What Is and What Should Never Be

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Several hours passed while Sid was in surgery. The entire group could hear the faint beeping of the heart rate monitor. Soundgarden appeared and quickly flashed the group a grin and then rapidly disappeared.
"Was that Soundgarden? Did it show up to tell us Sid is ok or to say goodbye?"
Polnareff questioned.
"One of Avdol's theories is that if a stand is withdrawing due to the users death or unconscienceness, it will fade slower to try and stick around to protect the user. Like we saw when Sid was shot. If they disappear at a normal or rapid speed, the user is most likely safe."
Joseph replied.
"The stubborn kid made it through."
Polnareff stated, wyping the tears from his face. The entire group was collectivly releaved. About an hour later, the doctor open the back of the helicopter for the group to find Sid waking up.
"Oh, ok, opening the door right up to let the sun in, are we?"
Sid sarcastically remarked in a groggy voice.
"Here, you dropped these."
Joseph got in the helicopter, sat next to Sid on the bench next to the bed and handed her the cigarette case and sunglasses.
"Thanks, Dad."
Sid was practically half asleep. Sid put her sunglasses on and put her cigarette case in her pocket. While Sid had been in surgery, the car that was Wheel of Fortune had turned into a car with just enough seats for the group.
"How soon can we safely get going?"
Joseph asked the doctor.
"She's stable now but, I say we wait an hour, we had her under some heavy anesthesia. It might be hard for her to even stand up right now. If she says anything rude or strange, don't take it personally."
The doctor replied. Sid started humming to herself.
"But, I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive, jewels. A kiss on the hand maybe quite contanental but, diamonds are a girls best friend."
Sid groggily sang to herself. The entire group let out a chuckle.
"What? You guys don't know that song? Marilyn Monroe, Gentalmen Perfer Blondes. Come on."
Sid mumbled to the group.
"Oh, I know it. That movie is one of Jotaro's grandma's favorites."
Joseph replied. They started singing the song together, though in Sid's state, she mostly mumbled through it.
"Do you know any other musicals? Holy and Suzi loved going to see plays together in New York."
Joseph asked, sounding slightly somber.
"I was in a local theatre's production of Annie when I was five. I tried for Annie but, was too young so, I was Molly. I auditioned using the song Maybe."
Sid goggily admitted. Everyone knew if she hadn't been under anesthesia, she would have never admitted that.
"I don't remember that song. I never went to see it live with Holy and Suzi. I remember Holy trying to get me to watch it when the movie came out but, I fell asleep."
Joseph regretfully recalled.
"Maybe far away or maybe real nearby, He maybe pouring her coffee, She maybe straightening his tie. Maybe in a house all hidden by a hill, she sitting playing piano, he's sitting paying a bill."
Sid mumbled, she started crying.
"What is it?"
Joseph kindly asked.
"I miss her, so much."
Sid sobbed.
"Doctor, do you have any information on my daughter's case or on Sid's friend?"
Joseph asked.
"Neither of those cases are in my department. You're going to have to call the Speedwagon foundation next time you have access to a phone. Pertaining to Sid's case here, your going to need these painkillers, they can be used as needed every six hours. These bandages, plus some extra incase someone else gets wounded. Your going to need to redress her injury every six hours. If you have to change it more than once an hour due to blood loss, that would mean she is bleeding too much and you need to take her to a hospitial or call us again as soon as possible. She suffered blunt force trama to the stomach which leaves her to be a lot more likely to be someone who vomits very easily. Basically, keep a puke bucket around this one. She may not be able to keep down anything beyond water and soup for the next few days. And, try to keep her off her feet as much as possible for the next week or so. When she does have to get up and is in pain, she can put a pillow against the wound and see if it helps."
The doctor informed the group. Sid had stopped crying and continued to hum to herself.
"But get that ice or else no dice."
Sid sing-songingly mumbled to herself. The group, even Jotaro, let out a laugh. For the next half hour they talked with Sid, making sure she stayed awake so, when the doctor cleared them to, they could leave. When the doctor said it was safe for them to leave, they helped Sid to the car and started driving. A few hours down the road, a dense fog starts to fill the air.
"We need to stop in that town over there. The fog is getting too thick for me to see and we're on a cliff."
Joseph states. He drives the car into a small town with an open gate.
"Kakyoin, stay here with Sid and Anne."
Joseph tells Kakyoin. Kakyoin nods in agreement. Jotaro, Polnareff and Joseph leave the car to survey the area.
"What was it like? I remember the doctor saying something about you being clinically dead for a few minutes before you woke up?"
Anne asked Sid.
"There was this warm pain for a moment. Not burning but, like you were sitting too close to a campfire. Then, it was gone, it just felt like being asleep for a moment then, I was in this tunnel filled with warm hued, white light. My aunt and Charlie stood at the other side, saying they missed me and wanted me to come with, I stood there in shock for a few moments. Then, as I started walking towards them, I was ripped away from them and taken back into my normal sleep. I had dreams about them but, they didn't ask me to come with them. Just dreams about the times we spent together."
Sid mumbled.
"Why do you think Charlie was there? Isn't she still alive?"
Kakyoin wondered.
"That could've been a manifestation of my fear that she's dead."
Sid mumbled back.
"You sound awfully coherent for someone who was just acting the way you were a few hours ago."
Kakyoin noted.
"I'm mostly just really tired now. I'm hoping they find a hotel soon so I can take a nap."
Sid replied. Ten minutes later the rest of the group came back to the car.
"This place is strange but, it's the best we can do for now."
Jotaro concluded. The group drove to the hotel a few blocks away.
"Everyone, write a name slightly different from your own and only call eachother by those names. I have a hunch about the lady that runs the place."
Jotaro stated before getting out of the car. Everyone got out of the car, Joseph and Kakyoin helped Sid out of the car and into the hotel.
"Everyone please, write your names in the guest book. Make yourself at home in which ever room you like."
The old woman stated. When it was her turn to write her name in the guest book, Sid wrote,
"Kat Joestorm."
"Tenmei, Qutaro, stay with Kat just incase. I'm going to have the Speedwagon foundation take Anne back to Hong Kong."
Joseph stated. Jotaro and Kakyoin carried Sid up the stairs to one of the rooms and helped her get into bed.
"Do you need any painkillers?"
Kakyoin asked.
Sid replied. Kakyoin handed Sid a glass of water and a pill. She swallowed it and took a few sips of water.
"We might as well redress your bandage now if you're going to be asleep for awhile. Thankfully the doctor gave us some instructions."
Kakyoin grabbed the first aid kit and a peice of notebook paper with writing on it. He went to the restroom to wash his hands. He came back, had Jotaro read him the instructions and helped Sid redress her wound. Kakyoin remember that Sid was at an increased risk for vomiting and moved the trash bin in the corner of the room to the side of Sid's bed.
"Worlds best brother in law."
Sid tiredly joked and gave a thumbs up.
"If I were your brother in law that would mean um, Qutaro is your brother. Which I thought he was your nephew. But, I'll take your compliment."
Kakyoin replied.
"Oh, come on, I mean he's basically a brother to me. Like, I know he's technically my nephew but, age wise, that doesn't feel like the case."
Sid tiredly rambled. Jotaro was honored but, didn't know what to say. The room remained quiet for a moment.
"I'm going to go look around, something seems off. Stay with Kat."
Jotaro got up and left the room. A few moments passed and Kakyoin thought Sid had fallen asleep.
"It's so quiet,"
Sid whispered.
"This place is kind of unnerving,"
Kakyoin replied.
"No, not out here. In my brain. Do you remember when we first got to India and we were surrounded by crowds. People saying that if we didn't do this, then, that would happen to us. And the people asking and telling us things. That is what it feels like inside my brain all the time. Just a bunch of thoughts saying a bunch of things all at the same time. But, now it's peaceful and I can fall asleep without organizing my thoughts into their file cabinets."
Sid mumbled before falling asleep a few minutes later. Kakyoin got up and looked at the bottle of pills the doctors gave them for Sid.
"Wow, they gave her full blown OxyContin."
Kakyoin thought to himself as he looked at the label on the bottle. A few moments passed where Kakyoin sat on the bed opposite to the one Sid was sleeping in. Kakyoin went through Sid's bag to try and find the book she had been reading on the train, he assumed she wouldn't mind if he borrowed it.
"It turns out the entire city were zombies being puppeted by the old woman's stand."
Joseph informed Kakyoin as he walked in the room. Kakyoin closed the book and sat it down on the bed.
"The town was pretty disquieting, even when I was just sitting in the car."
Kakyoin whispered, pointing to as sleeping Sid. Joseph tiptoed closer to Kakyoin so they could hear each other better.
"Sorry, I didn't know she was sleeping. The cowboy we faced in India, Hol Horse, was hiding here and made off with our car. With Sid's condition, we have no choice but to wait here for the couple of days it will take for the Speedwagon foundation to get another car here. During that time we're going to try and get some answers out of the old woman."
Joseph whispered. Kakyoin walked out of the room and motioned for Joseph to follow him. They both walked out of the room, Kakyoin shut the door behind them and they walked to the corner of the hallway so Sid couldn't hear them.
"Sid said something strange before falling asleep. She compared her thoughts normally to when we first got to India. But, when she's on painkillers, it's quiet and peaceful. She said that she could fall asleep without organizing her thoughts. It sounded true because, it only took her a few minutes to fall asleep after saying that, I heard her snoring and everything. But, when we share a hotel room or are sleeping in a car, I can hear her moving around almost the entire night."
Kakyoin mentioned.
"I've noticed that too, it got worse since she starting worrying about her friend. Not sleeping that often and getting her hands on one of those energy drink as much as possible."
Joseph replied.
"But, isn't what she said concerning?"
Kakyoin questioned.
"They had me on those pills for a bit after the operation to replace my hand. I said all sorts of crazy stuff, it's probably nothing to worry about. Think of it as the same way she was right after surgery."
Joseph replied. Kakyoin didn't know what else to do but agree with him. He went back to Sid's room and quietly went back to reading.
"What's going on?"
Sid groggily mumbled.
"The old woman who ran the place turned out to be an enemy stand user. The entire town turned out to be zombies, puppets of the old woman's stand. Jotaro defeated her and has her locked up downstairs to question her. The cowboy, Hol Horse ran off with our car and in your condition, we have no choice but to wait the couple of days the Speedwagon foundation will need to bring us a car."
Kakyoin informed Sid.
"Ok, good time for some much needed rest."
Sid mumbled.
"Also, I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your book. I can see why the tale of Icarus stuck with you so much."
Kakyoin noted.
"No problem, read it as much as you like."
Sid mumbled.
"Nothing out of Enya yet. She's increadably loyal to DIO."
Jotaro stated as he walked into the room.
"Are we even sure if she would know anything?"
Kakyoin asked.
"Reports from Speedwagon foundation spies say she is DIO's closest confidant. She has to know something."
Jotaro replied.
"If that's true, she might even know the secret of DIO's stand."
Kakyoin proposed. The next day, Enya died, the flesh bud in her head erupted and she died from a loss of blood. The entire group made their way outside and gave her a proper burial. The group didn't know Enya but, they tried to find a few words to say.
"Many have died or suffered to see DIO attain perfection or get a paycheck from him. While many of them are reprehensible scumbags, I feel bad for the one aspect of them where they are so desperate for money or something to belong to, they turn to a vampire. This woman wasn't a horrid person well, except for the fact that she raised Centerfold, she turned this entire town into zombies and she really wanted to murder Polnareff. But, not as bad as some of DIO's other allies. I genuinly believe that she was brainwashed and for that, I feel bad. May she find some peace in heaven above."
Sid stated.
"Well said,"
Polnareff noted while nodding his head.
"Indeed, now lets get back inside. This cemetary is creepy."
Joseph added, he started walking and the rest of the group followed him in.
"That was nice, even after everything, you found some kind words to say about her. After that, I'd let you speak at my funeral."
Kakyoin stated as he helped Sid back inside.
"Hey, don't talk like that. Even if it's only by a year, I'm older than you. It's going to be the other way around."
Sid replied. They got back inside, Polnareff went to the kitchen, which was stocked with food that Enya had brought with before going to the hotel.
"I just remembered that it's Christmas Eve, for Sid's sake, I'm going to make us my grandma's famous soup."
Polnareff shouted from the fridge. Everyone else extended their thanks to Polnareff and sat down around a large table in the center of the dining area.
"Ya know, for a run down hotel in the middle of a cemetary, this place isn't too bad."
Joseph noted.
"What do you mean, old man. This place is creepy as hell."
Jotaro replied.
"Compared to some of the other places we've had to sleep in, this is pretty nice."
Sid added. Sensing the possibilty of an argument, Kakyoin decided to change the subject.
"What did you guys do for Christmas in previous years. My family did pretty standard stuff, watch holiday movies, my mom made sugar cookies every year and most years we'd go to my grandparents. We'd eat breakfast and open presents in our pajamas, pretty sterotypical but, I have good memories from it."
Kakyoin stated.
"The old man made us watch Charlie Brown every year."
Jotaro added.
"And you loved it, you still say good grief all the time."
Joseph loudly reasoned. A slight smile was on Jotaro's face.
"I guess it wasn't that bad."
Jotaro noted.
"Granny Erina loved this short movie called, A Christmas Carol. I used to think it was really old but, then I realized it was only a decade older than me."
Joseph recalled.
"At this point that does mean it's really old."
Jotaro retorted.
"I wish you could have met Granny Erina, then you'd know where you got a fraction of your attitude from."
Joseph replied.
"She must've been a pretty badass old lady."
Jotaro replied.
"She was able to keep me in line. Which the was I was at your age was no small feat."
Joseph recalled.
"What was Christmas like for you?"
Kakyoin asked Sid. Joseph could feel the twinge of guilt, he was sure her answer was going to be sad.
"The years I had to spend it with my mom weren't that fun. She was the real life eqivalent of The Grinch. No tree, no going to families houses, no presents. At my house, it was buisness as usual. Kids would come back from winter break talking about all the toys their relitives got them, most years, I would have nothing to show off. After a certain point, it became less about the toys and more so about not being able to honestly say I had a good Christmas. But, there were a few Christmasses I spent with my aunt and one I spent in jail. Oddly enough, those ones were better than the ones I spent with my own mother."
Sid stated.
"I've always wondered what the holidays are like in jail."
Kakyoin added.
"It was probably a lot worse for those who missed their families. Sure, I was missing my aunt but, she had died a year prior. I knew that either way I wasn't going to be able to spend Christmas with her. Charlie and I had made plans to make each other 'stockings' out of regular socks and items from commissary. She put a pack of my favorite cigarettes, a pack of cards and M&Ms. She also made me a card that said, thanks for always patching me up. I had no clue what to get her so I gave her five dollars and a Heshey's chocolate bar. We either bought or made gifts for our other friends. After breakfast and gifts, we spent most of the day playing poker with the cards and using the M&Ms Charlie got me as the chips. I won a dollar off of a friend and a couple of cigarettes off another. It wasn't your typical Christmas experience but, it could've been much worse."
Sid recalled. Polnareff came out of the kitchen, carefully walking with a large pot of soup in his hands, which he was wearing oven mits on.
"Let me set the table for you, did you find the bowls and silverware?"
Kakyoin insisted.
"Thank you, they're in the sink, they were covered in dust and needed to be rinsed off."
Polnareff replied. Kakyoin dried the dishes off using the bottom of his uniform's button up. Polnareff put the pot in the middle of the table as Kakyoin started passing out the bowls. Sid popped a painkiller in her mouth and used the water that was sitting on the table next to her to wash it down. Kakyoin tried but failed to hide his concerned look.
"What, I'm supposed to take them with meals whenever possible."
Sid reasoned.
"I didn't say anything."
Kakyoin put his hands up, as if surrendering.
"You had a look."
Sid argued, yet she hadn't raised her voice.
"Look, you guys, let's not ruin Christmas Eve dinner."
Polnareff tried to reason. Everyone, including Sid, got a bowl of soup and started eating. A few moments passed and besides compliments to Polnareff's cooking, everyone was mostly quiet.
"I think it's just a bit odd that, before you had these meds, you seemed to nervous to eat around anyone. Now, your eating infront of all of us with no upset."
Kakyoin noted.
"Now you're going to come after me for eating Christmas Eve dinner with my dad, my nephew and my friends? Unless you have some ability with your stand you haven't talked about, you can't read my mind. You don't know if I'm nervous right now or not."
Sid argued.
"I just so happens that Christmas Eve fell a couple of days after you started using pain meds."
Kakyoin retorted.
"Ya know, on the outside you set up this polite guy fasade. Helping set the table, redressing my wound, taking me to the store when you had only met me a few hours before. Oh, how nice of the admirable Kakyoin? But, in reality you're a nosey, cold hearted, bastard. That book of mine wasn't sitting out on the desk, you went through my bag to try and find it. You could've woken me up and asked. I would've been fine with grabbing it from my bag for you and going back to sleep. With some of the effects from the anesthesia still active and the painkillers I had taken, I would've been back to sleep like a light."
Sid argued.
"I didn't know the book meant that much to you."
Kakyoin calmly replied.
"It's not the book, I would've been fine with letting you borrow it. It was the fact that you went through my stuff without asking."
Sid replied.
"You're distracting from my original point. Before you went to sleep right after we got here, you said that your brain was quiet and that it wasn't before, that it was peaceful. You say these concerning things and then expect people not to be concerned."
Kakyoin stated. Sid got up and slammed the back of her chair to the table.
"And you're distracting from my point that you went through my shit by using something I said after getting shot while saving your ass. Merry fucking Christmas, Kakyoin."
Sid loudly retorted. She got up and walked the best she could up the stairs and to her room.
"Kakyoin, I told you to leave it alone."
Joseph sighed.
"So I'm the only one who finds that concerning?"
Kakyoin questioned the group. No one said anything and avoided eye contact.
"It may have been concerning but, she also starting crying about her friend after singing a song. Imagine the things she says on those painkillers as if she was drunk. And, she maybe someone who is very protective over her things. Even if you we're borrowing something and going to give it back, she may have rightfully taken offence after you went through her things."
Joseph explained. A look of deep realization swept across Kakyoin's face.
"I ruined Christmas Eve. I went through her things, all to find a book. I took a throwaway thing she said after having a major surgery and held it against her. I owe her an apology. It's no excuse but, I guess the stress of everything got to me and I caused infighting. I'm sorry for ignoring you, Mr. Joestar and I'm sorry Jotaro and Polnareff for starting conflict at the dinner table. Please, excuse me."
Kakyoin stated and left the dinner table.

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