The Extra part

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Next day

Katelyn's POV

I couldn't sleep that night. what Amabel said to me kept me up all night I didn't know what to say about it or what to think about It either. Just knowing that I made Cody worried mad me feel so angry and sad with myself. I'm supposed to make sure he doing okay and he isn't in any trouble.

I got up and I went into the kitchen and got myself a glass of water I then went outside to take a breath I looked up to see all the stars where shining brightly. "Hey what are you doing outside so late" Cody asked "I could ask you to same thing you know" I Laughed.

We talked for a while and then  back into the kitchen and back to our room. I stared at the wall witch had photos of the all my friends and all the fun times we had. While Cody laid right next to me. I told him what happened and why I was so late.

We laid down on the bed as Cody putted on a movie. We where starting to fall asleep.

Katelyn's POV
After school

"Today is Halloween" Abi said. "Yeah it is" Ellie said. "Do you guys still want to come out with us" I asked. They both nodded then Ellie stop and said "I might be going out with some old friends now I'm thinking about it but I'll let you know". "Ah shit I have to go to the toilet" Ellie said "yeah Same" Abi said.

I could tell Abi was annoying Ellie a bit. I didn't know what with but I could tell, Ellie even said it herself too.

'I was excited about tonight since it's Halloween and I love going out for Halloween. I have had so many good memories about it. But this time I get to go with Cody, Ray, Chester, Abi and maybe Ellie.' I thought to myself as I was waiting for Ellie and Abi to come out of the toilet stalls.

We started to walk home until Ellie got a phone call and she told us "sorry I probably won't be able to make it tonight... well maybe if I know the time but Yeah". We nodded our heads and split up.

Me and Abi went to hers first so we could get her outfit then we went back to mine.

At the house
W/ Abi and Katelyn
Katelyn's POV
In the living room

"What time will we be leaving at?" Abi asked. "Im not sure just yet but I will find out and let you know" I said.

Cody walked into the living room and kissed my forehead then went to the kitchen. I smiled and blushed a little then I remembered Abi was watching.

"Are you two a thing or something!?" Abi asked. "That what I thought at first but no" Chester and Ray said.

We got our dinner then started to get ready.

AN: Next Part Will Be posted ever later today or tomorrow and that will have the Halloween party.

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