The Week of! PT 1

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Cody POV

'Oh She feel asleep laying on my arm again' I thought while looking at Katelyn. "Good morning Cody, but why are you staring at me?" Katelyn asked. "I wasn't staring at you!" I said as my checks went bright red. "Okay sure, if you say so" Katelyn said nearly following back asleep. "What's that supposed to mean!?" I said nearly yelling. Katelyn just laughed "Be quite your going to wake everyone up" she laughed. "CODY SHUT UP MAN, YOU WOKE US UP" Ray yelled while he slammed the door open with Chester standing next to him. "My apologies" Katelyn said as she looked at both of them. "It's fine I guess" Ray said as he was more anoyned with Cody. "Yous should get ready for school" Katelyn said "Oh and Ray don't you have an exam tomorrow" I asked "uh yeah I do" Ray said in annoyance. "I'll help you suddy Ray" Katelyn said. "Thanks I appreciate it" Ray said. At this moment I felt a bit jealous but happy at the same time. "Can you help me to" I asked, She tilted her head and she smiled "Yeah" Katelyn said as her smile grow bigger.


Me and Katelyn where laying on my bed we where both tired and still in our Pajamas "Hey Cody, what are we going today since we're home alone and we're not allowed to leave the house" Katelyn asked as she put her head on my shoulder "why don't we have a movie night?" I asked "yeah sure but what is it?" She asked, "well um you but a movie on and you have snacks, treats and drinks, you can enjoy it with family or friends" I said "Can we watch with both? She asked as she sat up quickly. "Yeah you can" I replied "Can we do it on Friday then?" She asked again with a big smile. I could tell she wanted to do it with some friends. "Sure have any friends in mind?" I asked. "Yes" Katelyn said as she smiling so much. "May I ask who?" I asked in case if it's any boys "it's Ellie, Simon and Abi or Abigail she doesn't mind" She said. "Oh alright then" I said I have seen them all before but didn't know then well. "So then what do you want to do today?" I asked "How about we clean the house today so we can help your mum and make plans for the rest of the week?" She asked. "Yeah sure" I said "so do have an idea?" I asked "yeah sorrta but how about we clean tomorrow" She said. "Alright" I said confused.

"Today we can make food today for everyone

then tomorrow we can clean the house

then wednesday we can go and asked the family and our friends if they want to come over For the movie on Friday

then on Thursday we can go shopping for snacks, treats and drinks then find or buy a movie to watch and then

Friday we can finish getting the stuff then watch the movie with everyone!"

Katelyn said while taking a breath every time she said a new day. "Yeah sure" I replied

Later that Day
With Cody and Katelyn
Cody's POV

My mum was at work till 18:30 and wouldn't be back till 19:10 and my brothers and younger siblings where at the park and wouldn't be back till the same time cause Ray and Chester had a surprise for them. While me and Katelyn where think about what to cook for dinner but she wanted to something normal while I wanted to do something fancy but we couldn't agree so instead we did something a little bit different something normal and something Fancy. We both stared to on making dinner and we both help each other out and at 19:05 the dinner was finish and we started to set the table and we put out everyone's favourite drink but unfortunately we had to go shopping for the food and drink but we had my father credit card cause we said we wanted to get him something but all we got him was toilet paper. Everyone got home and sat down at the table.

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