Chapter 5

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I followed Dr Campbell down the corridor to the room across from Bubba and Thomas, Bubba was at the glass and waved enthusiastically, i smile and wave back.

"These two are twins, Vincent Sinclair was a wax artist. Bo encouraged him to turn people into wax figures, there is a glass wall to separate them as Bo is very violent, you may want to enter into Vincent's side, Bo is very defensive".

"No, I'll go into Bo's side first if that's okay" i speak up, if they used logic instead of their fear to think.

If i meet Bo first then he wont hate me as much and may say it is okay to meet his brother.

I unlock Bo's door without another word and stepped inside, two guards walked in front of me and i sighed.

"What the fuck is this?!" He spoke up angrily.

"Sorry about this Mr Sinclair" i say and i glare at the guards.

His eyes flicker warily from the guards to me and he grins "so you're the pretty new nurse?" He looks me up and down "you're pretty hot for a nurse".

I blush and laugh at him "thank you? I think".

His eyes lit up in mischief "I wont hurt the pretty lil thing, don't ya worry boys" he walks towards the two guards who back up in instinct, he laughs at them.

His head snaps to me and he takes a step cautiously to me, probably to gauge my reaction.

"May i call you Bo? Mr Sinclair makes you seem much older"

I ask and he pauses his approach before nodding and stepping forward once more.

"Thank you Bo" i say more quietly, he was an arms length away from me.

He bends down so our eyes are level "you're a brave lil thing hon" he says and i frown at him.

"Not so much brave, as you haven't acted threateningly towards me. I am Rosalina, your new nurse and caretaker" i hear rustling from the glass and my eyes glance to a tall form watching me intently, i wave and then look back at Bo.

His eyes narrow as i waved "sorry, it would be rude if i didn't acknowledge your brother" i speak up and smile softly.

His frown disappears and he nods.

Suddenly he reaches forwards to my hair, he grabs the crown off my head and inspects it.

"Please don't crush it, Bubba gave it to me" i ask of him and he nods, handing it back to me.

He then strokes my hair "soft" he whispers out, he then pats my head gently and steps away "go meet Vince, if you hurt 'im i'll hurt ya".

I giggle "i wouldn't hurt any of you Bo, not intentionally anyway, and thank you Bo" i say and put the flower crown back on my head and turn to leave the room.

I feel a hand on my wrist that pulls me back into his chest.

The guard all stepped forward and i feel his head on my shoulder. I quickly put my hand up to them "Bo?" I whisper.

"I just want a hug" he whispers back and releases me.

"A hug is fine Bo, just next time perhaps ask? So as not to scare everyone, hm?" I smile and laugh lightly, his eyes lit up before he nodded.

I walk out the room and the door clicks behind me, before anyone else could talk i speak up "stay outside this time please".

I open the door and walk into Vince's room, glancing at Bo as he sits back on his bed by the glass, watching his brother and me.

"Hello, Vincent, i'm Rosalina, its nice to meet you" he was now curled up on his bed glancing between me and his brother, he had long hair and he wore a wax mask.

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