looking at shops

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Words 450

Down the street
26th of November

Katelyn, Cody, Chester and Ray went down the street to go shopping.

"What are we even doing at this point?" Ray asked.

"I don't Kate just dragged me out of my room" Chester replied.

"So love what are we doing?" Cody asked

"So you know how Christmas is coming up?" Katelyn said

"Babe it's still not till next month" Cody said.

"Still... I love Christmas and it's even better this year cause I get to spen it with you guys" Katelyn said as she looked up at the sky as it was starting the snow a little bit.

Katelyn's POV

"Your ready want to spend Christmas with us that badly?" Ray asked.

"Yeah... But when you put it like that then..." I said trying not to laugh but failed immediately.

"Hey Kate do U want to go look in some shops today then go buy some stuff next week?" Chester asked.

"Yeah but what if we find something that we like but then it's gone next week?" I asked.

"Then we can get It today" Ray said.

I looked over at them and smiled.

"When we get back to the house can I hug yous?" I asked

"Why not do it now?" Cody asked

"Cause Ray asked me not to do it in public unless it's just us 4" I said.

"That makes sense since it is Ray" Cody laughed.

"HEY!" Ray yelled.

"So what do we need to get?" Chester asked.

"Well I talked to Amabel about it and she said that it's fine so..." I said

"What are you on about?" Ray asked.

"Oh yeah I didn't tell yous..." I said nervously

"Well on boxing Day we're going out for a Christmas dinner with a few others so we need to get outfit for that" Cody said

"Yeah the theme is red, pink, white and black so you can pick from those 4 coulrs" I said.

Ray and Chester just started at us.

'sigh' "fine whatever" Ray said.

"Well we can get outfits another day but for now why don't we just get decorations and presents?" I asked.

"Yeah Sure whatever" Ray said.

We went to a few shops and looked around for a bit.

But like they Said earlier there was nothing till next week for Christmas stuff.

"We should get back home" Ray said

"Yeah okay sure" I said.

"You seem tired" Cody said

"Hmm yeah just a little bit" I said

Cody walked up behind me and picked me up.

"Huh?" I said

"Rest I'll take care of you" Cody said.

We all headed back to the house and got ready for school the next day.

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