Chapter 9

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It had been 3 weeks since I had started to work at the hospital and i had gotten myself into a routine.

Get up at 8am.
Get ready for the day. Until 8:30am.
Go to my office, start paperwork until 9:20am.
Go grab my patients and take them all to the dining hall. 9:30am.
Return patients 10am.
30 minute Therapy sessions until 11:30am.
Collect patients to take to lunch at 11:50am.
Have lunch at 12PM.
Return Patients at 12:30PM.
Go continue work in my office until 3PM.
Collect some patients for Activity hour. 4PM
Take allowed patients outside into the secure yard for an hour. 5PM
Return said patients back to cells. 5:10PM.
Visit other patients and do check ups until 5:50PM.
Collect patients again and bring to dinner for 6PM.
Return patients at 7PM.
Do 30 minute therapy sessions again until 8:30PM.
Return to the office, make sure all paperwork is done by 8:55PM.
Go back to my room at 8:59PM.
Light shut off at 9PM.
Sleep at 10PM.

Honestly i was getting too tired of the same shit everyday.

We had gotten our 4 new inmates, turns out Chucky and Tiff were 2 dolls, they had somehow transferred their souls into dolls instead of other younger people like they had intended.

And Danny was a very unpredictable person. He was mostly put into solitary until I banned anyone going into his shared room alone apart from me, he ignored my existence at first until i gave him the bracelet and told him this was the last place that would take him before he was put on death row, so he could either accept our friendship or be shipped off.

Jack is Schizophrenic, he also doesn't interact with many people besides Danny, Brahms and Norman.

I decorated their rooms with posters and stuff they couldn't use to kill the guards.

Billy and Stu got a bigger room too. They loved horror movies, so horror posters and red and black sheets were added into their room, i also gave them a lightweight TV and a stack of loose DVDs for them to watch horror movies, more so Stu.

For Danny and Jack i gave them blue sheets and some books, i also gave Danny a camera, knowing he used to be a reporter and loved to take photo's.

For Carrie and Pearl's, i gave Carrie pink and white sheets and Pearl red and white sheeets. I also gave them some band posters they both liked and some romance books, as well as a CD player and loose CD's.

Jason's and Michaels room was hard to decorate. I asked them for their favourite colours and they didn't know. I went with forest green for Jason and crystal blue for Michaels sheets.
I put many hooks up around the walls along the top with 4 rows for Michael's masks, i even gave him a fabric box for his masks he would take down. I painted the lower half of the walls with a chalk board paint, so Jason could draw and wipe away any drawings he wanted to.
I gave them a giant desk each which filled up the wall by the tiny barred windows. They were art desks, the drawers were filled with everything apart from scissors.

Brahms and Normans room was simpler, Brahms loved playing music and Norman loved listening to it, i put shelves up as Norman had a taxidermy hobby and would stuff any critter he could find dead. I got Brahms a violin and made a deal that he wouldnt play it after 8PM. They both had lime green sheets.

Bo and Vincent's room was filled with car posters and magazines of cars, and some books on art. I allowed Vincent to craft wax structures in his room. Their sheets were both dark blue.

Thomas and Bubba's room was very...floral. Bubba loved nature which made Thomas agree to it. I allowed Bubba to have 2 plants in his room. I gave him floral patterned bed sheets and i gave poor Thomas yellow and black ones, telling Bubba it was for 'bees'. I also gave Thomas some fidget toys and a rubiks cube, as well as some books, turns out he is a lot smarter than you'd think.

Hannibal's and Will's room, i gave them red curtains to go around their bed, i gave Hannibal some art books and a sketchbook with graphite pencils, Will i got a cuddly toy of a dog, he loved dogs, he used to own many of them and i also gave him some books.

Chucky and Tiff were married and she was a romantic, Chucky was not, i gave them some pictures of themselves and some horror posters. They had a double bed with black sheets.

My room, i never decorated. I didnt spend much time in it anyway.

The new nurse sadly, or not didn't last very long, he was rude towards me and immediately was disliked by the patients because of it.

Can you guess who stabbed him to death with a plastic fork?


I was in shock at the time as he was in his ignoring phase.

I walk into the cafeteria and hear the new nurse laughing and flirting with a few of the guards, i pay it no mind as i grab my salmon and cream cheese sandwich.

I hear them all start talking about someone being a slut and probably shagging the whole lot of them.

I frown at them as it wasn't an appropriate conversation to be having at lunch time.

I see Danny gripping his plastic fork tightly, his eyes meet with mine, they were completely black, not his usual chocolate colour.

I walk over to him to see what was wrong.

"Hey Danny, you okay?" I ask him, sitting across from him.

He nods but i could tell he wasn't.

"You don't need to lie to me, i am here if you need to talk to me" i smile softly at him and his eyes lighten up a bit.

"You know this new nurse is slagging you off all the time?" He asks me and i chuckle thinking it was a joke, he didnt laugh, he was serious.

"Why? What is he saying?" I ask him tilting my head, i had no idea why someone would 'slag' me off.

"You're apparently a slut who fucks all her patients" he said watching my happy exterior crumble "he says that you're here only because your parents abandoned you" i clench my jaw slightly "and the most recent one is that you have daddy issues, which is why you always hang around the older patients" i tear up and look down.

I wasn't a slut, i had only ever been with one person and was with him for 4 years.

My parents...well dad did actually abandon me, so that hurts. And the daddy issues, well mine abandoned me, but i don't treat the men like that.

I hear him growl as the new nurse gets louder and laughs as his guard friends point to me.

I notice Danny standing up and i don't watch where he goes.

Until i hear a scream and then my head snaps up to see Danny slicing a guards throat open, and the blood.

Oh my god, so much blood.

My eyes widen as i see him lunge at the new nurse and stab him.

I stumble to Danny and shout at him to stop repeatedly.

I pull him away and he wraps arms around me. I just cry in his arms in shock.

I was in shock for 2 days before i snapped out of it, apparently i wasnt talking. I was like a robot.

I got Danny out of solitary after a week, after some fighting with Dr Campbell.

He was unstable mentally, so him being in a pitch black tiny room wasn't good for him at all, that was my reasoning.

I felt bad as he had killed him because i got upset and then got punished as well, so i gave him a camera as an apology gift, he immediately took a picture of me and demanded i pose for him.

I just laughed at him when he excitedly took the picture of me doing so.

[1390 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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