again really!?

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Words 437

In the house
Katelyn's POV
Monday morning
4th of December

I woke up and saw Cody wasn't there so I got out of bed and got ready for school.

'hmm I wonder where Cody is he normally waits for me to wake up or he wakes me up' I thought


'they're yelling again? What could it be about now I said as I rolled my eyes' I thought.

I sighed and went down stairs to see what was all going on.

"What's going on? What are we yelling about now?" I asked as I entered the living room.

"Sorry about that Baby, did we by any chance wake you up?" Cody asked nervously.

"No I woke up before I hread Ray yell something about him being the oldest sibling" I said

"Sorry about that we where just having our siblings argument" Chester said.

"Tell her what you told me Cody" Ray Said as a tone anger was in it.

"Tell me what?" I asked as I was confused and concerned.

"Well um can I speak with you in private?" Cody asked.

"Uh sure" I said.

Cody took my hand and we went into a different room.

"She's dead" Ray said

"I atcally think it might be you" Chester said.

"What have you all done to that sweet little girl" Amabel said.

"I've done nothing mum it's all been Cody and Ray" Chester said

"Respect your olders" Ray said

"Yeah by 9 mouth" Amabel said

Cody and Katelyn walked into the living room, they stop and looked at everyone. Everyone went very silent then ray stared laughing.

"So what going now?" Amabel said

"We're going shopping"  Katelyn Said.

"Again?" Amabel said

"Yeah it's about the dinner thing" I said.

Later on
down the street
Katelyn pov
At the shop

"Baby what do you want to get for the dinner thing" Cody said.

"Well I kinda have an Idea I guess" I said

"Oh can we see?" Cody said

"You'll have to wait and see" I laughed

"Oh?" Cody asked

"Yep, since I've got everything I am going to help you 3 get a outfit" I said.

In the shop

"Aw look at them they look so much older" I said trying not to laugh.

"Baby remember I'm yours" Cody said

"Aww are you jealous?" I asked

"Kate can we do something when we get back" Cody asked.

"Uh sure! Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm alright don't worry" Cody said.

I got on my tippy toes and kisses cody.

Those Lost eyes - book 2Where stories live. Discover now