Over Now

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After the funeral, the family attended a funeral for Avdol and held a funeral at the Kujo mansion for Iggy. Iggy's ashes were spread in the pond in the Kujo's garden. Sid's things showed up a few days before Joseph and Suzi were scheduled to leave. Holy helped Sid put her clothes through the laundry and cleared space in the library for her books.
"Is there a certain way that you like the books arranged?"
Sid asked Holy.
"No, you can arrange them however you like. The three empty shelves on the far right are yours. Thanks for asking."
Holy cheerily replied. Sid walked over to Jotaro's room and knocked on the door.
Jotaro shouted through the door.
"Can you help me arrange my books? I can't reach the shelves and you're taller than me."
Sid asked after opening the door. Jotaro nodded and they started grabbing boxes and moving them to the library. Once they got the four boxes filled with books into the Kujo's library. Jotaro grabbed his pocket knife and started carefully cutting the boxes open.
"Carrie by Stephen King, Dracula by Bram Stoker, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and The Call Of Cthulu by H.P. Lovecraft. Didn't know you were a horror fan."
Jotaro pointed out as he put the books in a pile on the floor.
"Yeah, I like a lot of the classics. I plan on putting them in different sections by genre. How about I put them in piles on the floor by genre and you put them on the shelves."
Sid suggested. Jotaro nodded in agreement and started putting the horror books he had found on the shelves.
"Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and Animal Farm by George Orwell. Is it alright if I borrow Catch-22 at some point?"
Jotaro asked as he put the books in a new section of the shelves.

 Is it alright if I borrow Catch-22 at some point?"Jotaro asked as he put the books in a new section of the shelves

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"Yeah, of course. Just let me know so I don't go crazy thinking I lost it."
Sid replied.
"Oh, crap, let me go grab the books from my bag. I completely forgot about them."
Sid stated and grabbed the two books she had in her bag then, came back in the library. Sid laid one of the books in it's own pile and one of them in the pile where Animal Farm was before being put on the shelf.
"The book of stories from Greek mytholigy."
Jotaro read off the cover of the book in it's own pile.
Sid sounded sad, remebering that Kakyoin and her had gotten in an argument over it. Jotaro put his hand on her shoulder.
"It was a pointless argument that didn't mean anything."
Jotaro told Sid.
"I know,"
Sid stated just before bursting into tears.
January quickly turned into April and the weather got warmer. Jotaro and Sid spent most of their days reading, playing video games and walking around Tokyo. Sid fit in well in the household and was offically signed to go to the same school as Jotaro. A couple weeks before school started, Sid gathered a bunch of her favorite clothes and took them to the school as Holy tagged along with her.
"Remember it has to be something we can buy multipuls of."
Holy reminded Sid just before opening the gate. Sid rushed to her room to put a couple things back and grabbed a couple of other things to replace it. After Sid came back, Holy opened the gate and they walked to the school. Holy directed Sid to the office and they knocked on the principal's door. A woman opened the door and invited them to sit down. They sat down at the two chairs on one side of the principal's desk and the principal sat down at the fancy office chair on the opposite side.
"I appreciate the visit Ms. Kujo but, the school year hasn't even started. Jotaro hasn't been able to get in trouble yet."
The principal stated.
"I called a couple weeks ago, I'm here to enroll Sid for her senior year."
Holy reminded the principal.
"Oh, yes, I'm so sorry about that. Here are the forms you need and I see Sid brought clothes for the uniform check. Sid, once you're done filling out the parts of the form you need to worry about, why don't you go to the restroom and try on your first pick and come back."
The principal stated and handed Sid a clipboard. Holy pointed out the parts of the form she needed to fill out and told her what they were asking for. Sid finished filling out the form and took her bag of clothes to the nearest restroom. Sid put on her first pick and went back to the office.
"No, try another one."
The principal instructed. This happened three more times before the principal approved her outfit. Sid was wearing a black, button up, long sleeve, collared top with a large, white star in the middle and a pair of black jeans with suspenders hanging from them. Sid's shoes had changed from boots to black slipons and she wore large dangling earrings in the shape of black coffins. She wore black eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner without a wing.
"Look, if this is the most formal we can get you to go then you definatley are related to Jotaro. See you in two weeks for the first day of school."
The principal defeatedly stated and they left the office. Later that night, after dinner and Holy went to bed, Sid and Jotaro were hanging out in the library. They were having a beer and reading.
"I'm bored."
Sid whined.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
Jotaro asked.
"Is there anywhere to go swimming around here?"
Sid asked.
"There's the public pool a couple blocks down but, it closed an hour ago."
Jotaro replied.
"I have an awfully fun idea. You ever heard of Lipovitan D? It's an energy drink they sell in markets aorund here. Charlie and I used to mix energy drinks with vodka then do swimming during the summers."
(NOT A PART OF THE STORY: Writers note: This maybe obvious but, don't try this!!!!!)
Sid reminised.
"That'll taste like shit."
Jotaro replied.
"That's part of the fun. Come on, last two weeks before school. Let's have some fun."
Sid whined.
"Fuck it. Do you have any leftover booze from New Years?"
Jotaro asked.
"No, that's long gone."
Sid replied. Jotaro and Sid had their stands go and steal vodka, energy drinks, cigarettes, more booze and beer. They went into their separate rooms and put their swimsuits on and put their clothes on over them. They met in Sid's room once she was done getting dressed and she mixed the energy drinks and vodka together and put them in two separate travel cups that weren't clear. She also filled her flask with Fireball. They quickly walked the few blocks to the pool and hopped the fence.
"They usually keep the cover off twenty-four hours during spring and summer."
Jotaro explained before taking a sip from his cup. Sid had already drank half of what was in her flask.
"Good grief, how can you drink Fireball without puking your guts out?"
Jotaro sarcasitcally asked. Sid shrugged her shoulders and took her clothes over her swimsuit off and jumped in the pool.
"I had no clue you were so goth."
Jotaro pointed out before going down the steps into the pool.
Sid asked.
"Your swim top has vampire teeth in the center and your belly button ring has a coffin on it."
Jotaro pointed out.
"Oh crap, I honestly didn't remember that you would see my piercing if I wore this. I used my fake ID to get it when I was thirteen."
Sid was starting to slur her words together. Sid went to the side of the pool to take another sip from her travel cup.
"Oh yeah, if you feel yourself getting really drunk, stay in the shallow end."
Sid told Jotaro.
"Then I think you should stay in the shallow end."
Jotaro told Sid, pointing at the stairs of the pool. Sid nodded her head and made her way to sit on the stairs.
"The main reason we would go drunk swimming is because of how nice the water felt. I find actual swimming while drunk to be really tiring."
Sid admitted. Jotaro grabbed both of their drinks and went to sit on the stairs with Sid. Jotaro felt his cheeks start to flush and his perception start to change.
"You know, you haven't really fallen apart after all that's happened, at least from what I can tell. I've lost my shit at every possible opportunity. Like how I kicked and screamed like a child when dad left and then didn't eat for almost a week. Or how I did fine with driving until I started driving on public streets and started cussing out everyone who didn't know what they were doing. My roadrage was so severe that I questioned the point of humanity and started crying. Holy had to drive us home while I was breathing in a paper bag and had to put my headphones on. Etc, etc."
Sid drunkenly explained. Jotaro burst into tears.
"It's all my fault. Their deaths were my fault and I miss Kakyoin more than anything."
Jotaro admitted through sobs.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry. That's not true. The only people to blame are DIO and Vanillia Ice. My drunk ass should've thought before saying that. I miss Kakyoin too, though, not as much as you do. Everything I said at his funeral was the truth."
Sid apologized.
"I don't know if I said it at the time but, I really liked your speech."
Jotaro admitted.
"Thanks, I tried to remember as much as I could. I didn't include this in my speech but, did I ever tell you about the dream I had after getting knocked out after he died?"
Sid sloppily asked. Jotaro shook his head no with his head in his hands. Sid told him about the dream she had with her aunt, Charlie and Kakyoin and how Kakyoin told her not to worry about the argument they had Christmas Eve.
"How come Avdol and Iggy weren't in the dream?"
Jotaro asked.
"Don't get me wrong, I cared so deeply for Avdol and Iggy but, I didn't know them as well as I knew Kakyoin. And, they weren't there when I almost died, they didn't hear all the dumb things I said while on drugs. But, again, I really did care about them. I was going to ask Avdol his phone number and address to keep in contact, in a friendly way, of course. I loved that dog, I was going to angle to adopt him after everything was over. I don't know why they weren't in my dream. It's not like I didn't know they were dead, I saw all of them die."
Sid slowly replied, chuckling when she thought about the things she said after her surgery.
"Maybe far away..."
Jotaro jokingly sang, lifting his head from his hands.
"Or maybe real nearby..."
They both jokingly sang.
"Fuck, we're going to need so much Advil tommorow."
Sid stated, only half joking. She reached for her drink and took a big sip. After joking around for a few more hours, they stumbled their way home. They spent the next two weeks in an almost perpetually drunken state. During that time, they got their information about the next school year in the mail. They both opened their letters from the school.
"Huh, same class but, instead of P.E. you have Japanese learning class and your P.E. grade gets waved."
Jotaro stated.
"Thank god, I am not a runner."
Sid sighed in relief. A few days later, Jotaro and Sid got up and got ready for school. Holy made them breakfast and gave them their lunch boxes.
"Thanks. Oh, I've been meaning to ask you something. I know it may seem strange since you're technically my sister but, can I call you mom? I've started calling Jotaro my brother since that's what it feels like he is to me."
Sid asked Holy on her way out the door.
"Sure! Have a good day at school."
Holy cheerily replied before giving Sid and Jotaro a kiss on the cheek.
"God, wearing the same thing everyday is going to get boring really fast."
Sid complained as they walked down the stairs to the school.
"Eh, makes one part of my day less stressful."
Jotaro replied while shrugging his shoulders.
"Oh, yeah, since lunch is after P.E., I thought it tell you now that I usually have lunch on the roof. The entry is a couple doors to the left of our classroom. It's usually locked but, you can punch it open with Soundgarden. Just relock it so no one follows us up there."
Jotaro told Sid. The first half of the day was over and Sid was shown where the Japanese language learners room was. She sat down next to a girl with black, curly hair that went down to her shoulders and coffee brown skin. The girl tore a scrap of paper from her notebook and started writing on it after looking at Sid for a few minutes. She discreetly handed the paper to Sid. It read,
"How old are you?
What's your name?
What's your native language?
Where are you from?
Do you have a phone number?
What lunch do you have?
Do you think I'm cute?"
Sid answered the questions, saying that she thought that the girl was cute. The girl wrote on another peice of paper. It read,
"I'm also eighteen.
My name is Michelle but, my friends call me Shelly.
I'm from England and I'm an exchange student.
I have a home number, just like you.
Oh, cool, it looks like we have the same lunch. Want to eat with me?
I'm glad you think I'm cute, I think you are too."
Shelly handed the paper to Sid. Sid wrote,
"Yeah, I know a spot but, I hope you don't mind that my brother eats there too. We can find an area there by ourselves though."
Sid handed the paper back to Shelly and smiled.
The school day went by, then the next month and then, years went by. Sid went on to college as Shelly and Jotaro to study criminal psychology. Shelly would break up with Sid in early 1991 after finding out Sid had a criminal past. The time on her crimes in the US expired and she was granted dual citizenship in Japan and the US. She lived with Jotaro and Holy until 1990 when she dropped out of school and got her own apartment in Tokyo. Her band, Burn Alive, which formed in late 1988 with some people Sid met in highschool, became popular in the grunge boom of early 1992 and, in late 1992, she moved back to Seattle after hearing that her neice, Jolyne was born in Florida. A few months after school started, Sid started to expiriment with more drugs.

End of The Forgotten Stardust Crusader. Sid Joestar-Kujo and company will return in 1997. Thank you so much for reading.

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