the afternoon of boxing pt2

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the afternoon of boxing Part 2
Cody's POV
Down the street

"I wonder what mum had to say to Kate"Ray said.

"Yeah but I'm sure it was nothing bad our mum really likes her" Chester said

"Yeah our mum love her for sure it's kinda sad" I said

"Ha" Ray said

"So I've got a question Cody? Well make that 2 questions" Chester said

"Alright what is it?" I said

"Well yesterday at dad's you and Katelyn went outside for nearly 2 hours what was that about?" Chester asked

"Yeah I'm also wondering" Ray said

"Well she was asking about the whole collage thing and with her being in high school" I said

"Oh right I forgot about that" Ray Said

"Well I'm sure we'll figure something out" Chester said.

"Yeah" I said

"Oh and my second question is have you told her yet about our family secret?" Chester asked.

"No not yet but she'll probably know when we all turn 18" I Said.

"Alright good, plus that also means we know she's not dating you for the money" Ray said.

"I could of told you that" I said

"Yeah every time someone gives her money she gives it back to them" Chester said.

"Well duh she nice like that you dumbass" Ray said.

"Shut up Ray" I Said.

Chester rolled his eyes and went into the shop that Thier mum told them to. Ray and Cody saw that Chester was walking away and followed him to where he was going.

"I think this one is nice" Chester said

"Yeah but it's not the one" I said

The brothers went around the shop looking for the perfect head piece. Chester looked at his phone and saw the time.

"Guys it's 20 past 1pm" Chester said

"Yeah?" Ray said.

"We need to get ready too and the time we get back up it will Be 3pm" Chester said.

I looked at my phone to see that I got a missed call from mum say "where are yous? get back home now!" I looked at my brother's and then looked over to my right since something cought my eye.

"It's perfect" I Said.

"Yeah I'm sure she will love it" Chester said.

"Yeah I hope so" I said.

I looked at it then looked at Ray and Chester they nodded their head. I looked at the head piece then shock my head.



saw that Cody wasn't too sure about buying it but it was perfect for her it was the one but when I saw that Cody just left the shop I knew what I had to do. I grabbed the head piece then went to the checkout to buy it.

"Oi The Only girl that is going to like this is your girl! Not mine!" I said.

"W-what how did you?" Cody tried to speak.

"You've done this before. Remember today is about how it goes with you and Kate" I said.

"What about your girl?" Cody asked

"They have already met my girlfriend" I replied

"So they have met your girlfriend while we still haven't?" Cheers said.

"Well when you say it like that then yeah" I said.

"That's so unfair" Cody said.

"Well to be honest Katelyn was the first person to meet her, she was the one that actually introduced me to her" I said.

"Wait so do we know them? in the world of people that you have fallen in love with..." Cody said.

"Well yeah yous have atcally a few times" I said.

"It's just me in this single world or I'm just unlovable" Chester said.

"Oi don't talk to yourself like that we all love you and would never leave you and me the only one that spends more time with you should know that" Cody Said.

"Well..." i said

"I think it's atcally Kate they spend so much time together now" I said.

"Well she an exception she my best friend" Chester said.

The brothers got a taxi back to the house then stared to get ready.

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