Artifical Red

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"We're going to take a boat up the Nile tommorow. We're going to rest for tonight in the hotel. Once Kakyoin has finished healing, his transportation will be taken care of by the Speedwagon foundation."
Joseph stated as the group walked back to the car. They got in the car and drove to the hotel. Sid and Jotaro made their way to their hotel room. Sid checked the time and saw the clock read 7pm.
"You tired? I'm not because it would only be 5pm in Seattle."
Sid asked.
"No, it would only be 7am in Japan."
Jotaro replied.
"I still have this."
Sid stated with a smile, holding a bottle of vodka in her hand. Jotaro rifled through his bag and grabbed a beer. They spent the rest of the night drinking and flipping through cable channels until 1am Egyptian time. They woke up the night morning, hearing MTV in the background and they each took an ibprophen. Sid took one of her painkillers and they both got ready and started heading to the lobby.
"Don't tell the old man that we got drunk last night. I got enough shit for it last time."
Sid stated as they walked down the hallway. Jotaro nodded his head as they got in the elevator. They made their way to the lobby to find that Joseph and Avdol were ready to leave.
"Polnareff wants us to find somewhere to eat because he's supposedly tired of hotel breakfast food."
Joseph stated.
"Do we even have time for that?"
Sid asked.
"Apparently, our ship doesn't leave for a few hours."
Joseph replied. The group waited in silence for a few minutes. Polnareff made his way into the lobby and they set off to look for somewhere to eat breakfast. The group drove around the city for twenty minutes and settled for a place with a logo that looked fimilar to Sid and Joseph. Sid thought for a moment because the name of the resturant was in a language that Sid didn't recognize. The group got out of the car and made their way into the resturant.
"Wait... did you just chose a fucking Waffle House?"
Sid asked Polnareff.
"What's Waffle House? They don't have those in France."
Polnareff asked.
"It's a chain breakfast resturant started in the United States and is infamous for how it's always open. It's also infamous for all the fights that happen."
Joseph replied. They went in to find a staff member and a patron fighting and another patron asking for a waffle.
"Are we really going to stay and eat here?"
Sid asked.
"We don't have time to find another place."
Joseph replied. They sat in the corner of the resturant as far away from the fight as possible.
"What do we want to get started for drinks today?"
A waitress who had just walked up to them asked. Everyone ordered a cup of coffee and a glass of water.
"I'm too hung over for this shit."
Sid thought to herself.
"Could one of the people fighting be an enemy stand user?"
Jotaro asked.
"No, I knew someone in jail who worked at a Waffle House in New Orlens. This is just how a Waffle House is. People just come here knowing that they can start a fight with whoever they want."
Sid answered, the waitress came back with their drinks. The waitress took their food orders and rushed back to the kitchen.
"So people just come here looking for a fight?"
Polnareff asked.
"The combonation of alchol and being open 24/7 makes it a breeding ground for hungry drunk people to start shit."
Sid replied. Sid relayed stories that she heard the former Waffle House employee she knew from jail until their food came. They ate their food then quickly made their way to their boat. They got on their boat and sighed in relief that they made it on time.
"I think we were almost late because the making of our food was held up by a fight."
Sid reasoned inbetween deep breaths from running. Their boat ride was mostly marked by Sid falling in and out of sleep and disappearing from the group to take another painkiller. Once they got on the shore, Sid suggested that they go find a hotel and Polnareff separated from the group, no one noticing that he was gone. They decided that Sid was right and found a hotel. Sid and Jotaro wondered their way to their hotel room. Avdol and Joseph did the same. Polnareff returned looking deshveled and holding a sheilthed sword in his hands. Joseph called Jotaro and Sid's room and asked them to meet in Joseph and Avdol's room. They made their way to the room and opened the door to find the sword in the corner of the room, against the wall. Polnareff was sitting on one of the beds, talking about battling the stand.
"It was clear the person had never picked up a sword in their life but, was still deadly. I believe the sword itself was the stand and took over the mind of the user."
Polnareff stated.
"Got an injuries you need me to take care of?"
Sid asked.
"No. But, if I did I wouldn't let you patch them up. You've been nodding off all day."
Polnareff replied. Sid threw her hands up as if to say that she was only trying to help. Jotaro and Polnareff left to turn the sword over to the police.
"I guarentee you one of them is going to do something stupid and get themselves possesed by that thing."
Sid stated after they left the room. Sid sat down and Iggy hopped on her lap.
"Have more faith in our comrades, they'll most likely turn it into the police and be done with it. It'll be locked away in evidence to never be seen again."
Avdol stated. Sid shrugged her shoulder and turned on the TV. They sat and watched cable TV for the next hour, waiting for Jotaro and Polnareff to knock on the door. Sid opened her mouth to say that it had been awhile. Before she could, Polnareff rapidly started knocking on the door. Joseph sprang up to open it.
"Jotaro needs help, Jotaro needs Sid's help. Jotaro needs emergency help ASAP."
Polnareff shouted, out of breath. Sid sprang up and grabbed the first aid kit.
"Where is he and what happened?"
Sid asked Polnareff.
"In front of the barber shop, on 6th avenue. He was stabbed in the lower stomach."
Polnareff quickly replied.
"Dad, stay and call the emergency number and give them the info Polnareff gave me. Polnareff, Avdol, you're with me. Polnareff, you're going to lead the way. We don't have the time for you to guide me while I use Good Eye Closed. Let's go."
Sid quickly stated. They ran the few blocks from the hotel to the barber shop. They found Jotaro lying on the sidewalk, Sid rushed over and kneeled on the ground next to him and grabbed his hand.
"The sword is still in the wound. We need to keep it there because it's the only thing keeping him from losing blood. Jotaro, don't move or that will cause further damage and internal bleeding. There's nothing I can do for him but wait until emergency services show up."
Sid stated. Sid instructed Polnareff and Avdol to go see if there was anyone else they could help.
"Am I going to die?"
Jotaro asked Sid.
"I've seen wounds from violence in jail that were much worse."
Sid quitely replied. Jotaro couldn't tell if Sid was just trying to be reassuring or being honest.
"What was that one song you were singing after coming out of anethesia?"
Jotaro weakly asked.
"Maybe from the musical Annie."
Sid replied.
"How did it go again?"
Jotaro asked. Sid didn't know if Jotaro was actually going to make it.
"Maybe far away or maybe real nearby. He may be pouring her coffee, she may be straightening his tie. Maybe in a house, all hidden by a hill. She's sitting playing piano, he's sitting paying a bill."
Just as she stopped, the emergency services showed up and put Jotaro in a gurney. They asked Sid if she wanted to ride in the back with him. She said yes and the ambulance whisked the both of them away. She told Polnareff and Avdol what hospitial they were going to before leaving. When they got to the hospitial, Jotaro was rushed into surgery and Sid filled out all the nessisicary paperwork. After waking up from surgery, Jotaro insisted to no end that he be released. He was given painkiller and advised to take it easy for the next couple of weeks. They went back to the hotel and spent the rest of the day watching cable TV at the hotel with the rest of the group.
"I want to see if Star Trek is on."
Sid shouted, fighting over the remote with Polnareff.
"I want to watch the cooking network."
Polnareff replied. They each hand both hands on the end of a remote and were pulling it back and forth.
"But, the captain of the Enterprise is supposted to be French, you'd love it."
Sid stated through gritted teeth. At that statement, Polnareff gave up and let go of the remote, sending Sid flying backward onto the bed.
Sid shouted and flipped through the channels to find Star Trek. Sid settled on the bed and Iggy hopped up and sat on her lap.
"Why does the dog like you over everyone else?"
Polnareff whined.
"The dog only hates you because you're an ass."
Sid sarcasitcally replied.
"God, you two fight like an old married couple."
Joseph stated, putting his face in his hand.
"Oh, god. Dad, please, don't say that."
Sid sounded disgusted. They spent the rest of the day watching reruns of Star Trek before everyone decided to go to their respective rooms for the night. Sid and Jotaro decided to play Blackjack. Jotaro grabbed a beer and opened the can.
"You should try a beer."
Jotaro stated.
"Yuck, I can't stand beer."
Sid replied, sticking her tounge out in disgust.
"No, it's Japanese, way better than that American crap."
Jotaro explained. Sid shrugged and motioned for Jotaro to toss her a can. She opened it and took a sip.
"Shit, that's actually not terrible."
Sid exclaimed.
"I know, right? I don't know how Americans survive with such shit beer. I got one once while visiting the old man in New York. Tasted like pure piss. Hit."
Jotaro replied. Sid dealt another card to Jotaro.
"27, bust. That's some shit luck. This is the second time in a row you've lost."
Sid stated.
"Let me look at the deck."
Jotaro replied.
"Hey, don't get mad at me because you suck at Blackjack."
Sid retorted. Jotaro grabbed the deck from her and laid it face up on the hotel rooms table.
"You stacked the deck so that you'd get the lower cards."
Jotaro pointed out.
"And now I've taught you how to look out for that method of cheating."
Sid jovially replied.
"You said you were a clean dealer."
Jotaro stated, he stood up and was pointing at Sid.
"I also taught you how to spot a liar. Look at me teaching you two things in one lesson."
Sid jokingly replied. Jotaro rolled his eyes and sat back down.
"I didn't sign up for a lesson. I just wanted to play a game of cards with my aunt."
Jotaro sarcasitcally replied.
"I'm trying to teach you something that I learned in jail that will be useful against DIO and the rest of the eneimes we meet along the way. They won't play fair and neither should we. I know Dad, Avdol and Polnareff will want to play fair and square but, doing so could get us killed. I talked with Avdol about it and he said we need to do our best to be more honorable fighters than the enemy. I think we need to do what we can to survive."
Sid proclaimed. Sid apologized for tricking Jotaro and they kept playing cards until 1am.

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