Chapter 18

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I woke up with a headache and two pairs of arms around my waist.

I look around sleepily before resting on the sleeping face of Billy in front of me.

Wait, Billy?!

I tense up, feeling a face nuzzle my neck from behind, i look back to see Stu.

All the events from the last week hit me.

I had helped them escape, lots of innocent people would die because of me.

They probably would have gotten out without my help though.

I slowly pull their arms from around me, trying not to wake them as i crawl off the bed.

I walk to the door, glancing behind me as i open the door to step out, i look forward only to hit what felt like a brick wall "ow" i say as i rub my forehead.

The brick wall i walked into went by the name Michael and he crouched down in front of me tilting his head.

"I-i'm okay" i say and go to stand up.

Michael yanks me forward and wraps his arm around me, i was kneeling and he was crouched.

Was Michael...hugging me?

At that thought i blushed.

"M-Michael? I was so confused.

I felt him lift me up and he sat me in his arm as he stalked with me down the stairs "i c-can walk" i say, he doesn't respond, just sits on an old couch with me in his lap.

I looked like a child or a pet next to him.

I felt a large hand pet my head and look up T Jason, I smiled up at him and he signs 'hey Rosa'.

"Hey Jason" i add.

"Can i have a shower?" I ask, they both look at me.

Jason signs then 'no water, is a lake near though'.

I frown "is it at least hidden away so i won't be watched?" I ask, he nods and i notice Michael's ears go red.

"Let's go then" i say.

'At night?'

"The best time is when people are asleep" i state.

He nods and waves for me to follow him, i see Michael following me too.

"A towel?" I ask and Michael turns around and comes back a few seconds later.

I take it from him and continue after Jason.

I soon feel myself lifted by Michael and we arrive there faster.

I turn to look at the men and motion them to turn around.

They obey thankfully, i strip down to my underwear and Slide in.

It was cool in temperature compared to the air, but it was refreshing.

I start scrubbing my hair and skin, seeing my reflection in the water.

I felt myself being watched and look around nervously, Jason and Michael were signing to each other and i saw no one else.

After i was no longer blood coated i wrapped the towel around myself and grabbed my old clothes, the jeans were smothered in blood and the top only had some on the stomach, i put it back on but kept the towel around my legs.

I hear the large men turn to me and feel a tab on my shoulder, i look up to see Michael holding a large t-shirt out to me, i take it and he turns back around.

I switched the shirts over and am much happier with this shirt, it was knee length.

I didn't need to wrap the towel around my legs anymore.

I stand up and hear a snap to the left of me.

The two giants behind me pause and glare.

I soon hear the clicking of Predator.

He reveals himself and tilts his head looking down at me.

I cross my arms and stare at him.

He reaches his hand out towards me and stops before my head, unsure.

I stand on my tiptoes and let his hand touch my head.

He faces moves behind his mask and he pets me once by himself before disappearing again into the forest.

I look at the two behind me.

I am scooped up and i hear babbling, i soon laugh as i am spun around and then handed over to another person, i look up to see Thomas, i smile at him awkwardly and he puts me down on my feet before hugging me.

"Nice to see you too" i laugh at them and their cuteness.

I feel myself tugged from his hold and immediately picked up by Michael, he points to the way we came and they all nod.

We walked back up, the sun was just coming up and illuminating the forest around us.

I looked around as we walked, it was heavily overgrown and looked as though no one had been here for many many years.

The trees were high and as we approached where we would be living i could see a tall, once elegant house, i was in awe.

It was taller on either side and dipped down in the middle like the top of a H.

Four windows going up on either side with two large windows in the middle.

It would have been a rich family's heritage home, but it became abandoned.

We walk inside the rather beaten door and i am placed on the couch with Michael by my side, he was always touching me.

I felt the other side dip and saw Jack and Danny, Danny turned on the TV, we had electricity but no water?

"We need to fix the plumbing before we all can shower" i hear Bo call out from the doorway "hey sweetheart" he greets me as he notices me squished in between the three men and rests his head on the top of my own.

They were much more affectionate than in the asylum, it was almost scary.

But i guess that's what happens when people gain more freedom, they express themselves more and show all the emotions they were not able to before.

I hear stomping and hushed angry voices coming down the stairs.

They stop bickering as they notice the group of 5 by the couch.

I awkwardly wave at Chucky and Tiff and Tiffany runs up to the front of me before wrapping her arms around my knees.

I hugged her Back with one arm awkwardly, she was one of my newer patients but she treated me like a daughter, i didn't even know the womans age.

I just believe her to be older than me.

It was difficult as she was so small so hug her and i was relieved when she left the embrace due to me basically bending double while sat down.

I really needed to do some yoga.

I then noticed a hand at the base of my back and i looked at the owner of it, Bo.

He was looking away from where his hand was and i soon realised he had been holding it down so i didn't flash them all.

I blush and whisper a thank you, to which he hugged me before wandering off to do his plumbing.

I snuggle into Michael's side and i feel a head lay in my lap, Danny, Jack had his arms behind us lazily with his feet on the table in front of us.

Jack flicked over the channel and we soon got lost in the movie that was playing.

[1230 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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