new years 🎉

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Words 1507
A few days later
New year's eve
Cody's POV

I woke up to see that Katelyn was half on the bed and half of the bed. I pulled her back up and tried to wake her up.

(Today was special a very very special day since today I was planning on probosing to Katelyn well promise rings anyways. So I had the day all planned out. Yesterday Ray and Chester invited our friends for a new years party. Ellie, Simon, Abigail, Aaron, Marco and a new friend Leah well she's a friend of Aaron's anyways.)

I woke Katelyn up and we went down stairs then had breakfast then got ready for the day. So did ray, Chester and mum

We started by going shopping and alcohol drinks. Then got some more food then got some outfit's well all got to pick 1 outfit but I pick another one for Kate that she doesn't know about.

We headed home and got everything seated out. Everyone got changed into the outfit that they got. (Kate wear the one that she picked) And went down stairs just in time for everyone to get here.

(Sorry Idk what to write so I'm going to skipping to the count down)



I kissed Katelyn on the lips. We both smiled. Everyone was having fun and having a good time.

(Sorry I'm getting bored and wanting to go to the spicy part now)

Katelyn's POV

"Hey babe" cody said

"Yeah?" I replied

"Can you go into our room I have an outfit I would like you to try on" Cody said.

"Okay I will" I said I went up stairs to try it on.

I looked in the mirror after I tried it on and went downstairs straight away to get Cody.

"C-cody this is to short?!" I said in embarrassment

"It's supposed to be like that it isn't short" Cody said

"TRUN around" I said

"Okay okay" he said

Cody truned around and his face went bright red.

"Well if I think we should leave this party and go into our room for some privacy" Cody said.


Cody picked me up and put me over his shoulder and took me upstairs.

"Okay now that we have some privacy I wanted to ask you something..." Cody said.

"Okay sure?" I said.

Cody got down on one knee and pulled out a box.

"Katelyn will you forever be my one and only lover?"


I ran up to him and kissed him

(Lemon time 🍋)
(Cody's POV)

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