Chapter 14

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I wake up groaning in pain.

Where was I?

I looked around groggily and realised I wasn't in my asylum bedroom.

I was in the cabin bed.

I frown and rub my temples, sitting up.

I soon freeze when i see two pairs of eyes watching me intently, one blue pair and one green pair.

Penny and 'Ivan' were staring at me from the seats in the corner of the room.

" d-did you g-get in?" I stutter nervously.

Why were they here?

Penny chuckles maniacally "how, not why, not what are you, just how did we get in?".

I hear a growl like a chuckle from Creeper.

"The window" i breathe out remembering the noises "you" i point and Penny "stay the fuck out my head!" I growl at him annoyed.

His eyebrows rise in surprise "you do know who and what we are, how long sweets?" He demands.

"Since the mall" i sighed out.

No point in lying anymore.

"I...see" Penny looks at Creeper with concern.

"You overheard the conversation, didn't ya doll?" Creeper stated, i nod.

"Is that why you gave me the cold shoulder?" Penny questioned with a sad pout.


"Well how would you react if you found out your new found friend was plotting with another to eat a lot of people?" I ask him sarcastically.

They both chuckle at that.

"It's been 27 years since my last feast and i am starving" Pennywise spoke seriously, his eyes becoming more yellow as he stared at me, i don't hold his stare.

"Penny, control yourself, Rosa isn't for eating" Creeper snarled at his friend.

"My desire for her is not as food. Friend. But something much more..." He stands up, stalking towards me "..Primal".

I back up off the bed and as far as i can away from him.

"You hurt me sweets" he says as he stops.

"And you scare the shit outta me" i say back.

He smiles sadly.

"Would you prefer it if we were in a cell like the others?" He asked and I held my breath.

I never told them i was an asylum nurse, nor about my patients.

"Like our other friends" Creeper adds.

I didn't want anyone to be forced into a cell.

"No. I don't like the idea of being controlled" i speak up sadly "to never be free".

Both pairs of eyes widen at my words.

"But i wouldn't be able to help them if they weren't there" i look to the side, not wanting to look at them.

"So the reason you became a nurse was to help the deranged and fix the broken?" Creeper asked curiously.

"They aren't deranged, they are just hurt and in need of help" i say solemnly.

"So why are you both here, not to kill me apparently" i look at them properly.

"We want to introduce you to some of our friends".

"They want to meet you, the woman who tamed even the cruelest of our friends" i sigh.

"I didn't tame anyone! I just wanted to be their nurse. I dont want to meet your friends either! I just want to enjoy my holiday in peace" my eyes start watering as i started to get upset, i felt my panic atack building.

I start pacing, stress, it was all i apparently am allowed to feel in this goddamned world.

"Relax babe" Creeper purred.

"Relax?!" I hiss at him "i have two god knows how old demon entities in my bedroom and you're telling me to relax?!".

"Babe" he growls, eyes darkening.

"Get OUT!" I scream suddenly at them, i was slowly losing my sanity and it wasn't fair.

"Sweets..please" Penny tried.

I point to the window "Out. Go. Now" i grit my teeth.

Much to my surprise they start walking towards my window.

Creeper pulls it up and jumps out, Penny following after looking at me for a few seconds.

I slouched down on my bed with my head in my hands.

I sat there for a long time.

After a while i got up, closed and locked my window-not like it would stop them, and went downstairs.

I want sugar.

I grab a pancake mix and cook some pancakes with chocolate sauce snd strawberries.

I eat them before curling up on my couch.

I had a book on my lap, but i was just staring, not being able to register the words on the page.

Since i became their nurse weird shit has been happening, i have encountered murderers outside the secure walls of the asylum, i have a strange admirer and even my friends got jealous of me befriending a crazed clown and a bizarre bat like man, who they introduced me to.

I play with a strand of my hair absentmindedly.

I then look down and see i'm in clothes i did not own(top picture) and definitely didn't change into.

What the ?

I pick at the black top, i didnt like my stomach being shown, i was self conscious of the scars and the stretch marks.

I feel myself being stared at, i look around slowly at the windows.

"Please just leave me alone for my week off" i mutter not knowing if i was alone or not.

"I just want to relax and enjoy myself" i sigh out sadly.

I hear a weird clicking sound from outside, it sounded like it came from a person.

But after a few seconds it stopped and then there was silence.

I close my book and set it on the side before checking the time.


I curl up on the couch and stare at the back of it.

Why do the most perculiar things happen to me?

I close my eyes and drift off into my dreams.

[973 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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