a little fight

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Few days later
Katelyn's POV

I got home from school and went to the kitchen to eat my dinner. I had such a bad. 'will he atcally leave me' I thought to myself. 'will she actually make us brake up or-' I thought until I was cut of by Amabel (the brothers mum). She walked in and asked "why I are you back so late today. "I'm so sorry I didn't think it would take so long to finish up some homework in the library" I said "it's alright but maybe next time call or text me please I could have picked you up and Cody got super worried" Amabel said "I will I'm sorry" I said.

I finished eating my dinner then went to my room and stared getting ready for bed. I couldn't find any of my pajamas so I put on one of Cody's joggers on and and one of his warm jumpers.

I got in bed then I felt someone pull me closer to them. "Everything okay Love?" Cody asked as he pulled me into him closer. "I'm okay but there's something I need to tell you" I said. Cody sat up and looked at me. He was ready to listen to what I had to say.

"I was late getting back today since..."

"I was walking down the corridor when I saw Carly and she was calling out to me. I ignored her at first but she ran up to me and pulled my arm so I couldn't keep walking away. She was going on about that she was going to make my life a living hell and she was going to turn All my friends against me. So I got into a little argument with her. She then before I left she said something to me that really got me brunning up with anger. she said she's been trying to hit on Cody since we broke up and it's been driving me crazy."

"I'm sorry it's just I don't want to lose you and if anything ever happened I want to be the one that gets hurt not you!!" I said as my eyes stared tearing up and a few tears fell. Cody pulled me into a hug. "It's okay I won't leave you... I love you" he said as he whispered the last part.

"C-Cody what did you say?" I said as my checks went bright red.

Cody looked into Katelyn eyes that where red from the crying. Her eyes looked lost the same eyes she had when she first moved into the house a few months back.

He took me into his arm as if he was trying to hold me and me pulled me closer to him.

"I promise you that you'll Never be alone ever" Cody said as he kissed my forehead. I didn't say anything put put my arm around him and just stayed their thinking that everything was going to be fine...

But the next few day I think I was wrong

To be continued

AN: Im going to be adding on to the "lost holiday trip" a some point so maybe when that comes out you'll read it?

Those Lost eyes - book 2Where stories live. Discover now