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The group rode in a car, passing scenes of extravagent homes and palm trees. They stopped at a tent near the desert, next to the tent was an enclosure with a handful of camels. The group got out of the car.
"We'll take five camels and a few canteens of water oh and we'll be paying with this car."
Joseph exclaimed. The rest of the groups jaw's were on the floor.
"Dad... are you going senile? I'm genuinly worried about you."
Sid asked.
"No, I'm as clear headed as ever. Here, let me you guys how to ride a camel."
Joseph stated. He tried to climb up the camel, failing to get on the sadel mulitple times.
"Oh, I forgot, you have to get the camel to sit down first."
Joseph recalled. He tried to pull the camel down by the reigns multiple times and failed.
"You guys taking notes?"
Sid sarcastically asked the group.
"Then why don't you give it a try?"
Joseph asked. Sid rummaged through her bag and pulled out an individual serving of oat cereal she grabbed from a hotel's breakfast service. She took a peice, put it infront of the camel's nose and slowly moved her hand to the ground. The camel followed the scent of the cereal and sat down. Sid sat on the sadel and fed the peice of cereal to the camel. The camel stood back up, the group, except Joseph, let out a chuckle. The rest of the group found a way onto a camel and they started making their way across the desert.
"I feel like we're being followed. I could just be paranoid but, I can't shake the feeling."
Kakyoin admitted.
"I don't blame you, we've been under constant attack the past few days."
Polnareff replied. They kept moving along the desert.
"I see what Kakyoin's talking about, I feel like there's something behind me but, I don't see anything."
Sid added.
"We'll keep our eyes open but, we don't have the time to stop and check."
Joseph stated.
"You know, it feels like it's getting hotter out here."
Polnareff stated.
"It is the hottest time of day."
Joseph replied, looking at his watch.
"Wait, it's 8pm, something isn't right here."
Joseph shouted. The group got off their camels and hid behind a rock. The camels started to pass out from heat exhaustion. Star Platinum punched a small hole in the ground, creating a small cave.
"Get in,"
Jotaro instructed the group. Sid thanked Jotaro as she got in the cave, to which he nodded his head. The group sat in there for what felt like hours as the tempurature increased. From what felt like out of nowhere, Kakyoin started laughing. Trying to find what was so funny, Sid looked around them. Surprised Polnareff or Joseph weren't doing something stupid to try and difuse the tension, she looked outside.
"Those two rocks are so parallel that they might as well be mirrored... wait a second... the stand user has been following us behind a mirror this whole fucking time."
Sid thought to herself, she too started laughing. Soon, Polnareff and Jotaro started laughing. Joseph grabbed Jotaro by the collar of his jacket.
"Look, Jotaro, when the going gets tough-"
He was cut off by Sid.
"Dad, we're not going insane just... just look at those two rocks."
Sid pointed to the rock on the left then moved her finger to point at the right one.
"They're increadably similar aren't they. It's almost as if they were mirrored."
Sid mustered inbetween bouts of laughter.
"I don't get it."
Joseph admitted. Jotaro made his way out of the cave and used Star Platinum to throw a rock at the mirror.
"A hole appeared in thin air."
Joseph shouted. The blazing heat turned into a slight chill in the air as the bright sun turned into a dazling, star sprinkled night sky.
"I'll just assume the heat was to much for you, or it would be hard to believe you're my grandfather."
Jotaro stated. The rock that Star Platinum had thrown hit the enemy stand user in the head, knocking the man out.
"Looks like he had a full setup back here."
Sid remarked.
"Yeah, an AC unit, lots of water, even a soda."
Kakyoin added. Polnareff started drinking the soda and Jotaro picked up the container of water. The group decided to setup camp there. Joseph started a fire and made dinner with a pot, using the heat from the fire. Kakyoin started laying out everyone's sleeping bags. After Joseph finished making dinner, everyone gathered around the fire and had dinner. Sid tried her best to eat around others but, only managed a few bites. Sid immediatly felt sick and walked as far as she could from the campsite and threw up. Once she felt better she made her way back and had everyone line up so she could check on their wounds.
"Hmm, looks like you got a pretty good cut on the arm at some point. Wish you would have shown it to me sooner. It looks like it's going to need stiches."
Sid informed Jotaro as she looked at his arm.
"Too bad we don't have any."
Jotaro replied. Sid started rummaging through her bad. She pulled out a handful of packages that read,
"Medical grade stiches."
"I used Soundgarden to lift some off the supplies room last time we went to the local clinic. I got a bunch of other useful stuff when we were there."
Sid jovialy admitted as she pulled medical gloves, saline wash, band-aids of all shapes and sizes and various wound dressings from her bag. Everyone, except Jotaro, had their jaws on the floor.
"No wonder you've been to jail twice, you're a klepto."
Polnareff stated.
"No, I take what I need. Well, except for all the times I stole booze from a local gas station. But, in this instance, we needed it."
Sid replied. Polnareff shrugged it off. Sid put on a pair of the gloves and disinfected the wound. She went to grab a package of stiches and tried to open it but, Jotaro stopped her.
"Wait, have you ever given stiches before?"
Jotaro questioned.
"A couple of times, a few years ago."
Sid admitted.
"Good Grief, I guess it's better than nothing."
Jotaro replied.
"They usually use lidocane to numb the area before giving stiches. Sorry, but, Soundgarden couldn't find any of that so... it's going to hurt. Remember to take deep breaths and don't move."
Sid warned Jotaro. She opened the package and started stiching up his wound. Jotaro grimaced in pain and just as she had started, she had his wound stiched up.
"How's your nose healing up? Any pain?"
Sid asked.
"It's been fine with the meds I got at the clinic."
Jotaro replied.
"Any other injuries?"
Sid asked.
Jotaro replied.
"Awesome, now move,"
Sid joked as Jotaro got up and sat on his sleeping bag. He rummanged through his things and started reading the book Sid got him for Christmas.
"Polnareff, get over here."
Sid instructed, he made his way over and sat down next to her.
"How's that cut you got in Singapore doing?"
Sid asked.
"I don't know, it still hurts from time to time while walking."
Polnareff replied. Sid asked if she could take a look at it and Polnareff agreed.
"Oh my god, this thing is infected to high hell. How do you not have a fever, that's insane. Did you not disinfect and redress the wound every day?"
Sid questioned.
"I didn't think you had to."
Polnareff defensivly admitted. Sid massaged her temples for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Well, Hmm- I... *tisk*."
Sid stopped herself from saying what was really on her mind.
"If you didn't know before, now you do."
Sid stated. She opened up the wound and cleaned it out.
"I'm nowhere near as tough as Jotaro and even he looked like he was in pain."
Polnareff whined.
"I don't know what to tell you."
Sid replied as she opened the package.
"Why don't you try it?"
Polnareff asked.
"I had a couple of cuts I had to sew up myself."
Sid replied, slightly lifting her shirt to show a large cut that streched from a couple inches below her bra to her midsection. The entire cut had been perfectly stiched up. Polnareff didn't know how to reply. Sid started stiching up the wound on his ankle.
"Have you ever thought of going to medical school?"
Polnareff asked.
Sid quickly replied.
"Why not?"
Polnareff pushed the issue.
"To be honest, this isn't my thing. I know not everyone ends up enjoying their jobs but, after everything, I'd like to enjoy the life I lead. The only reason I did this in prison is because I didn't have a job in there yet and my cell was one of the closest ones to the infirmary."
Sid explained.
"Then why do you do it for us?"
Kakyoin asked.
"Because who else here has experience with patching people up after fights?"
Sid asked. Everyone started to feel a sense of guilt. They assumed Sid planned on becoming a nurse or doctor after this.
"What do you want to do?"
Joseph asked.
"I don't know. I was in a band a few weeks before all this started. They kicked me out after they found out about my arrests."
Sid admitted.
"Why would that matter if you're all just in a band?"
Polnareff questioned.
"Great question. They said they were all so punk rock or whatever. I show up having actually having gone through some punk rock shit and they kick me out."
Sid replied. She finished up Polnareff's stiches.
"Any other injuries?"
Sid asked.
Polnareff replied.
"Alright, take these antibotics and if you have any other signs of infection, let me know."
Sid handed a bottle of pills she had taken from the clinic.
"Merci beaucoup."
Polnareff stated, sounding somewhat meloncoly.
"I don't speak French but, sure. Alright, Dad, you're up."
Sid stated and Joseph sat next to her.
"I have a cut on my leg. I think it needs stiches and could be infected."
Joseph stated.
"You already know what I'm going to ask. I don't have to talk as much. I love that."
Sid flatly stated. Joseph pulled up the leg of his pants to his knee.
"You're right. Infected and needs stitches."
Sid stated and let out a sigh. Sid went through the same routine she went through with Polnareff's injury. She started giving Joseph stitches.
"Oh my god, how did you do that on yourself?"
Joseph shouted.
"Calm down, if you keep moving your going to make this harder on both of us."
Sid warned. Joseph took a few deep breaths and decided to talk with Sid to distract himself.
"What instrament did you play in that band?"
Joseph asked.
"I was the singer."
Sid replied.
"What kind of music did you play?"
Joseph asked.
"Mostly alternitive metal."
Sid replied.
"Were you guys popular at all?"
Joseph asked.
"No, we hadn't even signed to a label yet. We played a handful of gigs around Seattle."
Sid replied.
"Did you have any bands open for you?"
Joseph asked.
"No, we opened for a band that I named my stand after, Soundgarden."
Sid replied. Sid had finished Joseph's stitches.
"I don't have any other injuries. Thanks for your help."
Joseph stated.
"Sure, Kakyoin, you're up. Oh and if you show up with an infected cut, I'm going to lose my mind."
Sid instructed.
"You're mind is going to be safe and sound. I only have small scrapes that I've been using disinfectant on and changing the bandage every day. I don't need any help with that but, I appreciate all you've done for the group."
Kakyoin replied.
"You're very welcome and thank you. I love to hear that you're taking care of it. Makes my job a lot easier."
Sid stated, giving Polnareff and Joseph a dirty look.
"I'm exhausted, I'm going to try and get some shut eye."
Polnareff stated.
"Anyone have the time?"
Sid asked while rubbing her eyes. Jotaro pulled out his watch.
Jotaro replied.
"All this crap going on has made me so tired."
Sid admitted. The rest of the group agreed it was a good time to try and get some sleep. They all got in their sleeping bags and went tried to get some sleep. Five hours later, Sid awoke in a cold sweat to find Kakyoin awake, writing in a notebook. Sid had noticed a few tears had streamed down her face while sleeping. She quickly wyped them off her cheeks.
Kakyoin asked.
"Honestly, yeah."
Sid answered.
"Can I ask what it was about?"
Kakyoin asked.
"Boring stuff."
Sid replied.
"If it was boring you wouldn't have been crying in your sleep."
Kakyoin pointed out.
"Touche. Can I ask what time it is first?"
Sid asked. Kakyoin pulled out a pocket watch.
Kakyoin informed Sid.
"I'm honestly surprised I slept that much."
Sid stated.
"If you're having nightmares that much, you must be keeping a lot in."
Kakyoin returned to the original point of the conversation. The look on Sid's face turned grim.
"Look, I want to keep this between you and I. Especially from my dad."
Sid stated, Kakyoin nodded in agreement.
"Dan of Steel knew he could take and get anything he wanted from Jotaro and I. And, well, he took what he wanted from me. But, he really didn't want anything else but my body. Even Jotaro doesn't fully know what happened in the hotel room. He just saw me get dragged of by Dan, he knows I wouldn't willingly do anything with the guy and he saw Dan and I walk out of the hotel. He saw that I was... petrified and how... satisified Dan looked. It normally doesn't feel right to beat someone to death but, after that and what he did to Jotaro, I did the right thing. The law would've done nothing, even after he raped me and he would've walked free and been able to do the same thing to another person."
Sid admitted.
"I'm sorry that happened, it's horrific. You did the right thing, scum like that don't deserve to walk free."
Kakyoin stated.
"I hope you don't mind me asking but, what are you writing about? I like writing lyrics so, I'm just curious."
Sid asked.
"Nothing too interesting, just a journal about our travels."
Kakyoin admitted.
"Can I ask you something personal?"
Sid asked.
Kakyoin answered.
"How did you and Jotaro meet?"
Sid asked.
"I had just moved to the same neighborhood as him a few weeks before school started. We met on the first day of the school year. We were both sort of loners. It was a sterotypical friends to lovers sort of thing. Neither of our families knew, well, except you. How did you meet Charlie?"
Kakyoin stated.
"Jail, figured out we lived close together, nothing terribly interesting."
Sid replied, trying not to cry. She started audibly sobbing, waking up Polnareff in the process.
"Hmm. What's going on?"
Polnareff mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.
"Sid's worried about her friend."
Kakyoin replied.
"I'm tired of it, having to refer to her as a mere friend for the sake of others bigotry. Charlie is my girlfriend of three years."
Sid admitted through sobs.
"What are you saying?"
Polnareff questioned.
"I'm bisexual and Charlie is my girlfriend."
Sid proclaimed.
"Well, I didn't know that. I understand why you're so upset that Charlie might be hurt. For you're sake I hope she's safe."
Polnareff stated, placing a hand on Sid's shoulder to comfort her.
Sid hugged him. The comotion had woken Jotaro and Joseph up.
"Did I hear that right? Oh, my little girl. I understand why you're so upset now."
Joseph rushed over and hugged Sid.
"I didn't think you'd understand so fast."
Sid stated as she was being hugged by Joseph.
"I just imagined what it would be like if I had heard something bad happened to Suzi."
Joseph admitted. Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, he looked back. Jotaro pulled the brim of his cap over his eyes.
"Kakyoin and I are dating, have been for the past couple of months."
Jotaro stated.
"Welcome to the family, Kakyoin."
Joseph stated and him a hug.
"I'm so happy for you both."
Polnareff added. Sid had a smile on her face, reminising on this stage in her relationship with Charlie. A few tears fell down her face. They started their morning as usual and started their journey for the day. By the end of the day, they had made their way to a town and got hotel rooms.
"I'd love to stay up and chat but, I'm very tired. I'm going to go change into my pajamas in the bathroom and then head to bed."
Sid told Polnareff.
"Don't worry, I feel the same way."
Polnareff replied. Sid went to put on her pajamas in the bathroom and went to bed in one of the beds. Polnareff did the same, going to sleep in the other bed.

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