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"I'm sure that mama and papa will join us soon. This is honestly just a lot for all of us to process. But, please don't blame yourself."
Holy admitted as they sat down at the kitchen table.
"This might be a question for dad but, will there be a way for me to get my things from home back? I'm not on good terms with the person who I thought was my dad and all my things are there."
Sid asked.
"I'm sure there's a way that he could get that done. He's had the Speedwagon foundation help him with all sorts of things."
Holy answered. A few moments of silence passed.
"Oh, I just remembered, the one condition of you living here is that you change or hyphenate your last name to Kujo."
Holy stated.
"I have no issue with that. Is there a paper I need to fill out?"
Sid replied. Holy nodded her head and went to grab the paper from her room.
"Do you know why?"
Sid asked Jotaro.
"Probably just some legal thing. She wouldn't ask you to if it wasn't nessisary."
Jotaro replied. Sid shrugged and didn't think anything more of it. Holy returned with a pen and the document.
"Papa already arranged for you to be a Japanese citizen. We just have to fill out this document then, you'll be good to go. I know Japanese so, I can help translate what the form is asking you to do. Legal name here and new name here."
Holy stated while pointing at different spots on the document. Sid finished filling out the document and Holy showed her where the mailbox was. They made their way back to the kitchen.
"Welcome to the family, Sid Joestar-Kujo."
Holy cheerily stated and gave her a hug. They sat at the table talking for an hour, waiting for Suzi and Joseph to emerge from the room they had been talking in. Holy made dinner and Sid took a shower. The groups things had shown up at the doorstep and Sid arranged them in her room. Sid made her way back into the kitchen to find the person she presumed to be Suzi and Joseph sitting at the table. Sid sat down at the table next to Jotaro.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Sid."
Sid politily told Suzi and held out her hand for Suzi to shake it.
"Oh, don't be so formal, were family, come here."
Suzi stated and stood up to give Sid a hug. Sid stood up and, even though she was confused, accepted the hug. They both sat down as Holy passed out bowls for dinner.
"You told them who I am, right?"
Sid questioned Joseph.
"What, of course I did."
Joseph quickly replied.
"Girl, I do not blame you. Nor should you blame yourself. There is no point in having anger towards you. As for my husband well, I'll deal with him when we get home."
Suzi explained. A few tears fell down Sid's cheek.
"I'm sorry, I've never had anyone in my family accept me like this."
Sid admitted as she tried to hide her face.
"Oh child, come here."
Suzi asked as she got up to give Sid another hug. They hugged for a few moments just and then sat down and ate dinner together.
"Dad, do you know if there's a way to get my stuff out of my not dads place?"
Sid asked Joseph as they finished dinner.
"Yeah, I can get the Speedwagon foundation to issue a collection warrant on your things. They do it in collaboration with the local cops because them keeping your things without your consent would be theft. You just have to sign a form and it'll be all squared away."
Joseph replied. After dinner, Joseph called the Speedwagon foundation and had the form sent to them.
"It should take about a week to get here and then a week to get back. After that it may take another two weeks for your things to get here. We plan on staying for about a month or so to make sure everything is going smoothly. And, honestly, after everything, we want to spend some time with our family."
Joseph stated. After Suzi, Joseph and Holy went to sleep, Jotaro and Sid decided to hang out in her room. On their way there, they walked passed a large pond in the garden.
"Have you ever gone swimming in there?"
Sid asked Jotaro as they walked.
"I used to go waiding in there when I was a kid. It's too shallow to go swimming in."
Jotaro replied. They made it to Sid's room and slid the door open.
"Do you want any help getting things set up?"
Jotaro asked.
"Honestly, there isn't much to move around right now.  Thanks for asking though. Plus, we'll have plenty of time to do that later. Got anymore beers?"
Sid asked. Jotaro went to his room and came back with as many beers as he and Star Platinum could carry, about eight. Jotaro tossed one to Sid, she caught it and opened the can. After a few beers, Sid convinced Jotaro that they should go dip their feet in the pond while they drank. They sat in the grass with their legs hanging over the rocks and their feet and ankles in the pond. They drank in silence and looked up at the stars for a few minutes.
"You know, Kakyoin never told me who his parents were or about his home life. I don't know who to give the bad news to. I'm pretty sure Avdol didn't have much family and Iggy was a stray dog. But a seventeen year old doesn't usually live on their own and go to school."
Jotaro admitted.
"Well, we know he lived fairly close to us since he went to the same school as you. I'm sure his parents put up missing posters and contacted the police. I'm sure we'll find a phone number or something if we look around town or tell the police we have information on the case."
Sid tried to reassure Jotaro. They sat in silence for another few minutes.
"Can I ask why things didn't work out with Polnareff?"
Jotaro asked.
"I didn't realize it at the time but, I used him as a way to cope with Charlie's death. Don't get me wrong, I liked him but, knew it would be an escape for me. We legitimately decided to stay friends but, I still feel awful about it. Plus the large distance between us now probably would've been to much for us in the long run. We would've both gotten our hearts broken if we tried to keep it up."
Sid admitted. After talking and drinking for a couple more hours, they decided to go to bed. The next morning, Avdol and Kakyoins things, along with what was left of Iggy's gum and dog food were dropped in front of the gates to the Kujo mansion. Both Sid and Jotaro woke up at about ten in the morning. They ate breakfast and got dressed for the day. Sid wore her clothes she got for Christmas and her black hoodie with a red star in the middle. Holy begged to do her hair so, Holy did it for her in a fishtail braid. Sid thanked her and they left the house to go looking for missing posters of Kakyoin.
When they opened the gate, they found the things that had been shipped to their doorstep that had belonged to the fallen crusaders. They silently walked back to the front of the house and didn't know what to do. Joseph was walking in the outside hallway, he recognized the bags and said he would look through them and told Jotaro and Sid not to worry about it. Once again, they opened the gate, this time they left and started looking around the suburban area of Tokyo that the Kujo's and the Kakyoin's inhabited. They looked around the neighborhoods, the commerical areas and on the bulletin boards of local markets and found nothing.
"Should we look at your school?"
Sid asked Jotaro. He agreed and they made their way to Jotaro's school. They made their way to the steps that led to the school's courtyard.
"The last time I was here was when I met Kakyoin. He was a new student. He attacked me because he was under the control of DIO's flesh bud."
Jotaro quietly admitted. Sid didn't know what to say as they made their way down the stairs. They found a bulletin board encased in glass near the front door. They walked over to it and found a flyer with a picture of Kakyoin. Sid couldn't tell what else it said but, saw there was a phone number on it. Jotaro used Star Platinum to punch and break the glass. Jotaro ripped the flyer off the pushpins and put the flyer in his pocket. They made their way back to the mansion. Once they got back, Jotaro found Joseph.
"Old man, call the number on this flyer and tell them what happened to Kakyoin."
Jotaro instructed. Joseph took the paper and dialed the number.
"Hi, this is Joseph Joestar. I have information on what happened to Noriaki Kakyoin. Do I have the right number?"
Joseph asked.
"Yes, yes you do. I'm his mother. Please, tell me anything you know about what happened to my son."
A female voice desperately stated.
"I think it would be best for my family and I to tell you in person. We have some of his things to prove we aren't lying. We're not criminals either, you have my word that we did not harm your son nor do we intend on harming you or the rest of your family."
Joseph told Kakyoin's mother. She agreed and Joseph, Sid and Jotaro made their way to the address that they were given over the phone.
"It's not that far at all. Maybe a five minute walk at most."
Jotaro explained after opening the gate. Everyone walked through the gate and Jotaro closed it. Everyone followed Jotaro through the neighborhood and they arrived at a sterotypically suburban home. Jotaro stopped on the sidewalk infront of the home.
"This place matches the address you given, right?"
Jotaro asked Joseph. Joseph nodded. They started to walk up to the door when Sid stopped them.
"Wait, is there anything you guys want to look through before we give it all to the family?"
Sid asked.
"No, I got my chance while you two were out looking for flyers."
Joseph stated.
"Jotaro, no judgement either way but, this could be your last chance."
Sid told Jotaro.
"I looked before we left."
Jotaro replied. Jotaro went up to the door and rang the doorbell. A woman with long hair, the same color as Kakyoin's, answered the door. She invited them in and they obliged. They sat down in the kitchen and Sid took Kakyoin's bag off her shoulder and placed it in the center of where they were sitting.
"I recongnize that bag, that was Noriaki's school bag. You do know what happened to him. Please, tell me, I don't care if you're responsible in some way. Please, just tell me."
The woman stated through sobs. For a moment, none of them knew what to say. They didn't know how to explain stands to someone who didn't show signs of being a stand user.
"Something... was making my daughter very sick. We had to journey to Eygpt along to find the cure. Many people did not want us to find this cure. We had many enemies along the way. Kakyoin lost his life during the final battle of our journey. Your son sacrafised his life to have my daughter and for that we are forever in your debt. Your son was... a hero. You can look through his things if you want to make sure we aren't making this up."
Joseph explained, tears fell down the cheeks of everyone in the room. The woman opened up the bag to find the notebook that Sid had seen Kakyoin writing in.

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