Doll Parts

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The car stopped in the middle of the desert. Sid woke up Joseph, Jotaro and Kakyoin. They all rubbed their eyes before getting out of the car.
"It's a helicopter."
Polnareff exclaimed as he pointed to the sky.
"Thanks for the update, captain obvious."
Kakyoin coldly replied. The helicopter landed and two Speedwagon foundation workers stepped out. They opened the back doors to find nothing but a blanket on the seat.
"Is this a poorly planned prank?"
Sid asked the workers.
"No, we assure you the user is under that blanket. He's very agitated, it was a rough ride over here."
One of the workers stated. Polnareff stuck his head inside the copter and lifted the blanket. Suddenly, a small black and white dog jumped on Polnareff's face and started chewing on his hair.
Sid excitedly shouted.
"He has the tendancy to do that. After he's done, he likes to."
Before the worker could finish talking, the dog farted on Polareff's face.
"Do that,"
The worker finished his sentance.
"Stupid mutt, Silver Chariot."
Polnareff shouted. The dog jumped off of Polnareff's face and summond his stand.
"Polnareff, don't fight the dog."
Sid shouted, she rushed over to the dog and started to pet him. Avdol walked over to them.
"That's iggy and his stand is The Fool. We found him after several dog catchers couldn't catch him."
Avdol explained, both Silver Chariot and The Fool withdrew. A worker walked over and gave them a pack of coffee flavored gum.
"Here, he likes these."
The worker walked back to the helicopter and it took off.
"Of course Sid loves the mutt."
Polnareff thought to himself. The group starts to walk back to the car when they all see the helicopter has crashed in the distance. They all ran over to the site of the crash.
"Someone check his pulse. His injuries don't look life threatening."
Sid ordered, pointing at one of the men who was lying in the sand. Avdol went over and put two of his fingers to the man's neck.
"He's still alive."
Avdol stated.
"Ok, this man's injuries somehow are consistant with drowning victims."
Sid added, sounding perplexed. The watch on the survivng piolet's watch went off. His head was chopped off and dragged in the group's water canteen by a clawed hand made of water. The group ran and hid behind an incline in the sand. They were laying on their stomachs behind the incline, waiting to see what the stand did next.
"It's not moving from the canteen."
Sid stated.
"Kakyoin, use your emerald splash to draw the guy out."
Polnareff stated.
"No, I don't want to. Why don't you use Silver Chariot?"
Kakyoin replied.
"Silver Chariot isn't long distance. You can use emerald splash and be done with it."
Polnareff tried to reason.
"I said no and that's final."
Kakyoin procalimed. The enemy stand made it's way from the canteen and slashed Kakyoin right in the centers of his eyes.
"Soundgarden, 4th of July."
Sid shouted, cables appeared from Soundgarden's hands and attempted to catch the enemy stand. The water moved it's form to dodge Soundgarden's attack. All of a sudden, Iggy started gliding away on his stand, Jotaro jumped on and signalled for Sid to tell him which direction the user was. She silently pointed west. Jotaro and Iggy were already gliding in that direction. They had been gliding and slowly getting closer to the ground. Just as Jotaro need to kick off the ground to get more air, Sid decided to slowly move over to Kakyoin. The enemy stand wasn't sure wether to go after Jotaro or Sid and kept moving back and forth. It never truly settled on going after one or the other. Joseph, worried that if Sid kept moving that it would attack her or Kakyoin, moved his hand to stop her but, Avdol motioned for him not to. Sid feverishly looked through the frist aid kit for a package of stitches.
"I won't be able to get the cuts on his actual eye but, getting the cuts around his eyes is better than just letting them bleed."
Sid nervously thought to herself. She started stitching him, her hands were shaking and her stitches were sloppy. Though they closed his wounds, they weren't in her usually perfect rows. Avdol and Joseph watched as Sid held back tears and had moments where she stopped and started stitching again.
Sid, Avdol and Joseph watched as Jotaro and Iggy walked toward them. Sid was still struggling with the last bit of Kakyoin's stitches.
"I tried to get some information out of the guy but, he committed suicide when I asked for information on DIO. The guy was mindlessly devoted to the guy. Said working for DIO gave his live purpose. It's like the guy runs a cult."
Jotaro quietly stated. The group went back to their car and rushed Kakyoin to a hospitial. Sid and Jotaro ran down the hall of the hospital with the nurses that were rushing him to a room on a stretcher. They got him in a hospitial bed and gave him an IV. They sat in the hospitial room with him for a few minutes and then were told that he needed emergency surgury. Kakyoin was quickly carried away in his hospitial bed. Jotaro and Sid went to the waiting room where the rest of the group was waiting. They sat down and decided to wait for the doctor.
"Sid Joestar?"
A nurse asked from the door to the rest of the hospitial. Sid raised her hand and the nurse walked over.
"Are you the one over eighteen who came in with the paitent Noraki Kakyoin?"
The nurse asked. Sid nodded yes.
"We're sorry to say but, we don't know what will become of his eyesight until after surgery. He lost less blood because of the stitiches that were given to him, which you have on your side but, besides that, we don't know."
The nurse informed the group. Sid only half heard what the nurse said, in a state of shock and dissasoiation.
"Thank you."
Joseph stated, the nurse nodded her head and walked away.
"Why did they ask for you?"
Joseph asked Sid.
"They needed a family member over eighteen to sign for treatment so, I thought I would just say I'm his older cousin so they would give him treatment faster."
Sid replied.
"The surgery will probably take awhile. We should go to a cafe to get out of this stuffy hospitial."
Joseph stated. They all agreed and drove to the middle of the city. They parked and walked around for a few blocks. They stopped and found two cafes in the same intersection.
"Which one should we go to?"
Avdol asked.
"Let the cigarette decide."
Polnareff stated. He took a lit cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it. It landed and pointed to the cafe directly infront of them.
"That one it is."
Polnareff stated, pointing at the same one the cigarette landed towards. Both Sid and Jotaro rolled their eyes and the group walked into the cafe. The group sat down at a table near the counter.
"What do you guys want? Just remember that it has to be bottled."
Joseph reminded the group. Everyone ordered colas and they opened the bottles with Sid's bottle opener. The group sat in silence for ten minutes and drank their colas.
"Sid, you haven't drank any of your cola, is everything alright?"
Polnareff asked.
"Last time I was at a cafe and drank one of these, Something bad had just happened. I don't usually believe in curses but, I'm going to save this for later."
Sid sorrowfully stated.
Joseph inquired. Sid could tell they wanted her to spill the beans.
"It was only four years ago now. Mom said she was going to the store but, she didn't come home. I knew she wasn't coming home after a certain point because the store had closed hours ago. The next day I called Charlie to meet me at a grocery store cafe that was close by. While I waited for her I bought myself a cola. I don't know, it probably dosen't mean anything."
Sid stated. The group finished their colas in silence, except Sid.
"We might as well get a hotel room while we wait for the results of Kakyoin's surgery."
Joseph stated. The group got up and went to the car. They drove around for a few minutes looking for a hotel. They found a hotel and checked in. They decided that Joseph and Polnareff would share a room, same with Sid and Jotaro and that Avdol would get his own room. They went to their respective rooms and unpacked their things. Sid stood at the foot of her bed, folding her clothes and putting them in a pile.
"It's getting really hot out here? Do you think dad would be offended if I wore the clothes I bought myself?"
Sid asked Jotaro.
"I think he'd understand."
Jotaro responded, sitting in the rooms desk chair with his feet up on the table.
"I think I'm going to go to the hospitial early. Do you mind coming with me?"
Jotaro asked.
"Sure, just let me get changed, I like the clothes you and dad got me but, I'm sweating to death in them."
Sid stated, grabbing her skirt, a pair of fishnets, a pair of socks with red stars on them and a black spagetti strap top with a large, red star in the middle. She went into the bathroom and got changed. Sid walked out a few minutes later and they walked to the hospitial.
"Is that top new?"
Jotaro asked as they walked along the dirt roads.
"Yeah, I bought it for when I finally got the courage to change out of the clothes you and dad got me. Trust me, I really like the clothes but, I'm nervous that taking them off would offend you guys. They'll definatly be something I wear in the winter though."
Sid admitted.
"It's just a shirt, a pair of pants and a couple belts. We're more worried about you not dying of a heat stroke."
Jotaro stated, pulling the brim of his cap over his eyes.
Sid quietly stated. They finished their walk to the hospitial in silence. They got to the hospitial and asked the nurse at the desk if they could visit Kakyoin.
"How do you know the paitent?"
The nurse asked.
"I'm his older cousin, I signed his approval for treatment forms."
Sid replied. They were both handed pins that said,
"Visitor." On them and went through the heavy double doors. They walked to Kakyoin's room and Sid quietly knocked on the open door. They didn't get a response but, his heart rate monitor was still beeping. They decided to sit down in the chairs next to his bed. A few moments later, a doctor walked into the room.
"Would either of you happen to be Sid Joestar?"
The doctor asked. Sid raised her hand and the doctor walked around Kakyoin's bed to stand over Sid. Sid stood up and shook the doctors hand.
"And you are the paitent's older..."
The doctor stopped to look at the papers on his clipboard.
"Older cousin, correct?"
The doctor asked.
Sid lied.
"We were able to save his vision. He's sleeping off the local anethetsia that we gave him during surgery. He should be awake within the next hour or so."
The doctor informed Sid. Sid thanked the doctor as he left the room. Jotaro and Sid decided to stay and wait until Kakyoin woke up. About fourty minutes later, Kakyoin woke up.
"Where am I? Why can't I see?"
Kakyoin shouted. Jotaro put his hand on Kakyoin's.
"Hey, it's Sid and Jotaro is here aswell. Your eyes were injured and you just woke up from surgery in a hospitial in Eygpt. Your eyesight was saved, you just need time for the injuries to heal. For the next week or so you'll need to keep the bandeges on and you'll stay at the hospitial."
Sid informed Kakyoin. For the next half hour they made casual conversation. The rest of the group made their way into Kakyoin's hospitial room.
Joseph shouted as he made his way into the room.
"Who else is here?"
Kakyoin asked.
"Everyone's here. Mr. Joestar, Avdol and Polnareff. Iggy couldn't come in though."
Sid stated.
"You all didn't have to come."
Kakyoin stated.
"Of course we did. You're our friend."
Polnareff enthusiastically stated. The group stayed until visiting hours were done.

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