Christmas eve

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Words 615

Katelyn POV
24th of December

I Woke up and went to the toilet. I went back to the bedroom and got back in bed. I truned around to see that I woke Cody up.

"Love what are you doing up so early?" Cody asked.

"Sorry baby I had to go to the toilet" I said.

"Ah okay" Cody said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Your so little" Cody said giggling

"Cody that's mean" I said trying not to laugh.

"Yeah mean like the little secret you guys did after we got back from getting our dress outfit for the boxing day thing" Ray said

Mine and Cody face went bright red of embarrassment.

"H-how did you know" Cody said

"Cody there's security cameras in the house and yous started making out heavy time in the living room" Ray said.

"Didn't mum tell you to wait till your 18 since then kate will Be 16" Chester.

"I'm old enough to have sex now you 2" Cody said

"keep it in your pants Cody " Ray laughed.

After they got back from the shop


Oi I'm going out with a few friends, I'll be back before mum gets home tho hopefully" Ray said then left the house

"I'm going to go and get my suit looked at" Chester said

They left Cody and Katelyn alone in the house again.

"So what was that certain something that you wanted to do?" Katelyn asked

"Oh Yeah, I guess my age doesn't really matter to you does it?" Cody said.

"It does it's just i don't want you to get in trouble cause I'm under age and your now 16 while I'm near 14" Katelyn said.

Katelyn Stared to walk up to Cody. Cody but his hands on Katelyn's waist.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I will understand if you don't put I just to do it if you want to.

"It's okay baby! I feel the same. I want to do this with you" Katelyn said.

"Are you sure I mean you are younger" Cody said

"I'm young and that's okay plus it's only 2 years between us" Katelyn said.

"Yeah your right" Cody said as he went around the living room shutting all the blinds.

No POV / Katelyn's POV

Cody walked closer to me and pinned me to the wall

Cody started kissing Katelyn

"I love you baby" Cody said with a smirk on his face. "I-I love you too b-baby" Katelyn said

Cody but his hand on Katelyn neck and stared kissing her lips.

Cody took his shirt of then took Katelyn's top of and threw it a cross the room.

Cody truned back to Katelyn and stared kissing her neck again.

Cody pick her up.

Katelyn wrapped her legs around his waist, and started kissing his lips.

He kissed her back and took them to their room.

Cody opened his door then shut it after they got in.

Cody put Katelyn down on the bed then got on top of her and started kissing her abdomen.

One of his hands where on her waist and the other one was on the bed keeping him steady.

Christmas eve

"Well it was your fault in the end Cody" Ray Said.

"S-shut up Ray" Cody said.

Katelyn looked at them then laughed

"What's so funny?" Ray asked

"We didn't have that we just got really touchy that's it" Katelyn said and smiled.

Everyone looked at her in annoyance. Cody smiled.

"Alright everyone dinners ready" Amabel said.

AN: so sorry I had no clue what I was going to write so this is what came to mind.

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