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Sid and Jotaro woke up the next morning to find Polnareff shaking them awake.
"Come on sleepy heads, we should go get breakfast somewhere where they don't have fights."
Polnareff exclaimed.
"Yeah, like the hotel's breakfast service."
Sid groggily stated.
"No, like somewhere local."
Polnareff replied.
"Fine, go away so we can get ready."
Jotaro groggily replied.
"Alright, I'll leave."
Polnareff retorted as he walked out of the room and closed the door.
"I need to shower."
Jotaro stated.
"Ok, I don't since I did last night. I'll get dressed in here while you do that and meet you outside with Polnareff. Twenty minutes or we start looking for you?"
Sid asked, Jotaro nodded and they started getting ready. Sid was ready in about ten minutes and headed down to the lobby to find Polnareff waiting for the rest of the group.
"Let's go outside, I want a cigarette and I told Jotaro we'd be waiting there."
Sid told Polnareff. Sid and Polnareff made their way to a curb in the hotel parking lot. They both sat down and lit their morning cigarettes.
"Do you think you're going back to France after all this is over?"
Sid asked Polnareff before taking a drag off her cigarette.
Polnareff replied.
"That's a shame. I was talking with my Dad and Jotaro. Sounds like I'm going to live in Japan. Probably going to live at Jotaro's place for awhile until I get on my feet there."
Sid stated, moving side to side while talking.
"Why's it a shame that I'm going back to France?"
Polnareff asked. Sid finished her cigarette and stompped in into the ground, twisting her foot while she did.
"Because of this."
Sid quickly leaned towards Polnareff and kissed him. Polnareff leaned in and put his hand on the back of Sid's head. After a few minutes, Sid pulled away.
"Jotaro will be down here any minute now."
Sid quitely stated. A few moments later, Jotaro rounded the corner and spotted Sid and Polnareff. Jotaro could sense the akward tension in the air.
"Good grief, you two get in an argument already?"
Jotaro asked. They both nodded their heads to say no.
"Mind if we walk away for a moment to have a conversation?"
Polnareff asked Jotaro. Jotaro shook his head. Polnareff and Sid got up and rounded the corner.
"I don't think now is a good time for either of us to start a relationship with everything that's happened and is going on. We could try long distance after all of this is over."
Polnareff reasoned.
"But you flirt with every other girl we pass. If you don't like me you can just say it. I won't be mad. I'd rather you were honest than just saying maybe late-"
Sid replied but was cut off by Polnareff kissing her. They made out for a few minutes, knowing that Jotaro could round the corner or Avdol and Joseph could show up. Polnareff broke off.
"I like you."
Polnareff stated.
Sid jokingly replied. Sid's eyes widened.
"Oh crap, you had my lipstick on your face the entire time we were talking with Jotaro. Let me wipe that off your face. I'm so sorry."
Sid realized. She dug around in her bag for a makeup wipe but was stopped by Polnareff's hand on her wrist.
"Don't worry about it. He probably didn't even notice."
Polnareff gentally stated.
"Do you see my lips. My lipstick is blood red colored. That shows up on everything. And it's all over your lips, cheek and neck. I need to wipe it off before they show up."
Sid rapidly replied. She grabbed a makeup wipe and started using it on Polnareff's lips.
"Oh my god, why isn't it coming off?"
Sid anxiously asked.
"Look, I'll go find a bathroom outside of the hotel and wipe it off there."
Polnareff stated, then he started running and disappeared around the street corner. Sid fixed her own lipstick and went back around the corner to find Jotaro smirking.
"Where'd Polnareff head off to?"
Jotaro sarcasitcally asked.
"He had to use the bathroom really badly."
Sid replied, ignoring Jotaro's sarcasm.
"Anyways, where are Avdol and Dad?"
Sid asked.
"They're still getting ready, I guess."
Jotaro replied, still smirking.
"Wipe that grin off your face."
Sid snapped.
"I can't the wipe isn't working."
Jotaro retorted.
Sid jokingly replied while trying not to laugh. A few seconds passed and they both broke down laughing.
"I thought you said French people are annoying."
Jotaro stated inbetween laughs.
"He's so annoying but, I still like him. Don't ask why, I just do. Maybe it's the goofy way he talks or the way he's more willing to express his emotions than I am."
Sid admitted, her cheeks turned bright red.
"It also helps that he's hot. I'm not a fan of the flat top but, I can't tell him what to do."
Sid added.
"Please don't say that."
Jotaro disgustedly stated.
"What, you like his hair?"
Sid asked.
"No, I don't want to hear someone who is techincally my aunt saying that Polnareff is hot."
Jotaro replied.
"Fair enough... So, you agree that the hair is awful?"
Sid asked.
"Oh yeah, it's bad."
Jotaro replied. They both sat down on the curb and were quiet for a few minutes.
"Does this mean we won't room together anymore?"
Jotaro asked Sid.
"I don't want it to. I'll make sure it's a 50/50 split between the two of you. I'm sure Polnareff will understand. I wouldn't be able to stay on my toes without our card game nights. It honestly might just be a casual thing until we defeat DIO. After that it'll probably be long distance or treated as a summer fling."
Sid replied.
"For your sake, I hope it turns into something more. Polnareff maybe annoying and French but, he's a good guy."
Jotaro stated.
"I know, I just don't know if I'm ready for more yet."
Sid admitted. They sat in silence for a moment as Jotaro smoked his morning cigarette.
"Where the hell are all of them? I get if Polnareff is having trouble getting the lipstick off but, where are Dad and Avdol?"
Sid questioned.
"I'll look for Polnareff, you look for the old man and Avdol?"
Jotaro proposed. Sid nodded her head and they went in the opposite direction. Sid looked all around the hotel, nothing. Sid walked for blocks and found nothing. After walking for what felt like miles, she saw Iggy. He started walking and she followed him to find Joseph and Avdol piled underneath various objects. She also saw a woman standing over Joseph and Avdol. Sid snuck up behind the woman, assuming she was an enemy stand user.
"Soundgarden, Kickstand."
Sid shouted. Soundgarden appeared and used it's bass guitar to hit the woman in the back of the head. The hit knocked her out cold so that Avdol and Joseph were able to get out from the pile.
"Is she dead?"
Joseph worridly questioned Sid.
"Who knows?"
Sid replied
"Anyways, now we have to go looking around for Jotaro and Polnareff."
Sid stated, sounding tired. Sid picked up Iggy and held him like a baby as they started walking around.
"Do either of you have a peice of his gum. I don't want him to run off while we're looking for Polnareff and Jotaro."
Sid asked. Avdol unwrapped a peice of the gum and fed it to Iggy. They walked to the hotel to find that Jotaro and Polnareff were nowhere to be found. They walked a few blocks past the hotel to find a strange looking man had just fallen out of a window and Jotaro talking to him.
"Someone covered in blood falling out of a window. You don't see that everyday."
Jotaro stated. Sid walked up behind him, still holding Iggy.
"I second that."
Sid stated. A child popped out from the window that the man fell out of.
"Be careful Mr. He's dangerous."
The child shouted at Jotaro from the window. All of a sudden, a shadow protruded from the man. It touched Sid and Jotaro. They started shrinking and stopped at the point where they didn't look older than seven.
"You two are the most formidable stand users in your little traveling circus. I heard through the grapevine that you two also just aquired your stands. Lord DIO will be so pleased when he hears that I got rid of you pests."
The strange man stated. Jotaro let out a smile while pulling the brim of his cap over his eyes.
"Good grief, don't underestimate us just because we're kids."
Jotaro replied. Jotaro and Sid beat the man until his stand withdrew. Polnareff made his way down to the street and met up with Sid and Jotaro. Jotaro, Sid and Polnareff were back to their normal ages. Sid and Jotaro had their stands back. The three of them stood over the man, grinning at the prospect of showing this creep no mercy. They summonded their stands, Soundgarden, Star Platinum and Silver Chariot grinned as they stood over the man and finished him off. He was retired and wouldn't be getting out of the hospitial anytime soon.
They had ran out of time during their fights to make it to breakfast and rushed to a train they were taking to Cairo. After getting on the train, Joseph used Hermit Purple to see where DIO was hiding out. He slapped a picture onto the table the group was sitting at on the train. Sid paused the tape she was listening to and took off her headphones.
"Wow, a building, that's a whole lot to go from."
Sid sarcastically stated.
"Someone's in a good mood today."
Joseph retorted back.
"Sarcasm aside, Sid's right. We don't have a lot to go from with that picture."
Avdol reasoned.
"Ha! I was right."
Sid laughed, pointing across the table at Joseph.
"Go back to listening to your tape if your going to be a smartass."
Joseph replied.
"My pleasure."
Sid retorted, putting her headphones on and pressing play on her walkman.
"God, I wonder what she's listening to that is making her act this way?"
Joseph wondered aloud.
"Who knows with the kids these days."
Avdol added. Sid moved one of her headphones off her ear.
"It's Master Of Puppets by Metallica. It doesn't make me act the way I do but, is an outlet to keep me from being worse. Also, it's rude to talk about people when you think they can't hear you."
Sid stated, putting her headphone back on before they could say anything.
"Were we just outclassed by Sid?"
Avdol questioned.
"I think we were."
Joseph replied. Sid looked and them and nodded her head. They got off the train a couple hours later and headed for an open cafe. They left Sid outside with Iggy, they ordered her an iced tea and Jotaro brought it out to her.
"We're going to ask around about the building in the photo for a bit. I'm guessing we're going to get nothing and asking all these people will be for nothing. Sorry we have to leave you out here with Iggy but, you're the only one he doesn't hate."
Jotaro stated as he handed Sid her tea.
"Thanks, if you need my help, I'll probably just be out here."
Sid replied and started sipping on her tea. Jotaro went back in the cafe to help the rest of the group. Sid sat crisscross on the bench and Iggy climbed on her lap. She lightly scrached behind his ear and Iggy wagged his tail.
"Isn't this a nice moment of peace in the usual shit storm we have to deal with?"
Sid asked Iggy, knowing she wouldn't get an audible response from a dog. They sat in silence for awhile while Sid drank her tea and Iggy had a peice of gum.
"Sid, we need your help!"
Avdol shouted after running out of the cafe.

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