Chapter 6

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It was the next morning after i had met all my patients.

I smiled as i got up, i woke up before my alarm went off, so i switched it off.

I went into the bathroom and did my routine, then went back into my room, i was glad that unlike my patients', my door had no windows.

I got dressed in the scrubs after putting on a tank top underneath.

I put on the white sterile shoes by the door we were required to wear and grab my cards, phone and keys before walking out of my room.

It was 8:30am now and i had an hour until i had to escort my patients to the cafeteria.

I walk up to Dr Campbell's office and knock twice, i hear shuffling and the door opens, i see a tired doctor in front of me, he was on the night shift so his shift was nearly over.

"Sorry to disturb you" i start.

"Not at all" he opens the door wider and i walk in.

I sit at the desk while he sits behind it.

"What do you need Rosa?" He asks politely, reading a piece of paper off his desk before scribbling on it.

"I need To make some changes for my patients" i say hesitantly and he glances up at me in surprise.

"We are of the same rank so i shouldn't need to ask you to do it, how do i request such changes myself?" He smiles at me then, relieved.

"Do you have a laptop?" I nod "please go grab it and i will show you from there, also, your office is the door left to mine, you will have some paperwork to fill out at the end or start of your shifts" i nod and grab my laptop hurriedly, rushing back to his office, knocking once before entering.

Timeskip(cus I'm too lazy to write out all the boring details on how to access websites, etc.

"That's how you enable the changes, and for the higher maintenance changes, for example allowing high risk patients outside time you have to request it using the button at the top here" i nod and smile wildly at him.

"Thank you Harrison" i say and i check the clock on the wall "i have to go escort the patients" i say quickly, it was 9:20am now.

"As a suggestion Rosa, escort the green sect patients all together, they all have a guard each" i nod in thanks and rush out the office, i jab my number to my room in the pad and quickly dump my laptop on my bed before walking out the room.

I walk briskly towards the green sector and see a guard at each door waiting.

I walk up to Billy and Stu's room and scan my card it opens and immediately they both stand up from the bed.

"Alright! I am starving" I smiled at him, i had made a slight change to all of their meals so they wouldn't be so bland.

Billy stalked out behind him, he paused and he stood by me, he studied my face frowning, i tapped my nose in secrecy, knowing he was wondering why my eyes were twinkling with mischief.

I then turned on my heel and walked to Brahms and Normans cell, scanning my card.

They were already standing just inside the door waiting for their breakfast patiently.

Norman beamed when he saw me "Rosalina! You are escorting us today!" I froze.

Where was his stutter, the other 3 patients just stared at Norman cautiously.

"Hello Norma, i am guessing?" I ask, Norma nodded and his face fell into a cold look.

"You are very observant indeed dear girl" he stalks towards me, Brahms steps in the way.

"No" he says, his voice made me flinch as it was a lot deeper than his normal childlike voice he used.

"Brahms dearie, i won't hurt the poor girl don't worry, i wanted to meet her after all Norman has thought" i smile at her and tap Brahms' arm, he stepped to the side and watched as i held my hand out to shake with 'Norma's'.

"Well it's nice to meet you as well, but can i have Norman back please?" She took my hand and then the confidence melted and Norman glanced around confused.

I saw the 3 boys relax as Norman shuffled under the stares.

"Let's go get you all fed" i finally cut the tension and held my hand out to Norman, he happily took it and we walked towards the cafeteria.

Billy taps Brahms shoulder and tilts his head, Brahms moves to walk next to Norman and he walks next to me.

"Why does Norman get to hold your hand but not us?" He asks, smirking in my direction.

I roll my eyes and help my other hand out to him with a teasing smirk on my face.

He chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulder, i blush slightly and i rest my hand around his waist to steady myself.

I felt fingers grab that hand and i saw Stu holding it on the other side of Billy.

I laugh then and they all smile at me, i look towards Brahms to see him and Norman holding hands.

These boys are so cute!

We arrive at the cafeteria and i let go of the boys and shrug Billy off my shoulder, opening the door for them instead.

I let them get inside "i'll go get the others, you sit at the tables" they nod, Brahms grabs my wrist gently.

"Will you sit with us?" I smile and agree and he rushes off to sit with the others.

Time for the red section.

I decided to grab 4 of them to begin with, i started off with Thomas and Bubba, who immediately hugged me, he reminded me of a toddler and a mother hen all at once.

Thomas nodded at me and they both followed me out, i told the guards off as they went to put handcuffs on them.

I then walked over to Bo's cell and unlocked it, i walked in and saw him sleeping, he was wearing new clothes.

I tapped him on his shoulder and he startled awake, he grabbed my throat, probably out of instinct, but not tightly and when he noticed it was me, he immediately let go.

"Sorry Rosie" he muttered looking guilty.

"It's alright, i understand, it's a defensive thing" i say softly, patting his head in a comforting way.

He smiles at me.

"Breakfast time now" i say standing up straight and walking to the door, holding it open for him.

He walked cautiously towards it, looking at the two patients in curiosity "no shackles?" He asked me and i shook my head.

"No, no one has been aggressive towards me. So no cuffs" i say, smiling up at him, he walks to his brothers door and i unlock it.

"Vince, the pretty nurse is letting us go for breakfast chain free" Bo calls over my shoulder.

I hear fast shuffling and am immediately met with Vince's tall frame, i step aside to let him past but he just stands staring at me.

"You okay Vince?" He nodded and patted my head, i had left both the mask and flower crown on my desk to hang up later and to also dry the flower crown so it wouldn't die.

He then bent down to my eye level, i frowned, he leaned forward and placed where his lips would have been against my forehead.

I blinked a few times in shock, Bo pulled him behind the other two.

And i started walking in front of them toward the cafeteria, the guards on either side of them.

We arrived and i allowed the guards and patients to overtake me.

I turned back around to go collect the largest of my patients.

Lets hope they don't hate one another.

[1336 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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