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The sound of the train rolling on it's tracks brought back memories for Sid. Her aunt Mary's house was far away enough that Sid's mom didn't want to drive her there but, instead told her to walk to the train station and hope no one asked her for a ticket. She usually hid in the bathroom for most of the trip and got away with it.
"If I tell you, you're probably going to feel a lot worse. Every ounce of my being wants to tell you. To make you feel guilt, to make you feel a fraction of what I felt before being forced out here. I can leave it at what I've told you and let it be but, if you want to know, I'll tell you everything with every painful detail."
Sid warned Joseph.
"Lay it on me, a bit of gulit is a small fraction of what I deserve."
Joseph replied. Sid went on recounting every single bad day that's happened in her life. Her mom kicking her out of the house several times, even being homeless for a few months at the age of 12. Her grandfather abusing her and the horrific way her mother and grandmother reacted when they found out. Her aunt, the only person who had treated her well, dying when she was 15. Her struggles in school and being a social outcast, the arrests, the attempts, everything. When she was done talking she lit up a cigarette.
"My dad passed away when I was very young. I promised myself that if I ever had a child, I would be in their life. While your older half-sister, Holy, got all my attention, I left you to the wolves. I didn't know my mother until I was 18, I was told that disease had killed her, while in reality she was on the run from a crime she committed as revenge for my father's murder. My granny raised me and while, she didn't die until I was an adult, I was devistated. I'm very sorry for what I left you to deal with."
Joseph sadly explained.
"I guess Avdol was right, family time was the best thing for them. They both have increadably tragic stories."
Polnareff thought to himself as he could overhear their conversation.
"I know, I don't want there to be anymore hard feelings between us anymore. You guys are the family I've got so far."
Sid replied. Jotaro let a slight smile creep across his face for a moment. Joseph shed a few tears.
"And that doesn't just include pops and Jotaro. I know it hasn't been long but, you guys already mean the world to me."
Sid porclaimed. Before this, everyone was sure that Sid was just an unhinged loud mouth. They realized in this moment, that just like everyone else, Sid has a soft spot. They all shared a tender moment as they exchanged hugs, except for Jotaro.
"Come on, Jotaro. Don't be such a hardass."
Polnareff tried to give Jotaro a hug.
"I'm not a hugger."
Jotaro responded. They went on with the rest of their train ride, Joseph, Avdol and Polnareff fell asleep. Sid pulled out a book and started reading.
"What book do you have there?"
Kakyoin asked.
"It's a compilation of various stories from the Greek mythos. I'm reading the flight of icarus right now."
Sid replied.
"I feel like I've heard it, how does it go again?"
Jotaro asked.
"The basic jist of it is, a father and son are being held captive by a king on the island of Crete. The father happens to be an inventor and crafts him and his son, Icarus, two pairs of wings to fly off the island. He makes them out of wax and feathers. They fly into the sky, successfully escaping the island. Icarus's father warns him not to fly too close to the sun or the wax of the wings will melt. Icarus ignores his father and gets carried away. The heat of the sun melts the wax and Icarus falls to his death, drowning in the ocean. The story has always made me think."
Sid replied. The train rolled on and Sid kept reading. The train arrived at their destination, they got their things and left the train. After exiting the train, they only got a few feet before the group was surrounded by people. Sid could feel herself start to sweat, she tried to make herself as small as possible, she was scared because she knew she got scared in large crowds. Her anxiety was like a paradox or one big unending cycle. It felt like the things she saw and heard weren't quite connecting to her brain. She was shaking all over and her emotions didn't feel like her own. It was like her brain and body were somehow disconnected. She had no clue where the group was headed but, she blindly followed them. She heard Polnareff get grossed out when he stepped in cow poop. Watched a guy run past her after he snatched Kakyoin's wallet. When the taxi was stopped and everyone was complaining, Sid just stared at nothing. Sid felt like she wasn't really seeing anymore, just staring into the distance, not truly looking at anything. The group made their way into a resturant and sat down.
"How may I take your order?"
A waiter came up to their table. Everyone went gave their order.
"I'll just have a bottled cola."
Sid ordered. The waiter left the table.
"Ya know, I've never actually seen you eat anything."
Polnareff noted.
"Mind your own."
Sid gave him a dirty look.
Everyone was confused. She had just told everyone that they were like her family on the train, now she's acting hostile.
"Watch your tone."
Joseph disaplined Sid.
"What's it to him when I do and don't eat. And just because I told you about my childhood doesn't suddenly make you my father."
Sid retorted.
"Good freaking grief, I thought these rants were over since they seemed to patch things up on the train."
Jotaro thought to himself. During all the commotion, Polnareff got up and went to use the bathroom. He ran back out,
"Centerfold is here, he was just in the bathroom mirror."
Polnareff shouted. Everyone ran out of the resturant and into the crowded street.
"I apprecate the time we've spent together but, this is my fight. Sid, you're right, it isn't my buisness and I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me."
Polnareff started walking away. Sid grabbed him by the wrist.
"I'm sorry I was such a bitch about it but, you don't need to do this alone. You are family to me, the only family, besides a close friend of mine, I've ever really had. Don't do this alone and end up getting yourself killed, please let us help you."
Sid pleaded. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"I'm sorry but, this is my fight."
Polnareff walked away, Sid tried to stop him but, Joseph told her just to let him go.
"We can't just let him go off by himself, he'll die, please, we have to do something."
Sid begged the rest of the group.
"I'm sure we can figure something out. But, for now, the rest of us should eat something."
Avdol replied. Everyone starting going back in the resturant, except Sid.
"Our friend is walking to his death and we have no clue where he's going. But, yeah, let's just have a nice little lunch here why don't we?"
Sid sarcastically shouted.
"I'm sorry but, there's nothing else we can do right now. He's an adult and we can't force him to stay with us."
Joseph reasoned. Sid didn't say anything but, agreed and came back in. She sat down at the table and started sipping on her cola. Exhausted, Sid put her head down on the table and closed her eyes. With her eyes closed, she saw what resembled a map of the area. There was a purple dot and four blue dots next to it. But, there was a blue dot somewhat farther away that kept moving up and down the streets on the map.
"Wait, does this represent the area around us. My guess is that the singular purple dot is me. Does that mean that the blue dots are other people. I guess this is one of my stand's abilities. Then why can't I see all the other people outside or in the resturant. Does it only show stand users? Then why can't I find the one Polnareff is after. Wait! It only shows those with stands that I've seen. I haven't really seen Polnareff and Avdol in battle before but, I've seen their stands. And, Dad gave me a photo of DIO so I know what he looks like with his spirit photography."
Sid thought to herself.
"Hey, Avdol, how do people usually discover new stand abilities?"
Sid asked with her eyes still closed.
"They tend to pop up after someone first discovers their stand, in a moment of desperation or great need. Why do you ask?"
Avdol replied. Sid grabbed her notebook and a pen from her bag. She closed her eyes again and tried her best to draw the map she saw when she closed her eyes. After she finished and opened her eyes, she was surprised at how accurate it was.
"This is what I saw when I put my head down and closed my eyes a moment ago. I think the one that is further away from this cluster over here is Polnareff. I believe that I can only see people who's stand I've seen before. Hence the cluster is us and the dot I didn't color in is me. I didn't have my eyes closed long enough to be dreaming and when I close my eyes even now, I see this map. The dot I believe is Polnareff keeps moving. There's no way this isn't a stand ability and so I dub it, Good Eye Closed."
Sid proclaimed.
"Jotaro and I will try to find bus tickets. Sid, Kakyoin, Avdol, go get Polnareff. Hopefully he's still in one peice."
Joseph stated. Sid, Kakyoin and Avdol got up and left the resturant.
"I'm going to need you guys to guide me in the direction I point in. I need my eyes to be closed to see the map. I'm effectivly going to be blind to what's goign on around me. I'll only be able to see the map."
Sid informed them, they nodded their heads in agreement. Sid closed her eyes and Kakyoin grabbed her hand to guide her. Sid used her other hand to point towards the left. Then, right and left until Avdol saw Polnareff before Sid and Kakyoin. Avdol saw that Polnareff was about to be shot. He ran and tackled Polnareff to the ground. The bullet narrowly missing both of them. Avdol got up,
"Magician's Re-"
A stand appeared out of a puddle and stabbed Avdol in the back. Only a few seconds afterward, Kakyoin and Sid showed up to the scene. Polnareff was crying over Avdol's body. Kakyoin got down on the ground and started lightly shaking Avdol.
"His wound can't be fatal, he's going to start talking at any second. Avdol? Avdol?"
Kakyoin tried to reason. Sid stood there in shock, not knowing what to say or do. For the first time in her life, she felt like she could pull herself together. It wasn't that she wasn't devistated but, she was so angry that all she wanted to do was mercilessly beat the shit out of the person who did this.
"We're still alive and we should be going to find the bastard who killed Avdol and Polnareff's sister. We have no clue what this guys stand ability is so, the best we can do is run, for now. We're going to take that car right there."
Sid instructed. Polnareff and Kakyoin didn't know what to do besides listen to Sid. They got in the car and started driving.
"This is why you don't fucking go off by yourself. I hate to rub it in but, your actions go Avdol killed and if he didn't step in, you would be the one who died. Do you understand?"
Sid angrily explained while still trying to focus on driving. Polnareff started sobbing again, Sid realized she may have been to harsh.
"Look, that may have been to harsh, I'm sorry."
Sid apologized.
"No, I deserve it. I got Avdol killed and I'll never forgive myself for that."
Polnareff somberly responded.
"I should've blamed the actual people that killed him and almost you in the first place."
Sid somberly responded.
"Most importantly, we have to figure out how centerfold's stand works. Do you guys have any ideas? I honestly have no clue besides the fact his stand uses mirrors."
Sid asked.
"It's like he's in this separate mirror world. When we were at the resturant, I saw him in the mirror in front of me but, not behind me."
Polnareff added.
"Polnareff, there's no such thing as the mirror world."
Kakyoin noted. Just as he finished his sentace the car flipped into the air and crashed. They got out of the car and saw a beam of light moving wildly between the different mirrored surfaces. A little boy came up to them and asked them if they were ok. Sid noticed the stand that stabbed Avdol in the little boys eye.
"We're fine but, I think I saw a puppy over that way."
Sid lied, pointing to the direction they drove from. The boy ran off and the stand started wildly bouncing from mirror to mirror.
"Good eye closed, help us out here."
Sid mumbled to herself and closed her eyes. She saw a blue dot a short distance in front of them. She tapped Kakyoin's shoulder to get his attention.
"I got a glimpse of his stand while it was in the child's eye. Mind helping me out again?"
Sid asked.
"Not at all."
Kakyoin replied, grabbing Sid's hand to guide her. They started walking as Sid pointed her finger forward. They arrived inside a structure and Sid points to a man sitting against the wall.
"I am going to kill you in the name of my sister, Sherry Polnareff and my dear friend Muhammad Avdol. You killed them both, now, prepare to answer for your crimes in hell."
Polnareff proclaimed.
"I wouldn't be so sure, take a look at where you are. Hey, these three say they have a bunch of money that their willing to share."
Centerfold shouted into the crowd. A crowd of people began to form around the three of them. Centerfold's stand started rapidly moving around the eyes of the crowd.
"His movements are too unpredictable, we can't hit him. Sid, Kakyoin, do you have any idea's?"
Polnareff asked.
"I'm not sure yet."
Kakyoin replied. Sid was shaking like a leaf. She couldn't think with so many people surrounding her. Luckly, it seemed like Kakyoin came up with a plan as he threw a shining coin in the air and Polnareff kicked sand into the eye that Centerfold's stand inhabited. As Centerfold's stand raced toward the coin, Silver Chariot slashed the beam, leaving a large cut on Centerfold's face.
"Again, my name is Jean- Pierre Polnareff. I am going to kill you in the name of my sister, Sherry Polnareff and my dear friend, Muhammad Avdol. You will answer for your crimes in hell."
Polnareff proclaimed. Silver Chariot did it's work, and when it was done, Centerfold was dead, covered in holes from Silver Charot's sword and impailed on a nearby fence. A cowboy shows up and starts shooting glass and beconing for Centerfold to bring his stand to the fight.
"He's dead."
Polnareff tells the cowboy. He starts running but, collides with Jotaro and Joseph. Polnareff tries to go after him but, is physically stopped by the woman the cowboy was with. The cowboy gets away.
"We gave Avdol the proper burial he deserved."
Joseph said in a grim voice. The entire group had a moment of silence.
"You should come with us, we'll find you somewhere safe to stay."
Sid told the woman. Everyone agreed and they set off for the bus station.
"Does anyone have any extra coins I could borrow? I need to use the phone."
Sid asked the group. Everyone started rummaging around their pockets and wallets. Kakyoin gave her the coin he used to help defeat Centerfold.
"Sorry, this is all I have."
Kakyoin apologized.
"This is perfect, thank you."
Sid replied. She ran over to the payphones and dialed Charlie's number.
"That's strange, between her two brothers, a sister and both her parents, someone is usually there to answer the phone. It would be about five back home so, it's not like they're at school right now. Hopefully they're just out at the store or dinner right now."
Sid thought to herself, though she sensed something was wrong. Sid left a voicemail anyways.
"Hey, they'res usually someone home to answer the phone so, I'm worried. No, beyond worried, I'm petrified. If something happened to you, I'd just die. I'm sorry if one of your sibilings or your parents find this but, I love you, more than anything. A huge part of me regrets not running and coming to find you. If something did happen to you and I wasn't there to protect you, I won't be able to live with myself. I love you and I hope that my instincts are wrong. Goodbye, I'll try my best to call you back soon."
Sid hung up the phone while holding back tears. She walked back to the group as they got on the bus.
"Dad, how did the Speedwagon foundation know that a stand killed my mother?"
Sid asked Joseph.
"It was just due to a lack of evidence that suggested a none standusing killer."
Joseph replied.
"Can you send people from the foundation to an address if you're worried a standuser killed someone there?"
Sid asked.
"Yes, I can, why do you ask?"
Joseph questioned.
"I'm worried about someone at this address."
Sid stated, handing him a peice of paper with Charlie's address on it.
"Once we get to the next payphone, I'll see what I can do."
Joseph reassured Sid. The bus ride felt like forever for Sid but, eventually they arrived. They got off the bus and went to the payphone inside the station. Joseph put a few coins into the slot and dialed the number for the Speedwagon foundation.
"This is Joseph Joestar, I need to report the possibility of a stand related killing. Yes, I have the adress here. 11299 on 10th street, Seattle, Washington, United States. I need the outcome of the case as soon as you have it. Also, how is my daughter, Holly's state... Ok, I understand, thank you."
Joseph hung up the phone with a grim look on his face.
"Sid, they're sending people out there ASAP. Jotaro, I hate to say it but, your mothers condition is worsening by the day."
Joseph's voice was devoid of hope. They left the station and moved onward into the city.

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