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Sid woke up the next day to knocking on the door.
"It's 11am we need to get moving ASAP, you're being shipped out today. You have 20 minutes to get ready. Up and and attem. I need to hear you say something before I leave you alone so I know you're awake."
A man shouted through the door.
"Ok, sir, I'm up."
Sid shouted back. She didn't really have anything to get ready into. She only had the clothes on her back and didn't know if there was a shower. She tried to yank the door open but, it was locked from the outside. She was livid they were still treating her like a prisoner. She had her stand punch the door. She felt the knuckles on her right hand sting and bleeds a little bit. She tried yanking open the door again and it worked. The rest of the area was a barren basement. She climbed a set of stairs to a door, locked again. Sid felt her face get red hot, her stand punched the door open again.
She was in the lobby with Florence at the desk. She rushed over to the desk and asked,
"Is there a shower around here?"
"Honey I can tell you need it, there's one in every bathroom. Closest one is right there."
She pointed across the lobby, near the entrance.
"Just don't escape now or I'll be in big trouble, alright?"
"Wasn't planning on it."
Sid sounded flat.
Sid took her shower and was given cereal to eat. First, she was driven to the mall to get clothes and other things she needed. While there she debated on whether she wanted to buy things with stars on them like she used to. Sid used to think her star birthmark used to make her unique. Now it just felt like the mark of a family she didn't know.
She came to the conclusion that she didn't know how many other people there were with Joestar blood around but, she still felt the the mark was a part of who she was.
She went with the same platform Doc Martens that she had been wearing, and pair of knee high socks that were black and had red stars all over, fishnets, a black skirt with two red stripes at the bottom that stopped just below her thighs, a black mesh long sleeve shirt with red stars.
She went with a new makeup look too. Black lipstick, black and red eyeshadow, eyeliner with a medium length wing and 3 small stars in between her eyebrow and eyeliner wing. She bought the rest of everything she needed fairly quickly.
"Got everything you need?"
A Speedwagon foundation worker asked.
"Yeah, accept for cigarettes."
"We already thought of that, do you smoke Marlboro reds?"
"Ok, we have all your documents, cigarettes and a few extra lighters in the helicopter, let's go."
They took the car back to headquarters and left in a hurry. Sid got used to not asking questions and was hoping to hear where she was going once she got settled in the helicopter. She threw her bag in the helicopter, being careful not to squish the cigarettes. She closed the door and sat in the back seat. With the blade's rapidly moving, they were off.
"You're headed to Hong Kong, ma'am."
The pilot yelled over the sound of the helicopter.
"Ok, thanks for letting me know."
Sid yelled back. She focused her attention on the things left on the seat next to her. They got her a whole carton of cigarettes. Sid smiled, attaching a lot of weight to the nicest thing that almost anyone had done for her. They also got her a 12 pack of Bic lighters. All of them having a cute animal on it. She grabbed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with a golden retriever puppy on it and put them in her pocket and put the rest in her bag.
She looked at the documents, the first one being a passport. Her mouth dropped in horror.
"Fucking Joestar! That's not my last name!"
Meanwhile in Hong Kong...
"Alright men, it looks like our new ally should be here within a few hours. I want you all to treat this person with the utmost respect and kindness. That means you, Jotaro. I don't want to get into things too much but, let's just say we don't know each other and our relationship is already off to a rocky start."
Joseph stated.
"Whatever old man, whatever you did to the guy isn't my problem."
Jotaro stated in a monotone voice.
"Kakyoin, Avdol, do you two mind if we stepped outside for a moment while I have a talk with my grandson outside. I hate to be rude but, we need a moment away from the prying ears of the rest of the restaurant patrons."
Joseph asked in a slightly sarcastic tone. Kakyoin and Avdol said it was no issue. Joseph motioned for Jotaro to follow him. He reluctantly got up and walked out with his grandfather with his hands in his pockets and hat tilted downward over his eyes. They walked out the front door and around the corner, Joseph hoping that no one could hear them.
"Jotaro, my relationship with this person is very sensitive. And I wouldn't be telling you this if I didn't think you weren't mature enough to hear it."
Joseph let out a remorseful sigh, Jotaro was confused but didn't show it visibly.
"I love your grandmother very, very much but, I made a huge mistake. The ally that is being flown here right now is... I don't know how to say this... is my long lost daughter. She's technically your aunt but can't be more than a year older than you."
Joseph sounded like he was going to cry. Jotaro pulled his hat further down over his eyes.
"Good freaking grief old man. How'd you even get her to come here?"
"She's technically not coming of her own free will. She's doing this instead of going to jail for punching her stepmother."
Joseph sounded remorseful.
"Maybe she really is a part of the family."
Jotaro said jokingly. Joseph let out a small chuckle.
"Why don't we go back inside and have something to eat... Oh yeah, could you keep this between you and I?"
Joseph said casually as they walked back. Jotaro didn't know what to do.
"If you say so,"
Jotaro said.
Back on the helicopter...
"We're sorry but, for the sake of convenience when crossing borders, it would be easier if you had the same last name as your father."
The pilot yelled over the helicopter.
"Passport, birth certificate and a Washington state ID. All with the last name Joestar."
Sid angrily mumbled to herself.
"Hey, when are we going to get there? I need a cigarette."
Sid shouted.
"It's going to be a few hours ma'am. While you're waiting, there are some files on the allies you'll meet in Hong Kong."
The pilot shouted. Sid picked up a file labeled "Joestar party, spare copies." She read through them, learning about Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, when she got to Joseph Joestar, she hesitated. She read,
"The grandson of Jonathan Joestar and son of Lisa Lisa, both skilled Hamon users."
"I have no clue what Hamon is but, at least I have a clue as to who my real grandma is. But, with how old Joseph is, who knows if she's still alive?"
Sid thought.
"Sid Joestar, god that sounds awful."
Sid mumbled to herself. Sid's mind was racing and a few hours passed within the blink of an eye.
"We're almost there, we're going to land on a ship and you're going to meet the party on the docks. Then it looks like you're going to get on another ship with them."
The pilot yelled.
"Ok, thanks!"
Sid yelled back. Sid suddenly felt tired, as if if someone tried to bother her, she would snap. She's always felt like this before meeting new people since she was a kid.
They were starting to land, Sid stuffed the files and documents in her bag and put the ID in her wallet she bought at the mall. They landed on the ship and the pilots wished Sid well, she thanked them and departed. The helicopter flew off into the distance.
Going down the ramp from the ship, Sid recognized everyone except for one person.
"Sid, it's Me, Joseph Joestar."
Joseph yelled. Sid waved and fake smiled, pretending to be friendly. In reality she could feel her blood boiling. She caught up to the group, starting to feel the urge to punch Joseph in the face that was going to be hard to bury.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Sid Joestar, Joseph's daughter."
Sid said through barely gritted teeth. Knowing that he probably didn't tell his allies about her being his kid. Judging by their reactions, Sid was right. Avdol, Kakyoin and the unknown man's jaws were on the floor. After a moment they all compose themselves into friendly faces. Joseph was starting to sweat and fidget.
"Don't be silly Sid, you're way too young to be my daughter, why aren't you around the same age as Jotaro?"
Joseph stammered. Sid pulled down the back neck of her shirt.
"Well, the birthmark proves I'm a Joestar and if you want the paper from the DNA test I asked them to print me out a copy and I brought it with me."
Sid couldn't help herself from having a flat voice.
"Don't embarrass me, please."
Joseph tried to whisper to Sid.
"I genuinely appreciate the allowance for the stuff I needed, but you can't throw money at everything and expect it to go away... also, sorry for this."
Joseph looked perplexed as Sid decked Joseph in the face.
"Oh my god, she got me right in the face. Jotaro, do you think my nose is broken?"
Joseph shouted as he shoved his nose in Jotaro's face.
"Good grief, she got you in the cheek. Get your snout out of my face."
Jotaro said.
"Sorry about that, just a bit of family drama."
Sid went up to everyone and shook their hands. She leaned the man she didn't recognize was named Polnareff. When she got to Jotaro she said,
"Apparently I'm supposed to be your aunt. Feels weird since I'm only a year older than you. Just call me Sid. Being called an aunt makes me feel old."
Jotaro nodded,
"You can just call me Jotaro."
"Sounds good,"
Sid sounded cheery.
"Lovely to meet everyone, where are we headed?"
"We're headed to Singapore via boat."
Avdol chimes in,
"I'm an Egyptian fortune teller and was wondering if you would be willing to give me the honor of naming your stand after a tarot card from my deck?"
Avdol asks,
"I appreciate the offer but I already have a name for my stand, Soundgarden. Named after the monument in my home city of Seattle."
Sid proclaimed.
"I like it, it's very elegant."
Avdol added. Sid nodded in appreciation and pulled out her cigarettes.
"Would anyone be offended if I?"
She motioned her pack of cigarettes.
"Sorry, it's just I haven't had the opportunity to smoke in a couple days. I'm a bit antsy."
Sid apologized, no one seemed to object so she lit up a cigarette.
"I hate to be asking you for things since I just met you but, do you have any extras? I'm running low on local currency and cigarettes."
Polnareff asked Sid.
"Yeah, I got sent out with a whole carton. Way more than I could smoke in the time that we're going to be traveling for."
Sid pulled out a couple packs and handed them to Polnareff. A large ship pulled up to the docks as Sid finished her cigarette.
"That's our ride, let's get going. Polnareff, quit taking pictures with those girls, we need to move."
Joseph exclaimed, motioning for Polnareff to get moving. The group walked up the ramp to the ship and boarded. The boat set sail and the crew was off to Singapore. Joseph went to change into a red and white striped shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
"How are you two still wearing your school uniforms in this heat?"
Joseph pointed at Jotaro and Kakyoin.
"I don't know, I'm just used to it. We are students after all."
Kakyoin replied while lounging on a chair on the deck of the boat. Jotaro ignored him while also sitting.
Joseph paused, forgetting Sid's name for a moment.
"Sid how are you wearing all black right now and not sweating up a storm?"
Joseph inquired, standing over Jotaro, Kakyoin and Sid.
"I'm wearing a short skirt and a mesh shirt, now mind your business. What's it to you what I'm wearing? If you're trying to discipline me for my attire, I'm already 18 so you're a bit late."
Sid retorted, she then put on a pair of red tinted, star shaped sunglasses. Joseph walked away to go talk with the ship's captain, knowing he had just gotten the shit roasted out of him.
"I like your glasses, they're a nice cherry red."
Kakyoin added.
"Thank you, I've been meaning to say that I like your earrings. Cherries are my favorite fruit."
Sid replied.
"Mine too. Where are you from? I swear I'm not trying to flirt or anything. I just thought that since we're traveling together we should get to know each other."
Kakyoin seemed awkward but genuine.
"Don't worry I totally agree. Not to be rude but you're still a student and that's too young for me. I'm from the United States, Seattle to be specific."
Sid replied.
"Oh, I've heard that a few small bands have started forming in that area. I'm from a suburban area of Japan. In fact, I recently started going to the same school as Jotaro."
Kakyoin stated, his cheeks started to get a slightly red hue. Jotaro glanced in their direction.
"Oh, cool, did you guys know each other very well before all this started?"
Sid inquired, sensing something deeper. Kakyoin had opened his mouth to answer but, was cut off by the captain dragging a child by the arm onto the deck. Everyone rushed over to the captain and the child.
"We found a stowaway hiding in the cabin. I don't tolerate stowaways on my ship. Give me one good reason I shouldn't throw you overboard to the fishes."
The captain threatened the young boy. He wiggled free from the captain's grasp and jumped into the ocean.
"Hey, kid, that's a stupid mov-"
Sid shouted but was interrupted by Jotaro jumping into the water.
"I don't know the kid but, Jotaro seems pretty level headed. Is everyone here just infected with stupidity?"
Sid thought to herself. Jotaro caught up with the kid. Jotaro grabbed the hat off the kid's head to reveal long, brown hair. Still not sure, Jotaro put his hand on the kid's chest.
"What the shit is he doing?"
Sid whispered to Kakyoin.
"I have no clue. I'm sure there's a reason beyond him just feeling up a kid."
Kakyoin whispered back. Sid noticed something sticking out of the water, heading towards the two. She realized it was a fin.
"Jotaro, shark behind you."
Sid yelled, running and looking around for the Lifebuoy. She found it and had Soundgarden throw it into the water as far as it could towards Jotaro. The lifebuoy speed through the air as fast as a bullet. Star Platinum caught it and they started swimming towards the boat. The two were barely able to get back on the boat in time.
"Careful throwing things that fast. If it hit me in the head it could've broken my skull open."
Jotaro cautioned.
"Sorry, I was trying to act fast."
Sid replied.
Jotaro didn't say anything but appreciated Sid's quick reaction, realizing he or the girl would've probably been bitten by the shark without Sid's action.
"Who do you think you are going around grabbing people like that?"
The girl aggressively asked Jotaro. She was tossing a switchblade between her hands. She talked about the amount of victims her blade claimed and if the number was going to grow. The girl then licked the blade and with this, Sid couldn't stop herself from saying something.
"I suggest quitting with the theatrics. If you're trying to intimidate us, point it at us and maybe gesture with it a bit while talking if you want to get fancy. But, tossing it around and licking it just makes you look stupid. Plus, you could lose a finger and split open your tongue."
Sid stated, everyone in the group stared at her, perplexed as to how she came up with those tips. Sid picked up on their judging looks.
"What? I knew someone in jail who busted open her tongue doing that exact thing. I just didn't want the kid to hurt herself."
Sid retorted, motioning toward the girl.
"The shark has been cut in half."
Kakyoin exclaimed, pointing to the water. Surely enough, the shark had surfaced, its body bitten in half.
"This has to be the work of an enemy stand."
Polnareff added.
"I checked with the captain, him and his crew have been verified by the Speedwagon foundation."
Joseph confirmed.
"Working for DIO? Not cool, kid."
Jotaro stated.
"Who the hell is DIO?"
The girl asked snippily.
"Show us your stand."
Polnareff added.
"What's a stand? What are you guys going on about?"
The girl was genuinely puzzled. While she was talking, Jotaro lit a cigarette and was having a smoke. The captain rushed over to him.
"And I thought I was the rude one for having a cigarette on the docks."
Sid thought to herself.
"I'm going to have to ask you to put out that cigarette immediately. What would you do with the ash? I hope not in these pristine waters."
The captain requested. Jotaro ignored him for a moment, eventually putting out the cigarette.
"I've heard that when stand users smell cigarette smoke a small vein pops up on their nose."
Jotaro stated, the entire Joestar party touched their noses. As well as the captain.
"I think we have our enemy stand user. You see, I made that whole thing up. But, the captain checked his nose."
Jotaro explained.
"Thank god, if for the past few years I've been smoking and never noticed that would be embarrassing."
Sid thought to herself.
The captain pulled himself and the girl overboard. Jotaro once again jumped in to save her. Sid once again summons Soundgarden and has it throw out the lifebuoy. Jotaro saves the girl and swims back to the boat. Star Platinum grabs onto the railing but, isn't able to fully make it onto the boat. Barnacles had suddenly grown on Star Platinum's arm. Jotaro safely passed the girl to Kakyoin's Hierophant Green.
"I'd like to try something, I just need everyone to cover their ears."
Sid suggested.
"These barnacles are draining my blood, so I'm pretty open to options right now."
Jotaro replied, grimacing through pain. Everyone covered their ears. Soundgarden let out the same ear piercing scream as before. The barnacles dissolved from the sheer force of the sound. Jotaro dropped into the ocean to find the captain and his stand.
"Jotaro, the water is fairly clear but, he's so far down that I can't see him."
Joseph shouted.
"I don't think there's anything we can do, except catch Jotaro when he resurfaces. We also need to protect the girl."
Kakyoin tried to calm Joseph. Sid and the girl were across the deck sitting down. Sid was trying to comfort the girl. Putting her hand on the girl's shoulder, telling her they were going to take care of this. A few minutes later a large whirlpool appeared in the water. Small amounts of blood started swirling in with the water. A few moments passed as Jotaro emerged from the water. Hierophant Green pulled him back to the ship. The captain didn't return. The crew heard a large thud and the ship creak.
"Get to the lifeboats, immediately. The captain must've placed bombs onboard."
Joseph shouted. The crew rushed to the lifeboat and safely got to the ocean as they watched the ship blow up from the distance. Sid suddenly felt heat rising up in her, like so many times before.
"This is what you had me kidnapped, flown somewhere, kept there for a few days and flown somewhere else to do? And I'd never even known of your existence before? Not a hi, not a hello, not a phone call nor a letter before? Just having people from your rich person foundation come grab me. Just for them to say, hey this realtor guy exists and he's probably your father, now go fight for him."
Sid shouted, not realizing she was rambling.
"Good grief, I have to listen to this and my cigarettes got wet."
Jotaro claimed.
"I have some extra in m-"
Sid looked side to side trying to find her bag. Sid's expression dropped.
"You've got to be kidding me. I forgot my bag in the scramble to leave the ship... my cigarettes, my passport, birth certificate, wallet, everything. Either blown up or fish food or both."
Sid had her head in her hands.
"At least I've got these,"
Her voice muffled by her hands. She took a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her pockets. She motioned for Jotaro to take one. He took one and nodded in appreciation, though Sid couldn't see it because her face was still tilted fully downward. Sid lit her own cigarette, both Jotaro and Sid ashing their cigarettes into the pristine waters. Polnareff reached over Kakyoin to hand Sid the unopened pack of cigarettes she had given him earlier.
"I know it doesn't replace much of what you lost but, I can get more in Singapore."
Polnareff sounded somber. Sid grabbed the pack and couldn't stop the urge to break out into tears.
"Thank you, Polnareff. I really appreciate it."
Sid stuttered through tears. Silence filled the air for a moment, except for the sound of Sid's sobs.
"I'm sorry, was it something I said?"
Polnareff asked.
"No, I've just lost a lot within the past couple years."
Sid replied, calming down and wiping away tears.

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