The Other Person Possessed By an Evil Spirit

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Under strange circumstances a young woman was placed under arrest for physically assaulting her stepmother.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law."
The officer said robotically as he shoved Sid into the paddy wagon. The words "Seattle Police Department" on the side of the car.
"How's your day been so far?"
The cop questioned, seeing if he could get anything out of her.
Sid said nothing.
"Any weekend plans? It is a Friday after all."
The cop continues.
Sid said nothing.
The cop continued with various seemingly innocent questions. Sid let silence hang in the air after each question. They got to the station within 15 minutes.
The car stops in a parking spot labeled
"Police only"
The officer gets out of the car, grabs Sid and yanks her out of the car. At the same time a van with a large, brown wagon wheel design pulls into the spot next to the police car. A man wearing a hat that says
And had the same wagon wheel as the van on it.
The man took his Speedwagon foundation ID out of his pocket.
"Investigator Jason Newstead. I'm here to pick up the individual known as Sid Greenside."
The man said sternly.
"Yes, but you're foundation's headquarters are in Texas and Washington D.C., this prisoner owes time in Washington state."
The officer said sheepishly.
"It doesn't matter, this individual is of interest to the Speedwagon foundation, you will hand them over immediately."
The investigator demanded.
The officer, unsure what to do, scurried into the police station to ask the chief what to do. In that moment of panic he mistakenly left Sid outside without another officer.
"Come with me unless you want to go to jail."
The investigator said desperately.
"This guy seems like he needs me more than I don't want to go back to jail."
Sid thought to herself.
"My mom always told me not to accept rides from strangers but, just this one time."
Sid jested, opening the passenger door with her still cuffed hands. Sid was so focused on getting in the car that, to her surprise there was someone already sitting there.
"Nah uh, sister, you're getting in the back."
The man sitting there said sarcastically.
"Sorry, was so focused I didn't see you there."
Sid said with remorse. She closed the door and opened the sliding doors to the back seats. Two other men, all in the same uniform of a white short sleeve, button down shirt, the hat that said "Speedwagon foundation" and light brown khakis, were sitting back there. One pointed to the seat next to him in the middle row.
"You sit there."
He commanded. He continued,
"While we'll be able to pull some strings and get your charges dropped, we still consider you a prisoner but, you're going to be carrying out your sentence in a different way."
He paused, unsure how to break the news.
"We have reason to believe you have Joestar blood."
His voice softened.
"I don't mean to be rude but, could you pull down the back neck area of your shirt."
Sid, still unsure of what he meant by "carrying out your sentence in a different way" but also feeling trapped, turned her back toward the man and slowly pulled down the back neck of her Metallica t-shirt.
"It's there"
The man shouted to the rest of the people in the van.
"Take a girl out to dinner first why don't ya?"
Sid whispered under her breath.
"I got some questions, first off, something basic. I'd like to know everyone's names, because I'm just curious about who is going to murder me. I know Jason there in the drivers seat but, that's about it. I'll go first, my name is Sid Greenside, but you guys already seem to know that part. I'm 18 years old, My favorite color is glow in the dark and ...I don't want to die. How about you fine gentleman?"
Sid asked in a scared yet, playful tone.
"We apologize Sid, we've been withholding information from you. We wanted to make sure police weren't following us before we said too much."
Jason said apologetically, he continued.
"This guy next to me is the senior investigator of your case, Layne Staley."
He looked to be in his early fifties with salt and pepper hair under his hat and had a stereotypical grizzled detective look about him.
"Nice to finally meet you."
His voice was low.
"The guy next to you is Ron James and behind you is Dave Grohl."
Jason continued. Ron and Dave gave polite yet generic greetings.
"What do you mean by my case and finally meeting me? I've never heard of the Speedwagon foundation in my life. And when I showed Ron the back of my neck why did he get so excited and say, it's there?"
Sid questioned.
"Everyone with Joestar blood has a star shaped birthmark on the nape of their neck. The Speedwagon foundation, on paper, was formed by Robert E.O. Speedwagon with funds from his oil business to do medical research and contribute to environmental conservation efforts. While all this is true, they also help the Joestars via supernatural research and resources. But, we keep that part under wraps. You'll soon understand why."
Layne continues,
"We're almost to SeaTac airport where a helicopter is going to be taking you and I to foundation headquarters in Washington D.C. where you will be DNA tested to see if you definitively are a Joestar. We will also test if you have something called a stand. If you have neither and just a solid right hook, you will be taken back to SPD headquarters. They will charge you with assault, which you knew before, but also most likely attempted escape and/or resisting arrest."
The van stopped in the parking garage of SeaTac airport. Sid, still with handcuffs on, unbuckled her seatbelt and struggled her way out of the van.
"There any way to get these cuffs off Mr. Staley?"
Sid pleaded.
"We may have gotten to know each other a bit but, you're still a prisoner. So, sorry, no can do. Let's get rolling."
Only Layne and Sid got out of the car. As soon as they did the van sped off.
"Sorry, we have to be so secretive but, there is a lot going on right now for the foundation and the other Joestars right now. I can't tell you more until we get to the headquarters."
Layne whispered. He grabbed her by the chain on her handcuffs and dragged her along.
"Keep up, we don't want to be late, now do we."
Layne joked.
"Under any other circumstances he would be an endearing old man."
Sid thought to herself. They got inside the airport and walked up to a random pilot. Layne tapped her shoulder and quickly flashed his Speedwagon ID. She nodded her head in understanding and started walking. Layne and Sid followed her through the airport. Down the escalators, following the metal fish decor on the floors, to a door that led to a sectioned off area of runway with a helicopter with the Speedwagon foundation logo on the side.
There were already two pilots inside, waiting for them. They got in the helicopter, Sid fell asleep and as soon as they had taken off, they landed at the foundation headquarters in Washington D.C.
They got out, again Layne grabbed Sid by the chain of her handcuffs and dragged her across the runway, he was walking faster than last time, to the point where she had to sprint to keep up with him.
They went through a set of double doors that opened to a wide room with the Speedwagon foundation logo on the center of the floor.
"Welcome to the Speedwagon foundation headquarters. Get used to it because it's where you're staying until we figure a couple things out."
Layne barked at Sid. Sid ignored him. He dragged her along with him to a desk near a keyed entry door.
"Sid, this is Florence, she works the front desk. You're not going to be seeing much of her though because you're going to be behind these doors for the next couple of days."
Layne let out a hearty laugh. Again, Sid ignored him but, sarcastically waved hello to Florence.
"So, is this the Sid character I've been hearing about around the office?"
Florence said flatly in a nasal voice. She continued,
"The whole, who's the father thing has everyone on the edge of their seats. Feels like a reality television show."
"Great, people around here already know me."
Sid thought to herself.
"Florence, it's been lovely chatting but, could you buzz me through to investigations."
Layne asked politely. Without a word Florence tapped a button on her desk and the door made a buzzing noise. Layne took out his ID a pressed it against a black panel next to the door. It buzzed again and automatically opened.
They walked through into a narrow hallway and went through the third door down marked "investigations." It opened into what looked like the back of a doctor's office but, instead of medical equipment, there were file cabinets all marked with different names.
Layne stopped at one with Sid's last name on it, riffled through the drawers, grabbed a couple of files and handed them over to someone else. He dragged Sid over to a room, the door labeled "holding room 2." The room was barren, only a small, black, square table and two chairs placed opposite sides of the table. The walls were plain white, no windows.
"Take a seat, get comfortable."
Layne motioned to the chair facing the door. Sid sat down. Layne took a key out of his pocket and unlocked Sid's handcuffs. Sid started to rub her wrists to soothe try and soothe the ache of wearing handcuffs for so long.
"Finally, I thought I was going to be buried in those things."
Sid whined.
"Count it as one last lucky breaks you're going to get for awhile."
Layne sounded tired. He had had enough of Sid.
"Here's what's going on."
Layne started.
"Fucking finally!"
Sid shouted.
"Shut up and listen. Joseph Joestar,"
"The realtor."
Sid interrupted.
"Yes, Joseph Joestar, the realtor, has an... unfortunate habit of, uh... cheating on his wife. Which is wh- well, speak of the devil."
A woman in a white lab coat and heels comes in. She's holding a long cotton swab in sterilized packaging and a test tube.
"Well, you must be the one who's been causing all the hubbub in the office. Alrighty hun, I'm just going to stick this in your mouth real quick to collect some saliva for our DNA test. Open wide."
She spoke in thick southern accent. Sid opened her mouth, the woman put on her gloves, opened the package and gathered her spit. She put the swab in the test tube, told Sid thanks and just like that it was done.
"It's probably going to take the lab a couple hours for the lab to get the results. We believe that you might be the product of one of his affairs. While the birthmark is a large indicator that you are a Joestar, we want to make sure it's not a coincidence or a tattoo you're not willing to tell us about."
Layne continues,
"To shift topics a bit, 100 years ago, Mr. Joestar's grandfather fought a vampire by the name of DIO and lost. DIO stole his body and four years ago, woke from his slumber. Two years ago your mother died under suspicious circumstances. A heart disease that hadn't been diagnosed before her death was to blame. Her body had been found raped and with no blood left in her veins. We are certain that DIO is to blame, it falls in line with how we find all his other victims. We know that Joestars can sense when each other are nearby but, due to this situation we're worried that DIO can sense Joestars in a long range sense."
Sid was stunned, she didn't know what to say. Layne sensed this but knew they didn't have time for awkward silences.
"To change topics again, we're going to talk a bit more about you. Since you were fifteen you've been arrested twice, both times for petty theft. Thought you have gotten away with it almost a dozen times. Parents divorced when you were less than a year old. Your mother died when you were sixteen, though you didn't get along with her too well. A lot of petty bickering starting when you were ten. You moved in with the man who you thought was your father after your mother's death. You once called the person you thought was your stepmother "more of the same but, also somehow worse." She was a manipulative person who started to resent you the second you walked in the door. Your father did nothing and the rage started to build. You swore up and down to your father that you didn't touch her, that it just happened out of thin air. He thought you were nuts and called the police. And here we are now... We believe you have something called a stand. Research tells us that a stand is a manifestation of the soul. Only some people have stands, those who are are called stand users. Only stand users can see stands and while we don't have any stand users on site, we do have tests that determine if you have a stand. Basic stuff you should be able to do if you have a stand."
Layne droned on as if he had said this all a thousand times.
"You're saying a ghost that's made of my soul caused me to deck my stepmom. And since you seem to know a lot about me, I guess you guys have been watching me my entire life. During everything you watched happen, you didn't think to step in once. Your organization just decided to let me have a shitty childhood."
Sid rambled in anger.
"Orders from Mr. Joestar we're only to step in if there were signs of you having strange powers."
Layne stated,
"Someone from the information department is going to come in and go over some basic information about you, just to make sure your records are correct."
Layne got up and left the room, the large door making a loud bang as he left.
A few minutes later a man wearing the Speedwagon foundation uniform, holding a cup of coffee, a notebook and files tucked under his arm walked in. His hair wasn't visible from under his hat and he had a grey mustache.
"I swear I'm going to be one of the last people in this uniform you're going to see, we'll have you outta here soon. First off, you're test results came back. Joseph Joestar, genetically speaking, is your father. Secondly, I would like to go over some basic questions, height, weight, etc."
"Height? In centimeters please."
"How tall is 5'11 in centimeters?"
"So that's 180.34 cm"
The man mumbled to himself while writing in the notebook.
"Weight? In kilograms."
"Um... about 58.9... I think."
"So about 130 pounds."
"Ok, 58.9 kilograms."
He mumbled to himself again while writing.
"Full legal name, we are pretty sure Sid is just a nickname and we don't have your middle name on file."
"Sidney Alexander Greenside."
"Lovely name, I don't know why you don't go by Sidney more often."
Sid felt uncomfortable, she never liked her full first name.
"You've been to twice for petty theft before, right?"
"Did they put you in men's or women's jail?"
"Women's because of my chest."
"Hair color?"
"Is that your natural hair color?"
"I know it sounds strange but, yes."
"It's not that strange, apparently your great grandfather, Jonathan Joestar, had the same color hair, guess it skips a few generations."
"Do you always keep your hair just below shoulder length and do you use a straightener or curling iron?"
"Yes and my hair is naturally straight."
The man paused to write the information.
"Any tattoo's, piercings, other body modifications?"
"My nose stud and the tattoo on my arm here."
"Nose piercing and tattoo of a star with thick black lining and red star inside the lining on right forearm."
He muttered to himself while writing.
"Sorry I don't mean to pick apart everything about your appearance, we're just worried about the possibility of a stand that mimics people's appearance. We want to have as much as possible, Incase an imposter makes a mistake."
Sid nodded in agreement.
"Along that line, is this similar to what you'd usually wear?"
"Usually, when I'm around the house, you don't get the chance to pack before going to jail."
Sid let out a chuckle.
"Fair enough, you're father set aside an allowance for you in case if something like this happened. Before you leave we'll give you some supervised time at stores of your choice."
"Thanks, but, where am I going?"
"No problem. But, we don't have time for questions right now. We'll have someone explain the situation to you later, you can ask questions then. Just remember them for later."
Sid knew she committed assault but, jail or prison somehow felt just a tad bit more appealing right now. At least she would've known where she was and where she was going. But she also felt extremely lucky because it sounded like she was going to have some form of freedom somewhat soon.
"You're records show you were diagnosed with OCD at 12 and Autism and ADHD at 17. Is this correct?"
"No judgement and we won't report anything you say to police. Do you smoke, drink or use any kind of drugs?"
"I smoke cigarettes and drink."
Sid was wondering why they were asking about that but, was too shaken up by all of this to say anything.
"Have you ever been out of the country?"
"No, my family was never able to afford many vacations."
Sid knew that the Joestar family was rich and could afford to go anywhere they wanted, when they wanted. For that reason Sid's voice was filled with resentment.
"Alright, we'll have any documents you need printed within a day. During that time we're going to have our resident stand expert come over and have you take their test. Should be really simple so, don't fret about not passing it."
The man took a sip of his coffee, took his things and walked out of the door.
After what felt like 20 minutes another woman in
a lab coat walked in, she was wearing a lot of protective gear, including a mask and ear protection. She had a glass cup, a plate and a large bag of flour. Sid made sure the woman saw the perplexed look on her face.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot."
The woman walked out and came back in with a jug of milk.
"I know what you're thinking. Is this woman of her rocker?"
Sid interrupted,
"Yes, I do."
"Well, we suspect your stand is humanoid or plant like, based off your relative's stands and what happened with your stepmother. You will pour a glass of milk, open the bag of flour, then punch it. We want you to punch it to see the power of your stand's punch. Then you will toss the plate like a frisbee so we can see your stand's speed. You can't touch anything with your physical hand during the test, only your stand's."
The woman instructed kindly.
"They're asking if I do drugs but, they should be asking their own employees."
Sid thought. She closed her eyes trying to remember what it was like when she punched her stepmother. It felt like nothing happened. She opened her eyes In defeat. Next to her was a tall woman but, with dark blue skin and long, flowing black hair that almost when down to its waist. It wore black jeans with small rips in the knees and a light blue cropped tank top with a large design of the tattoo Sid has. It had tattoos with thorny vines going down both arms and wore the same kind of shoes Sid does, platform Doc Marten boots. It had a wallet chain and wore the same ring Sid does, a black snake ring on her middle, left finger. Sid's mouth dropped to the floor.
"You seeing this thing too lady?"
"I'm not a stand user, but if this is your first time fully manifesting your stand, congrats. The test should be a breeze from this point on."
The stand quickly did the tasks, letting out a "Sora," sound when punching the flour bag and throwing the plate. As if an animalistic instinct the stand let out an ear splitting sound.
"I'd give power an A, Speed a B, Range a D, not sure on durability but for now... a B-, you'll need to engage in battle to figure that one out for sure. Precision a B, Potential an A."
She said in a matter of fact way.
"And that screech is why we wear all this protection."
She whispered to herself.
"I believe that screech is one of your stand's special abilities. Is music a big part of your life?"
"Yes, I was in a band until a couple weeks ago."
"Stands are a manifestation of the soul. If something is a large part of your life or personality, it could translate in someway to your stand. While we've never seen it, that could be a large part of your stands power, sound and/ or music. You passed the test with flying colors and are cleared to enter the Joestar party."
Sid could feel red hot anger rising inside her. She was tired of being left in the dark.
"When am I going to be told what the fuck is going on and where the fuck I'm going?"
Sid shouted, her face was beet red and her fists clenched.
"Look, the guy you talked to from the information department, he was going to come back after your test and talk to you but, he left because of how late it got, it's almost midnight. But, I'll give you the rundown of what I know."
"It must be nice to know what time it is."
Sid grumbled to herself.
"I sympathize with everything you're going through, ok? So bear with me, please. Since DIO stole Jonathan's body and then went and got a stand, everyone with Joestar blood suddenly has one. Not everyone can handle one and those who can't are incredibly ill. Including Mr. Joestar's daughter. Mr. Joestar, his grandson, Jotaro and a few of their allies are journeying to Cairo, Egypt where they believe DIO and some of his allies are hiding. They are reportedly fighting many enemy stand users along the way and are in desperate need of more allies, allegedly. Within the next two days you will be flown to wherever their location maybe at the time. During the next two days you'll get new clothes, do more stand training and get some time to rest before what will be a grueling journey, any questions?"
The woman rushed through the story and had to catch her breath at the end.
"Can I go to sleep and on that note, is there a bed around here?"
The woman let out a chuckle.
"Yeah, we have a room in the basement."
The woman escorted her down to the room. It had a small twin bed with hospital like sheets on it. Besides that it was barren, like the other room. The woman turned off the light and left the room without a word, the door slamming behind her. Though no one else could see her, she didn't know how else to treat it except like prison. She imagined there was some sort of security camera watching her. She didn't want to cry even though all of this was too much to keep in.
Her father wasn't her father, Joseph Joestar was. Even though she never got along with her old family that much, it was still hard to believe that they weren't genetically related. Accept to her mom and that side of the family but, she hated most of them. Was her now dead mother technically a home wrecker?
"I shouldn't think things like that, we may not have gotten along but, she's passed on."
Sid thought to herself.
"So now I'm going to go off to fight a bunch of randos, except for the guy who killed my mom who has a weird- ass name like DIO? And the people I'm going to be fighting with are also a bunch of randos. And everyone I'm going to be fighting with and against also has a... wait, what was it called, a... stand."
Sid went on thinking like this for hours. She tried to think at least one positive thought.
"They would've got there by now if they went by plane. At least I've always liked road trips."

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