Seal My Fate

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Sid and Charlie met in 1984 during the first time Sid had been arrested. Sid would later find out it was Charlie's second time being arrested. It was Charlie's second time being arrested for underage drinking so, she had the maximum sentance of one year. Sid was only going to be there for six months. They got along like a house on fire and spent as much time together as possible while in jail. Walking around the yard together, reading in the library, playing cards, finding ways to pass the time together. Sid even felt comfortable enough with Charlie there to eat infront of the others. They told each other everything about their lives. The good, the bad and the ugly. Like how when Charlie was in kindergarden, she laughed so hard she peed herself or how Sid confessed that she was never got into Lord of the Rings. They activly went out of their way to try and get alone time in jail, often to no avail. While they would talk to each other no matter what, they wanted their own space to have private conversations. Needless to say, they were star-crossed lovers.

When Sid was released, she gave Charlie her mom's home phone number and address, letting her know that she might not be there vary often.
"I'll call you everyday I can, please don't forget about me. You're the first person I've truly loved and that I've felt loves me back."
Sid professed to Charlie. Charlie looked at the paper and her eyes sparked up a bit.
"Your mom's house isn't that far from mine. I know I'll see you again."
Charlie proclaimed. Six months later Charlie was released and called the number that Sid gave her. She was lucky that Sid was at her mom's house at the time. The phone at Sid's house rang, Sid picked it up.
"Greenside residence, Sid speaking."
Sid answered.
"Oh, so formal. Hey, it's Charlie. Did ya miss me."
Charlie teased.
"Every minute of every day. Where are you, I would be over the moon to see you in person."
Sid asked.
"11299 on 10th street, my parents aren't home so, you can stay as long as there gone. Which is the next couple of months. My sibilings are kinda annoying but, I'm sure you'll get used to it."
Charlie replied.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a couple of hours."
Sid stated.
"Great, see you in a couple hours. Love you, bye."
Charlie stated.
"Love you too, bye."
Sid replied and hung up the phone. Through the past six months, through her aunt dying, being moved to various different relitives houses and bouncing between two schools, everytime she said bye to Charlie it was hearing from her only the next time she had a phone. Now, after saying bye, she was going to see Charlie in a couple hours. Sid immedatly started packing her things and had the majority of her things packed within a half hour. She put on the red stone earrings her aunt had gave her before she died. The stone it was made of cast an incredible beam of light when directly infront of the sun. Sid remembered what her aunt told her when she gave them to her right before she died.
"The stone it's made of is useless now but, something crazy apparently happened involving them in the late 30's just before world war two. Most of them were made into jewlry, like these."
Her aunt, Mary, told her a day before she died. Sid took her things and left without a word to her mother. She boarded the bus toward Charlie's house and knocked on the door. Charlie opened and for the next two months, they spent every moment together. Watching movies, TV, reading their favorite books to each other and spending time with Charlie's childhood cat, whiskers. Charlie's parents left her an allowance to buy what the family needed while her parents were gone. She was the oldest out of the four. They often when to the grocery store together and cooked dinner together. They felt like a real, adult, couple caring for Charlie's younger sibilings.
"Whiskers is very old, we got her when I was three, so now she's fourteen and needs some help if she wants to get up on the bed or couch."
Charlie explaned to Sid. The kids had gone to bed and they were watching TV in Charlie's room.
"The past few weeks have been perfect. This is honestly the happiest I've ever been in my life and the first time I've ever truly felt at home."
Sid confessed.
"I wish you could stay forever. My parents like to leave a lot so, when they do, I'll always let you know."
Charlie reassured Sid. One day, Sid was walking around the house in a low cut tank top, the back of her neck clearly visible.
"I don't know how I never noticed that star shaped birthmark on the back of your neck, babe."
Charlie noticed.
"Yeah, I've had it all my life, not sure why I have it though."
Sid replied.
"You're the star in my sky, ha, that's the dumb nickname I'm going to use for you now, my star."
Charlie said sarcastically.
"Oh god, I guess I'll call you the moon then."
Sid replied. After Sid had to leave and began staying at her mother's again, they still talked everyday on the phone and see each other once a week. On their one year anniversery, they used fake ID's to get matching tattoos. Sid got the one we are familiar with, the star with the black outlining and red inside. Charlie got the same thing but, in the shape of a half moon instead. They were the reason the other one kept living. Sid was able to stay with Charlie while her parents were away for short fragments of time. A couple months here, a week or two there and when Sid was there, everything was perfect. The second time Sid went to jail, Charlie wrote her letters every week and Sid tried her best to call Charlie every day. They were everything to each other.

When Sid was forced to leave and join the Stardust Crusaders, all she wanted was to leave and be with Charlie again. She knew Charlie was the only one that could help her come to terms with everything she had learned. When she was staying at the Speedwagon foundation, she constantly begged whoever would listen to let her use the phone. All she wanted to do was talk to Charlie but, wasn't allowed due to being a sort of prisoner. The relief that washed over Sid when she heard Charlie's voice at the hotel calmed her soul. She knew that Charlie was ok but, when no one answered the phone, her heart dropped to the floor. She was afraid that her worst fears had been realized and that DIO or one of his minions had targeted Charlie just as her mom was. In that moment, nothing else mattered but finding out what happened to her lover.

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