Chapter 8

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After breakfast was done i had to go do paperwork in my office.

I noticed Jason and Michael signing happily to one another.

They were friends.

I also wanted to decorate some of the patients rooms more, i wanted to give Hannibal and Will a bit more privacy, even if it is just around their bed.

I was going to put Michael and Jason into a shared room. They were too unpredictable and weren't allowed activity time, so i would put more arts stuff into the new room.

Billy and Stu i would also give them something to do in their new room, i had to think on what though.

Thomas and Bubba also needed more activities.

Bo and Vince i would move into another room. I have no idea why they were separated by that glass.

Apparently i would be getting several new unusual patients, 2 dolls to be exact, i had all of my patients files behind me.

I would also get a male secondary nurse to help with my now 16 patients.

Hopefully we all get along.

I glanced at the time, 2PM, one more hour until i had to grab Billy and Stu to take them to the photography time.

I grab an envelope from my desk, it was a black envelope with blood red lettering on it.

I threw it to the side, knowing exactly who it was from.

Him and his invites he could shove up his ass.

I grab the last letter on my desk and I open it with my letter opener, courtesy on the Psychiatric hospital.

I began reading through it, zoning out until i saw the name 'New York ghostface' i recoiled slightly in confusion, there were more ghost faces?

I reread the letter, it was a request from an overfull and overworked Psychiatric hospital on the edge of New York. They were asking me to take on two people on my unit, both were serial killers, the one ghostfaces real name was Danny Johnson, the others was Jack Torrance, said he killed a lot of people at a hotel before turning himself in, 18 patients between 2 of us would be okay.

I started writing back agreeing to them being sent here, it was more secure here anyway.

And Danny was caught 4 years ago, making him 25 now, he could perhaps get along with the younger men. Jack however is 36, maybe Will, Bo and Vincent could get along? Here it to hoping.

I seal my reply and place it on the mail tray between mine and Dr Campbell's doors to be taken and sent out later today.

"Ahh Rosa, that a reply to the Tiffany and Chucky?" I shake my head.

"No, they are already being sent here securely, i got asked to take on a ghostface copycat called Danny Johnson and Jack Torrance"

"Oh, that would add to 18, did you see the application i put on your desk? I already accepted them but i wanted to see your opinion".

"Yeah, their CV looks really good, i just hope the patients get along with him. Speaking of, it is almost time for their activity time before Dinner" he nods in understanding and waves goodbye, retreating into his office once more.

I walked down the hall and entered one of the activity rooms, i grabbed two cameras and some spare film and placed them on one table and then grabbed some carving tools, some car magazines and a chunk of wax, placing it on another.

That's one room ready.

I walk out and into the second activity room, grabbing some crafting stuff, like glue, paper, crayons and paints and set it out evenly on two tables, on the third smaller table i grabbed some beads and thread, as well as some more girly magazines.

I decided to bring the girls, Jason and Michael together. See if they can get along enough to craft.

On the last thought i grabbed some artificial flowers out and put them on the two crafting tables.

Now i just needed to grab all the patients.

I had no idea how i was to keep an eye on the music room, and two crafting rooms.

But hey, heres to faith.

And two rather nervous guards.

Apparently many guards had 'disappeared' lately, i was starting to notice, i asked the guards to go into activity room 1, there would only be the Sinclair twins, Billy and Stu in there.

I would keep an eye on the other two.

I walked down to grab Billy, Stu, Brahms and Norman first.

I had to close the door to the music room. It locks them in just like their cells.

We all walked together, rather quietly.

"Where is everyone?" Stu asked finally.

"I'm not sure, apparently guards have been disappearing lately, and i am your only nurse currently and Dr Campbell and the doctor that visits from the regular hospital are the only doctors" i speak up, i was a bit frightened at how unprotected inside the hospital was.

"Can you please not mention the lack of staff to the higher risk patients? There are still armed guards outside, i don't want anyone to try to run and get hurt" i ask pausing at we are about to enter thr music room.

"Of course" Brahms agreed immediately.

The other were more hesitant, i opened the music room door and let Norman and Brahms in, letting it close behind me.

I walk across the hall and open the first activity room "your table has the camera's on it, i figured you would want to take photo's" stu's eyes lit up and he raced to the table, Billy was most definitely the more relaxed one.

I walk away again rubbing my eyes tiredly.

I was having terrible dreams lately.

Mostly about what happened in my old town 6 years ago.

I went and collected the others and brought them to the activity rooms, Bubba, Thomas, Michael and Jason all became close through their crafting.

Billy and Stu got along with Bo and Vincent surprisingly.

The two girls and i got along nicely, we all made bracelets for everyone, Carrie's idea.

Will got a dark blue and black bracelet.
Hannibal got a black and blood red one.

Brahms got a white one with black on either end.
Norman got a dark green one.

Thomas got a red and orange one.
Bubba got a yellow and black one.

Bo got a blue and grey one.
Vincent got a lime green and grey one.

Pearl got a light red and black one.
Carrie got a yellow and pink one.

Jason got a dark green and brown one.
Michael got a light blue and white one.

Billy got an all black one.
Stu got an all chocolate brown one.

And I got a pink and blue one.

I also made 4 for the newcomers.
A black and brown one.
A black and light pink one.
A black and light blue one.
And a black and neon green one.

I was looking forward to meeting them all.

[1185 word]-[NOT EDITED]

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