Let You Down

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"For Fucks sake."
Sid muttered under her breath.
"Polnareff and Mr. Joestar had their souls taken and turned into poker chips."
Avdol quickly shouted. Sid quickly moved Iggy off her lap and sprang up. She ran from her bench, into the cafe and spotted Jotaro and the others. She rushed towards them and sat down at the poker table.
"Who are you and what's your deal jackass?"
Sid angrily asked the man sitting at the other end of the poker table.
"I'm D'arby the gambler. I turned your friend and your father into poker chips. As your friends now know, I don't play fair and it's not my problem if you don't catch on. I don't advise hurting me because what happens to me happens to your friend and your dear old dad. You can win both of them back by winning in a game of your choice but, you have to bet your soul."
D'arby menicingly explained.
"Blackjack, I deal and I bet my soul on this game."
Sid coldly replied. Sid shuffled the deck and dealt a card to D'arby.
"Oh, I forgot to ask, may I check the deck to see if you stacked it?"
D'arby asked.
"No, if Polnareff and Joseph didn't get to see if you were cheating then, you don't get to see if I am."
Sid flatly replied. D'arby shrugged his shoulders and asked for another card.
"Ah, 17, that's pretty close, Barbie."
Sid stated after sliding a card to D'arby's side of the table.
"The name's D'arby."
D'arby angrily replied after scoffing.
"Sorry about that, dingus."
Sid replied, the rest of the group held back their laughter.
"So close, 22, still a bust though."
Sid stated.
"No, this can't happen. One more round. No, I was going to get the reward from master DIO."
D'arby rambled as he started sweating. He bacame petrifed and the souls left their poker chips. Polnareff and Joseph's souls returned to their bodies and they started to wake up. D'arby sat there, petrified, he didn't say a word as the group started getting up to leave.
"This was a short battle of wits, Barbie, and you lost."
Sid coldly stated. D'arby didn't protest when Sid called him Barbie, he just sat there, staring into space. The group left the cafe and made their way further into the city.
"You knew the guys name was D'arby, right?"
Jotaro asked Sid as they walked down the sidewalk.
"Oh, yeah. Calling him the wrong name got him flustered enough that he couldn't tell Soundgarden was stacking the deck in my favor."
Sid replied in a matter of fact way.
"It's not just the power of your stand but, the intellect both Jotaro and Sid posess."
Avdol stated. Neither Jotaro nor Sid knew how to respond, they both nodded in apprecitation. The group walked around the city asking people if they knew where the mansion in the photo was. They asked everyone from locals to city workers and roofers.
"Do you know where Polnareff went?"
Sid asked the rest of the group as they were walking. Sid had made it a habit to carry Iggy while they were walking around for long periods of time and was doing so at the time.
"I think he stayed behind to ask someone about the photo. Though that was awhile ago. Do you want to go check on him?"
Joseph asked. Sid nodded her head and retracing the group's steps. After walking for a few moments, Sid found Polnareff in an alleyway.
"Did you find out anything about the building?"
Sid asked him.
"Sadly no."
Polnareff replied.
"What, you trying to lure me back here to make out with me?"
Sid seductivly asked as she sat Iggy down and waved him off. Iggy walked off and started roaming the city on his own.
"Gross, come up with some sort of excuse to get her out of here."
Hol Horse whispered while pressing his gun into the side of Polnareff's arm from behind the wall.
"Um, no, I-I had to take a piss."
Polnareff akwardly stated.
"For someone who's always worried if the bathrooms are going to be nice wherever we go, that's kinda strange."
Sid replied.
"Are you ok?"
Sid mouthed to Polnareff. Polnareff widened his eyes. Sid walked over to the wall behind Polnareff as she summoned Soundgarden. Before Hol Horse could see Sid, she used the wires of Soundgarden's ability, 4th of July, to grab him by the neck and drag him out from behind the wall.
"Hol Horse!"
Sid shouted as Soundgarden pulled Hol Horse closer to her. Soundgarden forced Hol Horse in front of Sid and to his knees. Sid kicked The Emperor out of Hol Horse's hands. Polnareff knew to leave this in Sid's hands but, to stay incase Hol Horse tried anything.
"You sit here, defenseless. Normally, I wouldn't feel right fighting someone without a weapon or their stand. But, I don't now because Charlie and her family were in the same situation. As they say, you reap what you sow."
Sid stated, practically standing over Hol Horse. At this point, the rest of the group had found them. They also knew to stay out of it and just stood and watched.
"I swear, I was just in it for the money. I'm not loyal to DIO, I just wanted to get paid. I killed who I was told to and had nothing personal against those people."
Hol Horse pleaded.
"I met asassins for hire while they were awaiting sentancing in jail. All of them I talked to did it to feed their families and didn't kill women or children. You killed an entire family for your own monitary gain. You are worse than a cockroach that one would step on or flush down the toilet. And what sealed your fate is that you killed someone I loved very much and her family. In the name of Charlie Burton, her parents and her brothers, you will die, Hol Horse."
Sid coldly stated. She punched Hol Horse in the face a handful of times to get her frustrations out. She had knocked a few of his teeth out, gave him a black eye and broke his nose in the process. Sid waited for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Soundgarden, 4th of July."
Sid coldly stated. Soundgarden's wires wrapped all around Hol Horse's body and slowly electricuted him to death. The rest of the group turned away while this happened. Sid stood over Hol Horse as it happened, not saying or doing anything but staring at Hol Horse as he was being eletricuted. After the few minutes it took him to die, the group moved on and kept asking people about the building. After a few hours and the sun went down, the group decided to stay in a hotel. After making their way to their room, Polnareff and Sid sat their things down on the same bed.
"You sure did have a good time watching Hol Horse die."
Polnareff calmly stated.
"I got my revenge and watched to make sure he didn't try anything."
Sid replied.
"You really wanted your revenge but, we got together only a few weeks after you heard Charlie died."
Polnareff pointed out.
"Just because we made out doesn't mean that I don't miss Charlie. I loved her more than anything but, she's gone."
Sid replied.
"Look, I don't think you're over Charlie. I makes sense, you two were married with how close you were. I think it's best that we stay friends, like we were before. Anything beyond that would just lead to heartbreak."
Polnareff reasoned.
"Yeah, I think you're right. No hard feelings?"
Sid asked.
"No hard feelings. We both got swept up in the moment."
Polnareff replied and Sid nodded in agreement. They had casual conversations for the next few hours, Sid moved her things to the other bed and they fell asleep in seperate beds. The next morning, they woke up and told eachother good morning. They got ready in separate rooms and made their way to the lobby to have breakfast with the rest of the group. The group made their way to the hotel's breakfast area and filled their plates. They sat down at a round table in the middle of the dining area.
"Where's Iggy, he always shows up for breakfast. He always sits in my lap and begs for bacon."
Sid asked the rest of the group.
"Ever since we met him, he's always been an independant dog. Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure he's fine."
Joseph replied. The group finished their breakfast and grabbed their things. Polnareff sat on some steps near the water and had a cigarette while everyone else asked the locals about the building in the photo.
"Hey, man, why are you following me?"
The group heard Polnareff shout. They all rushed over, thinking there was an enemy stand user.
"Polnareff, what are you doing? This is this man's territory. It may seem strange to us but, there is a system of beggers in this city."
Avdol explained. He shifted his attention to the man.
"Long time, no see. May I ask you to help us find a building in the city? You will be compensated."
Avdol asked the man. The man agreed and took off his cloak to reveal a suit and drove away in an expensive car. The group decided to stay where they were until they heard back from the man. Sid and Jotaro sat down on the stairs and lit up their morning cigarettes.
"We've been waiting for hours, when is this guy going to come back?"
Polnareff asked.
"Just be paitent, he needs time to find the building. This is a large city."
Avdol replied. After another hour, the group decided to go looking for the man, worried that he ran into the mansion and was hurt or killed. After walking around for a half hour, they found the man's car. It was wrecked to high hell and had a large hole in the windsheild.
"A stand with the power to make quick work of a car like that must have a terrifying power."
Joseph stated.
"Wait, isn't that the beggers car?"
Sid wondered aloud.
"Sid's right, it is!"
Avdol shouted. A moment later, the group heard a dog barking that they were familiar with.
"Iggy, what happened?"
Sid sadly asked Iggy after turning around. She walked towards him and picked him up. Sid gave him a peice of coffee gum and starting petting him.
"Poor boy, he must've had a run in with the enemy."
Sid stated. Sid snatched the photo of the building and comparied it to the building in front of them.
"They're an exact match. Iggy must've battled the guard of this place after the man was attacked by it. This is where DIO is hiding, where our journey comes to an end."
Sid lamented.
"Don't go in without me."
They heard a familiar voice shout. The group turned around.
The entire group excitedly shouted. Kakyoin gave everyone in the group a hug. After saying their hello's, the group made their way to the gate of the mansion. Sid pushed her hand against the gate.
"It won't budge, it's probably locked. Looks like were going to have to hop it."
Sid explained.
"I'm too old to hop a fence."
Joseph complained.
"Fine, I'll hop it and see if I can unlock it."
Sid replied, sounding annoyed. Sid used Soundgarden to pull herself up and over the fence. Sid looked around the fence and found a combanation lock and had Soundgarden punch it. The lock broke and Sid opened the gate for the rest of the group.
"Now, we can't just rush in guns blazing. We need to come up with a plan. DIO most likely has the place swarming with enemy stand users."
Joseph explained. As the group thought, they walked up to the door. As Sid went to open to door, it was opened for her.

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