Chapter 13

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I was at my cabin with a steaming cup of chamomile tea.

I had the rose and note on my counter in front if me.


Who in the hell scribbles something so short so fancily.

It was in classy writing.

It reminded me of Hannibal a bit, although his wasn't as 'perfect'.

This looked like it came from an old movie, like from a love letter in Pride and Prejudice or something.

It was an old style.

My mind was overworking and i was getting a headache.

The chamomile was a way for me to relax.

I took my cup and sat down in the cabins living room, it only had a living room and sitting area downstairs, the wooden stairs led to the bedroom and ensuite bathroom upstairs.

I glance at the clock 10:15PM

My eyes wander to my phone and laptop on the coffee table.

I open my phone up and check the messages.

I had 6 messages now.

Penny🎈 added you to a group chat.

Penny🎈: Heya Sweets, it would be easier to chat here dontcha think ?
Ivan Creeper🦇: easier for us both ye.

I changed the names before responding.

Me: i guess u 2 are right, gn boys.
Pennywise🎈: goodnight sweetie ❤
Creeper🦇: Gn? Goodnight doll 🖤

I blink slowly at the screen, mainly at the hearts.

I close down the message app and open up my emails.

It was from Dr Campbell.

Dear Rosalina,

I wanted to inform you about how your patients are doing.

They are more aggressive than usual.

I had to remind them all you would be back in a week.

Danny isn't allowed out of his shared cell as of today. He was only behaving as you were around, i truly do not know how you have tamed him.

Chucky and Tiff are now allowed outside time.

Thomas, Bubba, Hannibal and William are not allowed out of the rooms. The step-in nurse fears them.

The others ignore her, especially Michael.

The only time he acknowledged her was when she mentioned you.

Sincerely, Dr Campbell.

I sigh, i had asked him to let me know if anything happens.

They are such Drama Queens, i was gone for not even a day and they're playing up.

I rub the bridge of my nose tiredly.

I decided to put the Rose in water in a cup.

I let the note face down under the cup.

I would dust it for finger prints i decided, try to find out who had managed to break in my car and relock it without me losing my keys.

I wash my now empty tea cup up and put it on the draining board. I make sure all doors and windows are locked before grabbing my laptop and phone and heading upstairs.

I booted my laptop up before I locked the window.

As i did i saw two shadows in the forest, One's eyes were bright yellow, the others i could barely see if it weren't for the glint from the moon in front of them.

I was being watched, but not harmed.


I frown at the yellow eyes and they disappear as soon as i blink.

I double check the lock before i close the curtains.

I shudder, creepy.

The yellow eyes remind me of something from a few years ago.

I walk to my laptop and open up the search bar.

I searched for 'Pennywise'.

The first picture that popped up was an actor in a clown suit.

I scroll down and click on a website.

Pennywise 'The Dancing Clown'
An entity that shapeshift and feeds off your worst fears before devouring your soul, the majority of his victims are children or teenagers, however there are reports of it consuming adults.

IT can manipulate minds and even appear invisible. Never stare into IT's eyes or you may find yourself eternally lost or dead.

I frown at the page. The man that i met, Robert did nothing to hurt me.

They mentioned feasting?

I look further down the page.

Pennywise is around and has been for EVER it is an inter-dimensional entity, it can be classed as a god. However it is known to mass murder around every 27 years.

27 years? That's a long time.

I typed in the box 'last known Pennywise attack' it was 27 years ago in 6 days time.

Oh shit.

What about Creeper?

I hear a noise from outside my window and frown.

I push my screen nearly closed and approach it.

I pull the curtain slightly forward and my eyes are met with a large leathery wing.

I let go of the curtain and stumble backwards.

I look at my laptop wide eyed after hearing a click. It had itself.

The information kept replaying in my head.

IT can manipulate minds.

Is Pennywise near me without my realising it?

I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing before i go into a full blown panic attack.



My eyes dart open at i hear what sounds like something being forced open.

I look around the room carefully.

Nothing had moved, nothing was broken.

I feel cold air then hit my back and i stand completely still, frozen by fear.

The window was locked.

Its my has to be.

I close my eyes as i feel my heart  in my throat.

Even if i scream, there was no one and nothing for miles.

I slowly turn around to face the window.

There was nothing, it was closed again as well.

But it wasn't locked and the curtain was open.

I walk towards it cautiously.

Then lock it.

I hope whoever it was left the cabin.

I pull the curtain again and turn back to my bed.

Pennywise and Creeper.

They were sat on my bed.

In their human forms, just staring at me.

Pennywise was holding my laptop on his lap.

My eyes start to go blurry.

"Oh, shit" i say before my vision goes black.

[1018 Words]-[NOT EDITED]

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