Wait and Bleed

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"Welcome, make yourselves at home."
A man stated. He floated over the ground.
"Star Platinum, kick this guy's ass."
Jotaro shouted.
"I'm going to wager that Star Platinum attacks with it's right fist."
The man confidently stated. Star Platinum threw a punch with his right fist and missed. The man's stand appeared made a hole in the floor. Jotaro fell into the hole.
Kakyoin shouted. Sid, Kakyoin and Joseph used the extenable features of their stands to try and grab onto Jotaro. Kakyoin and Joseph fell down the hole with him but, Sid withdrew just in time to have both feet on the ground. The man jumped into the hole just before it started to close.
"We need to keep going. We can only hope that the others are still alive and that they find us later. I hate to say this but, we need to watch our own backs. If one of you is in danger, I won't jump into the line of fire for you and I expect you not to jump into danger for me."
Avdol stated. Everyone nodded in agreement and made their deeper into the mansion. They arrived in a room with a small staircase that led the center of the room filled with pillars. A flaming compass with six points appeared out of Avdol's hand and floated infront of the group.
"I didn't know you could do that."
Sid told Avdol.
"I don't use it that often so that enemies don't know about the ability. It has six points, one for each direction. Left, right, forward, behind, up and down. The compass will signal when an enemy is in one of those directions."
Avdol explained. The flame that represented the left of the group became more agressive. Iggy sniffed the air for a moment and used The Fool to break open a pillar and kill the enemy hiding in it. Avdol started to look at the pillars around them. On the pillar to the right of the one that was just destroyed it read,
"You will die in five."
Avdol turned around to see a void headed straight for the rest of the group.
"Sid, Polnareff, Iggy, move!"
Avdol shouted, shoving Polnareff out of the way. Avdol was sucked into the void, leaving only his arms behind.
Polnareff shouted, tears in his eyes.
"We need to run!"
Sid shouted, grabbing Iggy.
"I'm not running away from the man who just killed Avdol."
Polnareff replied.
"His death will be in vain if we let this guy kill us too."
Sid reasoned. Polnareff realized she was right and got up. They ran to the second floor and stopped in a room with a staircase that was filled with windows. Sid had Soundgarden use Good Eye Closed.
"His stand and user are in the same location. He must be staying in the void his stand creates. He is heading for us. I know what Avdol told us but, that won't help us survive. We need to watch eachother's backs. Iggy, Avdol, I'll watch your backs and you do the same for me and eachother."
Sid stated, Iggy and Polnareff nodded in agreement.
"Iggy, try making a copy of DIO out of sand. I know it's not much of a plan but, I honestly have no clue what else to do."
Sid admitted. Iggy nodded his head and made a copy of DIO that stood in the shadows on top of the staircase. As Vanillia Ice made his way into the room, the copy of DIO made it's way down the stairs.
"Vanilla Ice, leave this behind and come protect me in my room."
The copy stated. Vanillia Ice punched the copy, turning it into nothing but a pile of sand. He grabbed Iggy by the throat and punched him so hard that he flung across the room.
"You made me harm a lookalike of Lord DIO. You must pay."
Vanillia Ice shouted.
"Oh hell no. Soundgarden, Kickstand."
Sid shouted. Soundgarden and it's bass guitar appeared and used it to hit Vanillia Ice in the face.
"I've had enough of you pests. Cream, take them down."
Vanillia Ice shouted and then disappeared into the void of his stand. Cream started to circle around the room. Iggy had been seveirly wounded, Sid ran as fast as she could while avoiding Cream to go pick up Iggy. Polnareff, Sid and Iggy huddled together in the center of the room. Cream kept circling the room, time was running out for the three of them. With the last of his strength, Iggy made a structure out of sand for Sid and Polnareff for them that hung from the ceiling. Iggy didn't have the strength to make it to the ceiling and was swallowed by the void. Thinking that he killed Sid and Polnareff as well, he Vanillia Ice came out of his void. Guessing that Vanillia Ice had been turned into a vampire, Polnareff used Silver Chariot to shred the curtains to nothingness, basking the room in sunlight. As Polnareff and Sid fell down from the ceiling, Sid summond Soundgarden to use kickstand on the back of Vanillia Ice's head, forcing him to move into the sun.
"Bask in the sun, you undead douche."
Sid stated as Vanillia Ice disintigrated. Polnareff and Sid saw the ghosts of Iggy and Avdol give them a nod of approval and disappear towards the heavens. Sid and Avdol left the room and walked around for a moment.
"Wait, I can sense something. We need to go this way."
Sid stated, pointing to the staircase to the left of them. They walked to the staircase to find DIO covered by shadows, only half of his face was visible.
"Ah yes, the love child and the frenchman. If you posses the courage, make your way up the stairs and fight me."
DIO calmly stated. Polnareff and Sid made their way up the stairs at the same time. They had made their way up five steps but, all of a sudden they were at the second step.
"What, lost your bravato? I was honestly impressed that you both got revenge for the loved ones that my minions killed. Stay at the bottom of the stairs and join me or ascend the steps and die."
DIO calmly stated. Sid and Polnareff immdeitaly started climbing the steps. Again, Sid and Polnareff went down the steps without knowing how it happened. Sid started climbing the stairs again and summoned Soundgarden. DIO summond his stand in response.
"I've had enough of your shadowy, vampire, fuckery. Get down here and fight me like the pinnical of perfection you claim to be."
Sid provoked. DIO started to make his way down the stairs just as Star Platinum punched it's way through the wall. DIO retreated into the shadows.
"Where are Avdol and Iggy?"
Joseph asked.
"They... didn't make it."
Sid quietly admitted. The group had a moment of silence.
"We should keep moving, for their sakes."
Kakyoin quietly stated.
"Dumbass, where did he go?"
Jotaro asked a short vampire that had come with him. The vampire led them to a room at the top of the mansion with a singular coffin in the center of the room.
"Open it."
Jotaro ordered as he summoned Star Platinum.
"Please forgive me Lord DIO, I beg of you."
The vampire pleaded.
"Get on with it."
Sid shouted. Within an instant, the vampire was in the coffin and DIO was nowhere to be found. The group jumps out the window and landed safely on the mansion's grounds below.
"It's almost sunset, we need to wait until morning or were as good as dead."
Joseph stated.
"Will all due respect, Mr. Joestar, I'm going after DIO."
Polnareff walked towards the street and, after a moment, Jotaro followed him. After the sun when down, Kakyoin, Joseph and Sid bought a truck off a man and used it to drive around the streets of Cairo in an attempt to draw out DIO. Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green and had it survey the area to find DIO.
"He's a few cars behind us. I tried hitting him with Emerald Splash but, he deflected it. He tried to punch Hierophant Green but, was thankfully out of range."
Kakyoin stated a few moments later.
"Withdraw Hierophant Green. That was too close for comfort."
Joseph told Kakyoin. Kakyoin agreed and withdrew Hierophant Green.
"DIO is too close for my comfort. We should use our stands to swing along the rooftops and draw him out. We should move towards a clocktower I found while we were looking around the city to try and engage him in battle."
Sid proposed. Kakyoin and Joseph agreed. They parked the car and used their stands to start swinging and walking on top of roofs. They followed Sid towards the clocktower she saw earlier. After going across a few rooftops, they noticed DIO was following them. The groups emotions were mixed, they were anxious because now they knew they had to fight DIO when they got to the clocktower but, they felt a slight sense of acomplishment because their plan was working. After DIO pursued them across a handful of rooftops, they had made it to the clocktower. Kakyoin had used Hierophant Green to make a web that surrounded DIO.
"Make one move in any direction and your going to be hit by my Emerald Splash."
Kakyoin told DIO. DIO moves slightly to the left and a twenty meter Emerald Splash is triggered. In an instant, it was as if Kakyoin's attack never happened and Kakyoin was sent flying back into a water tower. There was a hole in the center of Kakyoin's chest with blood gushing from the wound.
Sid shreeked.
Joseph quietly lamented.
"I have to go help him."
Sid shouted as she started to make her way to Kakyoin.
"There's nothing we can do and now isn't the time to argue."
Joseph quietly stated as he grabbed Sid's arm, holding back tears.
"Oh yes, poor Kakyoin."
DIO teased.
"You undead dickhead."
Sid shouted. Before Sid could do anything, Kakyoin used his last Emerald Splash to hit the hands on the clocktower.
"That was nowhere close to me. No matter, the useless attack of a dying man."
DIO stated.
"Dad, he can stop time."
Sid shouted.
"Soundgarden, 4th of July."
Sid shouted, grabbing DIO and electricuting him.
"T-the Wo-wor-world, sto-stop ti-tim-time."
DIO stammered as he was being electricuted. In an instant, Sid was falling out of the air. Joseph quickly used his vines from Hermit Purple to grab Sid out of the air and move her back up to safety on the rooftop next to him. Joseph felt for her pulse, Sid was still alive. DIO disappeared and reappeared behind Joseph.
"Well, what are you doing just standing there? Why don't you attack me, DIO?"
Joseph tried to egg DIO on.
"I'm not stupid, I know you're protecting yourself with Hamon."
DIO replied.
"The World, once again, stop time."
DIO shouted. DIO shoved Joseph and once time resumed, he fell to the front of the resturant below them. Joseph quickly got up and caught Sid before she fell.
"Jotaro, don't get any closer to him. DIO can stop time whenever he wants. We need to come up with a plan."
Joseph shouted when he saw Jotaro crossing the street.
"The World!"
DIO shouted. In an instant, Joseph was stabbed in the throat from a knife that seemingly came out of nowhere. DIO went to steal Joseph's blood but, was stopped by Jotaro.
"Oh, you're approching me?"
DIO questioned Jotaro as he turned around.
"How am I supposed to kick your ass without getting closer?"
Jotaro replied. The World and Star Platinum started exchanging blows as Jotaro and DIO started floating and soon, they were both flying. As Jotaro and DIO were battling, Sid was slowly starting to wake up. Within ten minutes, Sid was back on her feet and trying to think of a plan to help Jotaro. After seeing her dad's corpse, she burst into tears, unable to control herself for another fifteen minutes. After calming herself down, she became determined to help Jotaro and Polnareff, if he was still alive.

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