Chapter 7

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I go to Jason's door first, knowing he was the calmer of the two slashers.

I knocked on the door once and scanned my card, i was nervous to put these two together but i wanted them to make friends and since everyone else was paired, and these two both liked art, well here was to hoping.

I walked into Jason's room, if they got along i would put them into a larger room together, a large room with more art supplies.

"Hey Jason" i greeted him, he spun around quickly, jumping up and down excitedly before grabbing my hand and dragging me to his desk to give me paper shaped into a rose "oh wow, is this for me?" I ask in awe, it was a perfectly shaped Rose.

I glance at his face and he nods enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much Jason" i say genuinely loving the rose.

"Jason, i am gonna get another of patients from his cell" i bite my lip nervously "i am hoping you both get along, you both like to craft".

I explain as he tilts his head in confusion, then i see his eyes light up and he nods.

I walk to Michaels cell and knock once, scanning my card again.

I look into his seemingly empty cell "Michael?" I say and walk in, i hear breathing from behind me and spin quickly, he was in the corner watching me "you okay, Michael?" He doesnt respond "i want you to meet someone, i figured you both would get lonely being all alone and you might create your art together?" I sigh still not getting a response "lets go and take you both to your breakfast, i turn and walk out.

I feel a hand grab my hair and pull me back.

"Ow" i mutter at the tight grip on my hair.

I hear a noise at the door and see Jason staring down Michael.

"No, no fighting!" I say as Jason takes a step towards us, he stops.

Tilting his head he signs he might hurt you.

I sigh and slap at Michaels pressure point on his hand, he releases me in shock.

"Michael, what the hell?" I rub my head where my hair was pulled.

My hair was no longer up in the bun and i saw the band snapped on the ground.

I sigh grumpily.

"Now my hair is gonna be down until i get more" i mutter quietly.

I hear a scribble and see Michael holding a piece of paper to me.

SoRRy RoSa, i wanTed To Show yoU SomeThing

I chuckle "there are other places to grab other than my hair, you know" i saw his mask lift up, almost as though he lifted his eyebrows, i shook it off "so what did you want to show me? We need to hurry to breakfast".

He held up a mask to show me, it had Rose's painted on it with green grass, it was a Rose field, i grinned up at him "it's gorgeous, Jason look!" I held it up to show him and he stared at Michael tilting his head, Michael copied him and i stood there looking between the two confused

"Jason made me this paper rose today as well" i showed Michael and he nodded at Jason and Jason nodded back, Jason walked out and Michael followed him.

I followed like a puppy and saw them signing to each other.

I grinned then, slightly cheering in my head.

"Okay, i have to grab a few more patients since im taking too long" i say to them, they both glance at me and wait.

I go to Carrie's and Pearl's cell, i wave them out. Guards were stood in between the four separating them like a wall.

I then walk over to the class cell and unlock it, the couple didn't seem to notice.

I clear my throat and both snap their heads to me "you two hungry?" Will nods and clambers up, pulling Hannibal gracefully to his feet. I step aside and let them go to the back of the duo's, the guards didnt seem to be too enthused to be stood in front of the two. "You two guards go behind them, i'll walk with them to the cafeteria" i call out, they nod their heads in thanks and i walk in front of them, i glance behind me every corner, mostly to make sure they're behaving.

I hear Hannibal whisper something to Will, who agreed.

"Rosa?" Hannibal whispered in my ear and i shiver but slow down, now walking beside him.

"Yes, Hannibal?" I ask him, he smiles softly at me and i frown slightly.

"Your scent is comforting to us, may we...may we have a lock of your hair?" He asked hesitantly and Will looked at me hopefully.

"Y-you want some of my h-hair?" I was taken aback by the request.

Will nods.

"I suppose i can give you some, as long as you promise its because its 'comforting'" i say only glancing at them, trying to hide my blush.

"We promise" both say at the same time which made me smile, they are cute.

"I'll try and get it you, soon" i say, still a bit weirded out at the request.

Why did i agree to cut and give my hair to known cannibals?

I have no idea.

I speed up, seeing as we were nearly at the cafeteria and push the doors open fully.

They all walked in and sat down.

I smiled at their faces at they all were given their porridge with fruits on the side.

They ALL looked confused but happy at the same time.

And then they all looked up at me in realisation.

I was there to help them.

[Short chapter at 973 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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