Dog Days Are Over

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Sid decided to just go for it. She swung down from the building onto the bridge where Jotaro and DIO were fighting.
"If this were a western, the hero would say, it's high noon. Now get up DIO and draw your peice."
Sid heard Jotaro say as she landed on the bridge.
"Nice of you to join us, now I have two Joestars to pick my next meal from."
DIO taunted.
"Hey, elf shoes, your not in much of a position to be making threats. Jotaro may not be the type to kick a guy while he's down but, I'm not as nice."
Sid retorted and then kicked DIO in the face. With his good leg, DIO tried to kick Jotaro using The World. In return, Jotaro used Star Platinum to kick DIO's leg and DIO's body split in half.
"I, the immortal DIO, cannot die. This is not happening, this is an illusion. Someone has tricked me."
Dio shouted as his body burst in half. His head had spilt in half, he could no longer heal himself. DIO, the seemingly immortal vampire, was dead. Sid started to walk over to check his pulse but, Jotaro grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"He wouldn't have a pulse anyways, he was a vampire."
Jotaro quitely stated, as if he was reading Sid's mind. Sid nodded and they stood there, waiting for the Speedwagon foundation to show up. Within a few minutes, a Speedwagon foundation medical van showed up. It picked up the remains of DIO aswell as Sid and Jotaro. Joseph's body was already on board, the heart rate monitors they had attached to him weren't making any noise.
"We have DIO's remains, we need to expose them to direct sunlight as soon as possible."
A Speedwagon foundation worker stated over the radio.
"Hold off on that, I have an idea."
Jotaro told the doctors. The doctors and Sid looked at him with a puzzled expression.
"DIO took a lot from us but, we can take something back from him. Start a blood transfusion from DIO to the old man. Don't worry about his pulse, I have some experience with stopping and starting hearts thanks to my battle with DIO."
Jotaro told the doctors. As soon as Joseph had some blood in him, Jotaro used Star Platinum to get Joseph's heart pumping again. Joseph let out a chuckle.
"You're a fool, Jotaro. You have brought, I, DIO, back to life."
Joseph stated. Both Jotaro and Sid stood up and summoned their stands.
"No, no, no, I was just kidding. See, it's me, Joseph Joestar."
Joseph waved his hands back and forth and summoned his stand. They withdrew their stands and Jotaro asked Joseph a bunch of questions to make sure it was him.
"Not the best time for a prank, dad but, I'm glad you're back."
Sid stated. Jotaro nodded his head in agreement and they sat back down. The Speedwagon foundation concluded that only Polnareff needed to go to the hospitial. The van took Sid, Jotaro, Joseph and DIO's remains to a deserted area. The three of them got out of the van, Jotaro carried DIO's remains in a body bag. They walked for a few minutes as the sun set in the sky. Jotaro dumped DIO's remains onto the sand and watched as his remains turned to nothing but dust. DIO Brando was offically dead.
"We spent fifty days fighting for our lives. We laughed, cried and learned a lot about ourselves and eachother. I will miss Kakyoin, Avdol and Iggy for the rest of my life."
Sid stated. After standing in silence for a few more minutes, all of them thinking of those they lost on this journey, they went back into the van. They were told that Polnareff had been patched up and was leaving the hospitial and going to the airport. The workers drove them to the same airport that Polnareff was driven to. They were in the parking garage and the van pulled into a parking spot.
"Your bags have been picked up by foundation workers and are going to be shipped to the Kujo mansion. Good work defeating DIO and have a good flight."
The driver of the van told the Joestars. They said their thanks and got out of the van. They made their way to the counter and bought their tickets to Tokyo. They made their way to their gate and stopped an area of the airport with resturants to grab breakfast. While they were in line at a fastfood place, Sid looked to her left and saw a man with a grey hair and a flat top.
Sid shouted and ran over to him. She gave him a hug and a few tears left her eyes. Polnareff hugged her back and, after a few seconds, they let go of eachother.
"I didn't think we were going to get to say goodbye."
Sid stated.
"Why goodbye? How about bye for now?"
Polnareff replied, Sid nodded her head in agreement.
"Yeah, I like that better. Do you have a home phone?"
Sid asked.
"Not yet but, do you have one? I'll call you when I can."
Polnareff replied. Jotaro wrote his house's number down on a peice of paper and gave it to Polnareff.
"I've been talking with the old man and it looks like Sid is going to stay with us for awhile."
Jotaro stated. Jotaro and Joseph said their goodbye's with Polnareff and they went their separate ways. After the Sid, Joseph and Jotaro got their food and walked to their gate, their plane came about twenty minutes later. They got on their plane and all sat in the same row.
"Sid, before I fall asleep, we need to talk. Suzi and my daughter, Holy, don't know that you are the product of an affair. When we get to Holy's house, you and Jotaro will wait outside while I explain the situation. Suzi has been taking with Holy about you staying with them since she started feeling better this morning. She said it will depend on how you behave for a week while staying in her home."
Joseph explained as the plane took off.
"Wait, old man, why do I have to wait outside with Sid?"
Jotaro asked.
"To make sure she dosen't try anything."
Joseph replied.
"I'm more so worried about you trying something. You know, like not telling them that I'm your affair baby. If I was Holy, I would take back the offer after finding out the truth. And would your wife really want to interact with me after finding out the truth?"
Sid questioned Joseph.
"Never say affair baby again."
Jotaro quietly stated.
"Fair enough but, that's not the point of what I'm saying."
Sid replied.
"They are both incredibly kind women. Holy gets it from her mother. Either way I'm sure that you will fit in at the Kujo home."
Joseph replied. Jotaro nodded his head in agreement.
"Luckly I keep a change of clothes with me. Meeting them in this might not go over super well."
Sid thought to herself. About twenty minutes passed, Joseph had fallen asleep and Jotaro was reading the book Sid got him for Christmas. She grabbed the sweater and jeans that Jotaro and Joseph got her for Christmas and made her way to the airplane bathroom. She changed into the clothes and made her way back to her seat. She put her other clothes back in her bag and grabbed her walkman and her cassette tape of Led Zepplin II. She put the cassette in the deck, closed it and pressed play. Jotaro wrote down something on a peice of paper and passed it to Sid. It read,
"Don't worry about my mom or grandma. They'll just be pissed at the old man. I'm sure they'll love you and that you'll fit in with the family. As long as you pick up after yourself, my mom will most likely let you stay with us. P.S. I have a vynl of that same album at home, one of my favorites."
Sid put the note in her pocket and took a peice of paper from Jotaro and grabbed a pen out of her pocket. She wrote something down and handed it to Jotaro. It read,
"Thanks, I was really worried that they were going kick me to the curb and tell me to piss off. I have a headphone jack divider, want to plug in your headphones and listen with me? P.S. I have been meaning to tell you that it didn't work out between Polnareff and I. We decided to stay friends."
Jotaro finished reading the note and grabbed a pair of headphones out of the pocket infront of Joseph. Sid tried to hold back her laughter so she didn't wake Joseph up. Jotaro and Sid spent the rest of the flight listening to the tapes Sid had with her. Joseph spent the rest of the flight sleeping. When they landed they got a cab and were driven to the Kujo mansion. Once they got there, Jotaro opened the gates and they walked into the garden near the entrance. Joseph made his way towards the room that Holy had been staying in before they left. Jotaro and Sid slowly walked around the garden.
"This is really where you live?"
Sid asked, sounding shocked.
"Yeah, is there something wrong with it?"
Jotaro replied.
"God no, it's incredible. Are you renting it with anyone?"
Sid asked.
"Nope, only mom and I. Well, and dad when he's not touring which, isn't very often."
Jotaro admitted.
"She's who?"
They heard a female voice yell from one of the bedrooms.
"Mom, don't blame the girl."
They heard another female voice say.
"Well of course I don't but, Joseph Joestar, I ought to smack you upside the head."
The first female voice shouted.
"If she's here we might aswell meet her."
The second female voice reasoned. A few more minutes passed. A woman in her mid fourties walked through the garden, towards Sid and Jotaro.
"Oh, my sweet baby boy is home. I missed you so much."
The woman sweetly stated and gave Jotaro an agressive hug. Jotaro didn't say anything but, didn't seem happy about it.
"Hi mom, feeling better?"
Jotaro asked her after she let go of him.
"I'm doing great, thank you for asking."
She cheerily replied.
"Sister! My name is Holy Kujo. It's very nice to finally meet you. I know father may have told you that I needed a week to see if you were a good fit for the family but, that was before I knew you're my sister. Welcome home."
Holy cheerily stated then gave Sid the same kind of hug she gave Jotaro.
"Thank you, so much, Ms. Kujo. I promise I will treat you and your home with the respect that is deserved."
Sid stated and hugged Holy back. After a few moments, they let go.
"Ms. Kujo is too formal. You can call me Holy."
Holy stated. Sid nodded her head and they made their way into the house.
"This is the kitchen, you have the option of eating at the table or the floor. Depending on if it's a weekday or weekend breakfast is served at either seven or ten in the morning. If you're too tired to make it at that time there's usually leftovers or something to make yourself a simple breakfast. We also usually have family game night at six every Sunday night. If you're going to live here, that's manditory."
Holy joked. Sid followed Holy and Jotaro through the outside hallways. Sid was shown where Holy and Jotaro's rooms were. Sid contiued to follow them.
"I hope you don't mind but, your room will be right next to the library so, you might hear a bit of foot traffic."
Holy apologized.
"You guys have a library?"
Sid excitedly asked.
"We do. It has all the dictionaries and reference texts you could ever need. Plus, a few shelves of my, Jotaro's and my husband, Sadao's favorite books. We'll make room for a few shelves for you."
Holy stated. Sid thanked her and continued to follow Holy and Jotaro to be shown around the rest of the mansion. Sid sat her things in her new room and then followed them back to the kitchen.

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