what a day

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Words: 512

The next day
Cody's POV

I woke up to see that Katelyn fell asleep in my arms last night.

I remember those words that's she told me the ones that I felt like was going to brake me. The fact that she would rather get hurt than have me hurt or anyone for that matter.

I started at the wall of photos of me and Kate and thought what would we do since I'm going into college and she going into 3rd year after the summer holiday but I guess that doesn't really matter right now since it's not even been Christmas yet.

A few hours later 12:00
Katelyn woke up and they went downstairs

"Cody it's cold" Katelyn complained. "My jumper is on the couch if you would like to wear it" I said as I looked over at her. "Okay" she replied.

"I'm going to make lunch would you like something?" I asked. "Uh sure... I'll have what ever your having" Kate said. "Alright" I replied.

I went into the kitchen and started making lunch for everyone.

In the living room
Katelyn's POV

I went over and grabbed Cody's jumper and got it on. I sat down on the couch and put the TV on and stared watching a series I was nearly done with.

"Oi Cody what the date?" Ray asked "it's the 18th of November?... Why?" Cody asked. "Cause I've got a date on the 21st with my girlfriend" Ray replied "ah okay" Cody Said.

"So Katelyn mind explaining what happened yesterday that you didn't come back home till 8pm and we even had a half day so we got out at 12:25" ray said.

I stayed quiet and looked at him

"Not mentioned you didn't even come home at all before that or did you literally just get in?" Ray said.

His voice was starting to get angry so I knew I had to say something but what though.

"Ray, Chester come here please" Cody said. Ray and Chester both looked at me with a concerned look then went through the the kitchen.

Cody explained everything to them and why she didn't want to say anything but he didn't tell them who did It. While Katelyn had to wait and sit on the couch.


Sorry for grumping at you I was just..." Ray said then looked over at Cody.

Cody nodded his head.

"I was just worried..." Ray said as he truned his face towards Katelyn but didn't make eye contact.

"what's that smell?" Chester asked.
"What smell?" Ray replied
"That's smells like something burning" Katelyn said.
"AH SHIT THR FOOD" Cody said as he ran through to the kitchen.

They got everything cleaned up and thankfully nothing was to badly damaged it was just the food so instead of staying in for lunch the 4 of them went out.

AN: sorry this chapter was late I'll try and finish with what I need to do then get back to being on track and posting back to the holiday book.

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