Chapter 2

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It had been 6 years since what had happened to that main hall of students.

Exactly 6 years today.

"Today marks the 6 year anniversary since the young girl, Carrie White murdered many of her classmates in the school she attended. She is to be transferred to a max security prison later on today, the girl was rumoured to have killed her mother hours prior to the massacre, she is said to have used Telekinetic abilities to act out her crimes. Our hearts go out to all the families who have lost their loved ones.

Another tragedy that happened 6 years ago tomorrow. Was the Woodsboro massacre, where 2 17 year old boys by the name of Stuart Macher and Billy Loomis slaughtered many innocents in what Woodboro police force call 'cold hearted murder' the boys gave no motive to why they slaughtered their classmates and their girlfriends at the time. These 2 boys are also to be moved to the max security prison after escaping 3 of their previous cells.

Now to the weather with Kevin McGall."

I turned off the TV, 6 years today since i lost her.

I shook my head of the thoughts and went back to typing my CV up.

I couldn't even remember her face now. Just that blonde wavy hair.

A lot has happened since that Incident.

I graduated from University, I moved to another town and i moved into a 1 bed apartment.

My mother passed away 2 years ago now, her drink had caught up with her, alcohol poisoning is a thing.

I wasn't too sad since i never really spoke to the woman, she was either passed out drunk or just never home.

What hurt me was my dads disappearance, he disappeared a year ago today, he left a note saying 'Bye Princess, Live Your Life'.

I was upset at first, he just up and left, then i got angry, then i accepted it. He wanted to live his life and since i was 21 at the time, he could do just that.

I am now 22 and in desperate need of a job.

I had trained to be a nurse, a mental health nurse.

I had always wanted to help the mentally challenged and unstable.

I read over my CV once more before saving it and looking around on the internet for any available jobs.

I found a few for the same place 'Rosewood Psychiatric Hospital'.

This place had 3 positions open.

I was fresh out of University, so i had no real life experience.

There were only 6 jobs available in total in this town.

I clicked on the link to look at the description.

Looking for multiple nurse/caretakers for our max security facility.

$45-$75 an hour offered depending on the amount of training required.

Job entails:
Health checkup on patients assigned specifically to you.
Walking patients to the cafeteria and keeping them calm.
Watching over them on free hours(hour of outside time).
Therapy sessions done by you.
Activity time is also done by you.

Amount of patients to be taken care of per nurse 10-20.

Live in nurse required, food provided, facilities provided.

I stared at it.

It was a lot of money, and since I would be staying there i wouldn't need to keep renting my apartment, i could just save my money for later on.

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