Chapter 15

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I open my eyes but end up shutting them again after being blinded by the sun.


The sun?

I sit up before opening them again, squinting as i look around at my surroundings.

I was in the courtyard of the asylum.

Why was i sleeping in the courtyard?

I feel someone shift underneath me and see Danny grinning at me.

I stand up and back away.

Why was i sleeping on Danny?

Wasn't i just in my cabin.

I look around the courtyard again and see my patients lounging around nearby.

It looked too perfect.

I frown and pinch myself, only to feel nothing.

I was dreaming but why were my patients in it, i don't usually dream at all.

"Good morning my dear" i hear Hannibal's voice, right at my ear.

I flinch and spin to face him "Hannibal?" I ask, he was wearing a suit, he had no muzzle or chains on at all.

This wasn't my dream I realized.

Everyone was wearing their own clothes, not the sweats and t-shirts they were given.

And they all looked happy.

"What's up sweetheart, you look like you've seen a ghost?" I hear from Stu, earning a slap and chuckle from Billy.

I backed away from them and ran into the asylum.

Looking for any guards or nurses.

I approach the staff room door and push it open.

Only to enter a strange red room with many metal pipes and steam blowing from them.

"What the hell?" This room looks so familiar, but where from?

A horror movie wasn't it?

I walk forward a few steps and then stop as i feel the sheer heat from this room, i look behind me to see the door gone.

Then it clicks.

Dreams, it's not mine, i wasn't in full control or had barely any.

The only slasher in any horror movie able to creste such realistic dreams, was Freddy Krueger.

Fuck me.

Why the hell was the dream demon targeting me.

Hadn't i been through enough stress.

I hear the grating of metal on metal from behind me.

"FREDDY!" i shout, if he was gonna kill me, i'd rather not be toyed with.

Even if i didn't want to die.

I heard a laugh and a figure grew from the steam in front of me.

"Yes Kitten?" He purred.

I frowned and poked his chest curiously, seeing if he was real.

He raises his eyebrows and i glare at him when i feel he is real.

Brown fedora, green and red striped sweater, burnt skin, bright green eyes.

He was in front of me.

"So you are real" i say coldly.

"Yep, as real as Pennywise" he chuckles, causing my frown to deepen.

"You know Penny?" I ask him.

"Yup, you said you didn't want to meet his friends so i decided i'd meet you instead" he looked smug.

"Well you have met me so fuck off and let me sleep" i hiss.

I was not a happy camper, and i have seen what happens to people who are toyed with by this guy in their dreams, if they wake up that is.

They wake up, but they don't seem to have slept at all. If i was to function, I would need to sleep.

"You're a feisty one, i like it" he smirks at me before clicking his fingers, the room changes back to the courtyard, only no one was here anymore "you need to meet a few more of us before i let you go though sugar" Freddy purrs right next to my ear and i feel his non knived hand stroking my hair.

I frowned at him.

"Well hello there sweets" i hear a mischievous voice speak up and i sigh.

"Hello Penny" i look back and i freeze as i see more than just Penny, Penny was in his clown form.

There was a guy with pins sticking out of his face.

A guy with tentacles, i shudder at that.

A man wearing no shirt and had a weird metal cone on his head.

A guy wearing a fur coat with a hook on his hand.

Creeper was also leaning against a metal post grinning at me, in his normal form, with leathery wings, he kind of looked like a swamp monster i mused.

I hear the clicking noise i had heard from before and i feel Freddy stiffen.

"Will you fucking show yourself man" he hisses looking to his side.

I frown following his gaze to see a strange blur against the back drop.

My heart drops as i hear a tap and suddenly i'm faced with a large alien creature that has wire braids at his head, almost like hair.

I just stare wide eyed at it.

"What the fuck" i finally whisper out as i look around, before snapping my head to the thing in front of me.

"Aww sugar, not feeling so confident anymore?" Freddy chuckles in my ear.

I elbow him in the ribcages randomly in annoyance "fuck" he breathes out.

I hear a pop sound and am engulfed in a pair of arms "i misses you my sugarplum" he whines against my shoulder.

"U-um, what?" I was very confused, what was going on.

"Lets not give the poor girl a heart attack" i hear a new voice speak up, it was the fur coat guy "lets introduce ourselves, i am candyman, you may call me Daniel" Daniel states, bowing towards me slightly.

I nod nervously.

"Pinhead, Elliott if you'd prefer" the pale pin cushion speaks up, he had a cold stare and his grin sent a shiver down my spine.

I feel Penny rub circles on my waist.

"The alien critter is Predator, we don't know his specific name as he refuses to use his translator to talk to us" Freddy says glaring at Predator.

"To you my friend, to you" Penny chimes in.

"He asked me not to tell anyone his name" Penny whispers in my ear.

"I-I see" i glance around.

"Oh right, this silent giant 'ere is Pyramidhead, we call him Pyr, he is a mute" Creeper speaks up for the metal cone guy.

I look finally at the tentacle guy "i am slenderman" he states simply, watching me intently.

"Cool?" I ask and hear Freddy and Penny chuckle.

Even Creeper grins.

"Honestly kids nowadays" Slenderman sighs.

"Not a kid" i say "and you are the one who gave a half assed introduction, but my name is Rosa, you all probably already know that since Penny doesn't like to shut up all that much" i feel his arms tighten and he buries his grin in my neck.

"Speaking of Penny, why are you cuddling me?" I ask him, my cheeks a slight pink.

"Because you smell divine sweets" he says before sniffing my neck.

I hear a click of fingers "time for her to get some proper sleep" Freddy chuckles as it all fades to black.

[1166 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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