Spit to See the Shine

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The group made their way to an island and made their way out of the boat. They followed Joseph through sand and small hills to a house covered in trees. Behind a fence, in front of the house, a man who closely resembled Avdol, stood feeding chickens.
"Go away, no one ever comes to visit me when they have good news. Only when something terrible has happened."
The man shouted before running inside the house. Joseph's expression turned grim.
"We have to tell him what every parent fears the most. That their child has died."
Joseph sadly stated. Polnareff separated from the group, everyone assumed he needed a moment to himself. Jotaro went up and knocked on the door. Avdol undid his disguse and opened the door. The house was small and somewhat dilapidated.
"Sorry about the state of this place Avdol. My real estate company tried to sell it to rich people and marketed it as a fixer upper. Now I see why virtually no one wanted to buy it. It's all we could do for a secluded location so none of DIO's minions came after you."
Joseph apologized.
"Don't worry about it. It's much better than being dead."
Avdol stated. Kakyoin almost tripped over a pan on the floor and a small amout of water spilled on the carpet.
"Apologies, there's a leak in that part of the celing... and a few other spots. I think it's best if everyone watched their step. Would anyone like some tea?"
Avdol asked as he motined towards a small kitchen table. Everyone sat down and Joseph grabbed a map out of his back pocket.
"Do you have any Chai?"
Sid asked Avdol.
"I do,"
Avdol got up and started making the tea for Sid.
"Our path from here to Cairo is obvious, the hardest part is going to be finding DIO's hideout."
Joseph stated. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Where's Polnareff?"
Avdol asked.
"He just sort of walked off. We assumed he needed a moment to himself. We didn't think anything of it since he still thinks you're dead."
Sid replied. Avdol walked over with Sid's tea, Sid thanked him and he sat down.
"Hmm. If he's gone for much longer I'm going to find him. Sid, I may need your help with Good Eye Closed."
Avdol stated, Sid nodded.
"How have you been? Healing up alright?"
Kakyoin asked.
"My rest has been most helpful. How have your travels been?"
Avdol replied.
"Could be better."
Joseph replied.
"Avdol, can you read my fortune? All this time we've known each other and I've never thought to ask you."
Sid asked.
"Of course, just know that I tell the truth, even if it's not pretty."
Avdol replied and Sid nodded her head. Avdol continued,
"I like to do a combanation of reading tea leaves, tarot reading and palm reading."
Avdol stated. Sid had just finished her tea, leaving the leaves behind. Avdol grabbed her cup and swirled what little liquid was left in the cup around for a moment.
"Hmm, I want to do the palm and tarot readings before saying anything for certain."
Avdol stated with confusion in his voice. A concerned look spread across everyone's faces.
"What do you mean?"
Sid urgently asked.
"Don't worry, this is why I use multiple readings to ensure an accurate view of your future. May I see your hands?"
Avdol assured. Sid laid her hands flat on the table, palms facing up. Avdol examined the lines of Sid's hands.
"Any new predictions?"
Sid worridly asked.
"I don't want to say anything until after the tarot card reading."
Avdol replied. He pulled his tarot deck from his sleeve. He put six cards in a half circle on the table around Sid.
"This is going to represent the next six months."
Avdol explained. He flipped over the cards one by one.
"Death, The Hanged Man, The Tower, Justice, The Star and The Lovers. From this and your other readings, a lot has been and will keep changing. Have you lost someone dear to you resently?"
Sid's expression dropped and she nodded her head. He continued,
"It looks like you will get justice for that person. You will be unable to cope with the loss for a long time but, will find a support system in the new family you have aquired. It appears you will survive this journey. Afterwards, a brand new chapter of your life will begin. You won't know how to cope with a new sense of security that is strange to you. Watch for engaging in reckless behaviour and being distant towards others."
Avdol explained. Everyone was speechless, Avdol got up and left the table.
"I'm going to go find Polnareff and let him know the good news."
Avdol stated as he walked out the front door.
"You think all of that's true?"
Joseph asked.
"I don't know. I hope the part about getting justice for Charlie and her family is true. This may already be obvious but, if for some reason we run into Hol Horse again, leave him to me."
Sid stated. Everyone sat in silence for what felt like twenty minutes. Avdol and Polnareff walked in the front door. Polnareff was covered in bite marks, chunks of his skin had been chewed off. Sid got up and walked towards them.
"Was the enemy stand user a rabies infested guard dog?"
Sid worridly asked as she motioned for Polnareff to sit down on the dilapidated couch. Sid grabbed the first aid kit and sat down next to him.
"Oh come on, not the first aid kit. I'll be completely fine without it."
Polnareff complained. Sid grabbed the disinfectant from the kit.
"First off, you'll get blood everywhere and second off, these wounds will get infected if I don't treat them."
Sid replied. Polnareff tried to move his arm out of the way but, grimaced after doing so. He gave in and moved his arm back to let Sid treat it. Polnareff grimaced in pain once again as Sid disinfected his wound.
"I'm sorry but, it'll hurt more if it gets infected later."
Sid told Polnareff.
"Oh god, not stitches."
Polnareff whined. Sid had grabbed out a pack of stitches from the kit. Sid ignored him and started stitching up his wounds. A few moments later, she was done. Polnareff had closed his eyes from being sqemish.
"Alright, your all good to go."
Sid lightly slapped Polnareff on the back and got up. They all headed outside and to the beach.
"The Speedwagon foundation had a submarine sent here that's going to take us to Eygpt."
Joseph stated as a hatch appeared out of the water. They all made their way in the submarine and marveled at how large it was and how many features it had. The submarine had a phone installed and Joseph decided to make a call. Sid made herself a cup of coffee and sat in an isolated corner, near a window, looking into the ocean. Jotaro wandered off to go find her, thinking it wasn't a good idea to leave her alone. He finds her and sits down with her.
"How did you know I would like that book you gave me for Christmas?"
Jotaro asked.
"I remembered you mentioned something about sea life in passing once."
Sid coldly replied.
"Isn't the Garden of Stone only used in relation to the army? How do you know that phrase?"
Jotaro asked, he sensed her defensivness and was trying to find a way in.
"My uncle was in the army and Charlie's dad was in the navy."
Sid flatly replied. Jotaro felt like he was out of options when it came to beating around the bush.
"I'm sorry I convinved you to stay with us instead of going to stay with Charlie and I know Kakyoin is too."
Jotaro apologized. Sid was shocked, she barely heard him talk, let alone apologize.
"It's no one but DIO and Hol Horse's fault that Charlie and her family died."
Sid replied, feeling like she was lying to Jotaro and herself. She felt that it was also her fault.
"We're under attack, both of you get over here."
They suddenly heard Avdol shout. They both ran into the main room.
"I just used Good Eye Closed, the user is on the shore, it's useless to go after them in here."
Sid quickly stated. The enemy stand quickly moved from one spot to another.
"This stand represents the empress card. It can turn into anything made of mineral. The stand's user, Rose, has carried out countless assasinations with her stand."
Avdol stated. All of a sudden, the floor of the submarine started to fill with water.
"We have to get out of here, now."
Joseph yelled. Everyone made their way to the escape hatch.
"Has anyone here been scuba diving before?"
Joseph asked the group as they started taking the equipment off the hooks on the wall. Everyone shook their heads no. Joseph explained to the group how to use their gear and showed them hand signals to communicate with each other.
"Can't we just communicate with our stands?"
Jotaro asked.
"Oh, yeah, I guess that's right."
Joseph recalled.
"Oh, but I had a really good one."
Polnareff stated, he started making symbols with his hands that could be assumed to be sign language.
"He says, your underwear is showing."
Kakyoin stated.
Polnareff yelled. Kakyoin and Polnareff started doing a very elaborate hand shake.
"Come on you two, we don't have time for this."
Joseph warned. They all put on their gear and left the sinking submarine. They were close to the shore of Eygpt and swam up along the surface. Out of nowhere, something swallowed them whole.
"It's like we're inside of a mouth and those are the teeth."
Sid stated as she pointed towards the front of the mouth.
"Don't think you can punch your way through them. They're as tough as diamonds."
A disembodied female voice stated and let out a chuckle. Soundgarden materialized next to Sid.
"Soundgarden, Full On."
Sid yelled, everyone put their fingers in their ears. The teeth had small cracks in them but, didn't break.
"What, I can't hear anything and my teeth are cracking. What the hell happened?"
The voice questioned.
"Who wants to go in for the final move?"
Sid politely asked, not wanting to steal all the fun. Jotaro stepped up to the plate and summoned Star Platinum. Star Platinum punched out all the teeth and the group went on their way. They swam the short distance to the shore. They got out of the water and discarded their scuba equipment in the sand. Polnareff walked over to a woman lying in the sand, her face had been severly bloodied.
"Um, you guys, don't come over here. She's really ugly."
Polnareff worridly stated. Sid rolled her eyes, everyone ignored him and kept walking.
"She's not dead but, I don't think she'll be coming after us anytime soon."
Polnareff stated after running to catch up with the group. They stopped for a moment to look at the rising sun. The group all looks at Sid, knowing she is the most likely to give some sort of speech. She senses this and puts her suglasses on out of nervousness. She knew everyone was staring at her, she cleared her throat.
"Through the ups and downs. The cold nights and the warm days. Through the laughter and the tears. We made our way here through sheer tenacity and an unwillingness to lay down and die. Though we've made it this far, we still have to make our way to Cairo. So, let's roll."
Sid stated as she started walking away, the rest of the group followed her.
"Wait. Where are we going?"
Jotaro asked.
Sid asked.
"We should get a hotel until tommorow and spend this time recuperating."
Joseph answered. The group wandered around the city for about half an hour and found a hotel. Kakyoin, Jotaro and Sid decided to room together and headed to their room. They put their things down on their beds and sat down. They sat around in silence for a moment, unsure what to do.
"Isn't tonight New Years Eve?"
Sid asked.
"Don't even bring it up, the fact that we can't really do anything is depressing."
Kakyoin replied. Sid checked the calander on the wall.
"It is New Years Eve and we can do something. Who wants to take a short walk with me and is ready for the possiblity of a run?"
Sid asked them. Jotaro raised his hand.
"I like your spirit. Kakyoin?"
Sid excitedly asked.
"No way, knowing you, you're going to go steal something."
Kakyoin sternly replied.
"Fine, be that way. Then you're going to get less of what we bring back."
Sid stated as she motioned for Jotaro to follow her. They left the room and started walking down the hotel hallway.
"What's the plan?"
Jotaro asked.
"I don't want to say anything until I know we've passed the old man's room."
Sid whispered. They kept walking for a moment, passing a room with the number 624. They kept walking in silence for a few more minutes.
"Ok, we passed a liqour store on the way here that's a few blocks away and a firework stand that's about a quater of a mile away. We buy some fireworks for the New Years celebration but, we light some off at the liqour store and send our stands in there to grab what we want."
Sid quietly explaned. They walked out the back exit of the hotel and made their way to the firework stand. Their total was about two hundred American dollars.
"We don't have that much."
Jotaro stated, looking in his wallet.
"I do,"
Sid stated and handed the person who ran the stand the money. They walked away from the stand and towards the liqour store.
"How did you get that kind of money?"
Jotaro questioned.
"Lifted a bit from the old man. He's rich, he doesn't need to worry about losing a few hundreds."
Sid sarcastically replied. They got to the liqour store and quickly lit off a few fireworks. As soon as they lit them, they ran behind a corner and the shop owner ran out to of the shop to see what was going on. They quickly materilized their stands and sent them into the shop. Both stands grabbed as many things as they could. Sid and Jotaro saw the man going back into the shop and started running, their stands following them. Many people were at work or home so, the streets were fairly empty. They made their way back to the hotel room, making sure no one followed them, they were safe.
"I knew it."
Kakyoin shouted as the two made their way into the room and locked the door.
"Look, how about a shot of creme liqour for every member of the group you don't tell."
Sid offered inbetween exsaperated breaths.

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