The Shortest Straw

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Sid Summoned Soundgarden to use Good Eye Closed. She blindly walked around the city to find Jotaro. Though the points on the map didn't tell her who the point represented, she assumed Jotaro was the one with another dot right next to it. Near a roundabout, she saw that another dot was approaching another, was quickly moved back and didn't start moving again. Sid started running, not being able to see if she was going to run into something. When she got close to the dots, she opened her eyes to see DIO standing over a passed out Jotaro. Sid assumed he was about to go in for the kill.
"Hey, disco douche Dracula, why don't you take a shot at me? I think I heard you mention something about needing Joestar blood before passing out. I may be a love child but, I've still got the DNA."
Sid taunted. DIO slowly turned his attention from Jotaro and slowly walked towards Sid.
"Soundgarden, 4th of July."
Sid shouted, Soundgarden wrapped it's wires around DIO and started electricuting him.
"I've never tried this before."
Sid whispered to herself.
"Soundgarden, Kickstand."
Sid shouted. Soundgarden used it's avalible hand to take a drumstick out of it's pocket. It broke it in half against it's knee to make a sharp edge and stabbed DIO in the eye with the splitered drumstick. Soundgarden took the drumstick out of DIO's eye and blood splattered from the wound. DIO only had a few moments until the electricity of Soundgarden's 4th of July became deadly.
"Am I going to do it? Am I somehow going to kill DIO?"
Sid thought to herself.
"The world!"
DIO shouted. Time stopped and Sid was sent flying backwards.
"I might as well keep these Joestars alive for as long as possible so their blood is fresh when I drink it."
DIO thought to himself. He refocused his attention to Jotaro. For the couple of hours, Sid is again knocked out.
"Sid, Sid, I'm not mad."
A familiar voice tells her. The darkness of Sid's sleep is lightened by Charlie's face.
"Sid, listen to me. I know it's been weighing on your mind a lot. I'm not mad that you made out with Polnareff. If I was in your position I would've done the same thing. I still love you and I know you still love me. But, more importantly, go out there and help Jotaro kick DIO's ass. You're the toughest bitch I know so, go out there and do what you do best. Hold on, I think someone else wants to talk to you."
Charlie's ghost stated.
"Hi honey."
Sid's Aunt appeared.
"I want to say that I'm so proud of you. After all that you've been through you've grown up to be such a strong woman. I know with the help of Jotaro and Polnareff, you can defeat DIO. Charlie and I think about you and watch over you every single day. You picked such a sweet girl to be the one you love. She may not have told you but, she misses you very much. I miss you aswell, more than anything. Oh, I think someone else wants to talk to you. Be smart and be safe, I don't want to see you up here for a very long time."
Sid's Aunt Mary conclueded.
"Hey Sid."
A familiar male voice stated as Kakyoin appeared.
"Stellar job figuring out my last Emerald Splash. I was kind of worried no one would get it. But, you did almost instantly. Figuring that out effectivly saved the rest of the group. I know we didn't know eachother for very long but, honestly it felt like years. I know you've been worrying about it and to scared to say anything but, forget about that argument we had Christmas Eve, we were all on edge and it meant nothing. We all just wanted to say hello and cheer you on."
Kakyoin stated as Charlie and Aunt Mary reappeared.
"Am I going with you?"
Sid asked.
"Goodness no honey, you've still got so much fight left in you. Get back to it."
Aunt Mary answered just before Sid woke up in a cold sweat. She was laying on the sidewalk of where DIO had thrown her to. Sid sat for a few moments, trying to collect herself.
"Soundgarden obvously isn't strong enough to take on The World and live to tell the tale. What else can I do to help the others?"
Sid thought to herself.
"The Speedwagon foundation!"
Sid shouted to herself. Sid ran around the city to find a payphone. Within a few minutes she found one and put the coins into the slot. She dialed the number that Joseph had given her incase of an emergency.
"This is Sid Joestar, Kakyoin and my father are in grave danger and we need medical ASAP. We're in Cairo, Egypt. Kakyoin is at the clocktower and my dad is at a resturant in front of the clocktower. I don't know the staus of Jotaro but, I'm guessing he's still fighting DIO. I think Polnareff is still alive but, he's badly injured."
Sid quickly explained.
"Understood, we'll be there as soon as possible. We understand that you know basic first aid. See what you can do for those who have been injured."
A Speedwagon foundation worker stated and then hung up the phone. Sid made her way over to Polnareff as he was only a few feet from her. She disinfected and stiched up a wound on his ankle and on his forehead. She wondered her way over to Joseph, all his blood had been drained and he had no pulse. There was nothing Sid could do for him. Sid knew she had her own wounds to attend to but, didn't see the point of doing so when she needed to check on Kakyoin and try to help Jotaro. She used Soundgarden's wires to get herself up and over the building. She saw the leaking water tower and Kakyoin's lifeless body still proped up on it. Sid hesitated to move any closer, feeling she'd confirm the worst. Out of everyone in the group, she felt that she'd bonded with Jotaro and Kakyoin the most. I was as if one of her brothers had died. She got over the hesitation, knowing that if there was anyway to help Kakyoin, she had to do it. She went over to him and felt his pulse.
There was nothing. Kakyoin, her father, Iggy, Avdol, Charlie, Aunt Mary, there was nothing she could do about any of them. After a few moments of mourning, she vowed to herself that she would never be powerless again. Sid summoned Soundgarden to use Good Eye Closed to find Jotaro and DIO. She blindly swung between the rooftops while tracking the two dots. She stopped on a roof a short distance from the two dots to see Jotaro standing over DIO's body, though, since he was still visible through Good Eye Closed's map, he was still alive. Sid's anxiety made her wonder if she would just ruin whatever Jotaro's plan was. Sid pondered wether or not she should even try and go help him or not. She wondered if she would just get in the way.

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