. "Why where you both late to Drama?" Simon asked. Me and Ellie looked at each other and then laughed. "We where in the toilets with Abi" Ellie said. I looked up to see Cody was standing up behind me. I got up and hugged Him, he hugged me back and took my hand he walked out of the place and took me outside we went to the back of the school. Noone was there except us.

At the back of the school

Cody pinned me against the wall and kissed me, I kissed him back. "Wait isn't there cameras Here?" I asked "nope that why a lot of people come here well a lot of couples come here" Cody said. He put his hand on my chin and rised it up so he could kiss me again.

"Bringing bringing* the school bed went.

In the Changing room
At basketball club

We all went to basketball and Cody and Chester played in todays practice Game.

Ellie looked at Carly who was staring at me. "OI you 2 are done get over it Carly" Abigail said. At the moment I looked over at Carly and just looked at her with no emotions. Carly looked away and looked back at her bag as didn't say a thing. "Let's just go" Abigail said as she picked up her water bottle and walked to the door. "Okay but don't hit me on the back of the head again" Ellie said as she got her water bottle. I picked up my water bottle and as I was about to leave when my face got wet from Carly splashing water at my face. She laughed then walked out.

In the Hall

Cody walked up to me and asked "are you okay?". I didn't say anything but I just nodded. I could tell Cody was annoyed. "Hey Cody" Carly said. "Fuck of you slut" Cody said as he put his arm around me.

We played a few games and a few rounds. Before we had to pack back up to head home.

At Home

In Cody's Room

"Hey Cody" I said "yeah? You okay?" Cody asked. "Yeah I'm just feeling a bit tired" I said "do you want to sleep" Cody asked "yeah" I said in a tired voice. "Alright but first I would like a kiss! just one since I know that your tired" cody said. I leaned up a little a kissed him I wanted to keep kissing him but i was really tired. "Good night Cody" I said. "Good night love" Cody said as he kissed my forehead.

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