wow you too

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Words 571

Next day
Katelyn's POV

I woke up and saw that Cody was sleeping. He had no clothes. I looked around the room for some off Cody's clothes since I also had no clothes on.

I went to stand up and feel right back down on the floor.

"My love are you okay" Cody said as sat up quickly.

He looked around the room then saw me in the floor.

"Baby!" Cody said

"Thank you" I said

"Huh??? Oh wait a sec... I love you my princess but you are bedridden now my love" Cody said as he smirked

"Wow cody you really have no shame when you get horny do you?" Ray laughed

"Shut up Ray" Cody said.

"Are you okay Kate?" Chester asked

"I'm okay don't worry about me it's your brother's fault" I said laughing.

"Oh well next time I'll be sure you won't be able to even stand up for a second" Cody smirked.

"You do that I'll give her full permission to get you up the ass" Ray laughed.

"Hey! That's not fair" Cody replied to that insult.

A mouth past and Katelyn had her 14th birthday only Ray and Chester knew about them having sex since Amabel was pished and then had a hangover so she doesn't exactly remember anything Ellie, Simon, Abigail, Marco and Aaron where do pished to remember anything.

The day before valentine's day 💘💌
Katelyn's pov

I woke up to see that I was alone. I looked around the room and I found a note.

Hey baby
We have gone to get some stuff done, so we won't be back till later. Remember I love you and only you your the best thing that has ever happened to me love you lots xxx

"So they won't be home till later,?... so that means I can get stuff done and not get bothered... Yay.

I wrote a not and put it on the wall under the TV.

I went out to get some stuff for Cody since it is valentine's day tomorrow and I can't wait to spend it with him.

Cody's POV

I woke up to see that Kate was still sleeping and me and my mum and brother had something planned so me, Ray and Chester could all go on a triple date.

We where heading to a cafe when we saw Marco.

"Oh hey uh Cody your Kate's boyfriend right?" Marco asked

"Why do you want to know?" I replied

"Cause if you are then I was going to ask about valentine's date with me and Abi with yous" Marco said

Ray smiled "sure why not" he said.

"Heh Ray!?" I said confused and annoyed

"Come on it'll be fun" Ray said

"Plus you'll be able to find out if he dose atcally like Kate" Ray whisperer.

"Fine" I said

We book the stuff booked and we got some stuff for Kate but our mum is going to get them in the morning so they don't die.

Back at the house
Katelyn's POV

I ran downstairs since I hread the door bell.

"Hel- Cody?" I said surprised

"Hey love would you like to be my valentine's" Cody asked

"YES! Of courses" I yelled happily.

I went outside and jumped up and hugged Cody.

"Alright let's get you inside love" Cody said as me got a tight grip on me and took us in side.

Those Lost eyes - book 2Where stories live. Discover now