Chapter 4

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The door clicked shut behind me.

"Rosa, it's nearly 6PM, it's time for their dinner" i nod slowly, i couldn't be introduced while they ate "I'll take you to the cafeteria, before i monitor their escorts, the green section will be brough in first, just be careful. Some wont be cuffed" i nod understandingly and allow Harrison to lead me to a large cafeteria "nurses and patients eat in the same room, if you don't feel comfortable the round table at the back is the nurse only table" he points by where the cooks were stocking up the metal trays with food "that's where you get food".

I nod, he excuses himself and i grab a tray for my food walking nervously towards the cooks.

"You're the new nurse!" A greying woman speaks up "its good to see a new nurse to help these damned souls!" I frowned at that, they weren't damned by any means.

She gave chicken in gravy with mash potato and peas and sweetcorn on the side.

I thank her and turn away, i freeze as i notice two pairs of eyes watching me, it was like they were deer in headlights, they stared at me wide eyed, they both looked familiar.

"Billy, Stu!" A childlike voice calls out and the stares stopped as they both turned to see two more men approaching them.

The two newer members looked at me curiously.

"Who is that Brahms?" The light brown haired boy asked the masked man with a childlike voice.

"I'm not sure" he replied, his voice caused a shiver to run down my spine, i smiled at him softly and sat down at the end of a long table.

I watched their feet as they walked past me, only to jump when i am tapped on the shoulder.

I look at the owned of the hand and see a brown haired man with green eyes "i'm sorry but have we met before" i nod slightly.

"I think so, you and brown eyes do seem families, perhaps in passing?" He nods slowly and grins at me.

"Hey Billy, you recognise her too right?" The chocolate brown eyed brunette looks up at me.

"A bit yeah Stu" he look at the other two still stood awaiting their friend, Stu's return.

"Did you use to go to a skate park?" He asked, my head snapped back to him.

"The swing set duo" i whisper giggling.

Stu's grin grew "fuck me. Billy!" Stu shouted and Billy walked over "lets sit next to her" Billy glared at his friend and then glanced at me before nodding, he sat next to me, with Stu in front of him, leaving a spot in front of me.

The other two walked up to the duo and sat across from one another.

"Hey Billy, you remember that hot teenage chick we saw at the old skate park, that you told me to chat with even though i had a girlfriend?" Billy nodded slowly questioning his odd explanation "well this new nurse next to you is that hot teenage chick" i glance at Billy as he does me and i glance back to Stu.

"You're the Woodsboro killers, the Ghostface duo, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher' i state, it finally clicking.

"Yep!" Stu shouted happily.

"Well nice to meet you b-" i was cut off by the doctor rushing towards me.

I frown as i see how flustered he is.

"Harrison?" I ask him, standing up cautiously.

"I need your help with Michael, please Rosa, i know you're not on dut-"

I cut him off "where is he?".

"Outside his cell".

"Excuse me" i say to the group of 4 as i hurry out after the doctor.

"Rosa, huh? Cute name shes got" Stu grinned at his companions.

"A nurse? I thought we weren't getting one?" Brahms spoke up with the smaller brown haired man nodding in agreement.

I walked as fast as i dared towards Michaels cell, we turned a corner and saw Michael holding a guard by his throat.

"Michael!" I call out.

His head snaps towards me.

"I need to ask you to put the guard down Michael" he tilts his head at me curiously "please" i add and he drops the guard, who manages to open his airways again.

He then stalks towards me, tilting his head and pointing at my head "the flower crown?" A curt nod "Bubba gave it to me" he nods again and then picks me up.

"Ms Hargraves!" The doctor yells in shock.

Michael puts me over his shoulder and carries me to the cafeteria, not caring that he was being ran after. I burst out laughing as we walk in the door.

I am put down and he walks to the table, pulling me along.

I look up still laughing and see more people than when i left.

They all wore the same shocked expression.

It just caused me to laugh harder.

I felt the mask get grabbed from where I had tied it to one of my belt loops.

I saw Michael holding it up towards my face.

I grab it gently from him again and put it on "happier now?" He nods once.

"Damn Mikey, quit hogging our new nurse will ya?" A man in a baseball cap approached and I saw Michael tense, I pat his arm gently to try and calm him a little.

I grabbed my tray of food and sat in front of Michael, the cafeteria soon filled up with patients, there were currently around 14 from what i could see, there were 2 female patients, the rest were men.

I looked at Michaels tray as they were all given their food and frowned, the food was the same as the staffs just with no gravy, it was dry.

Michael picked up the plastic spoon and scooped some vegetables with some mash and lifted his mask under his nose so he could eat, I looked down at my own food. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

I heard a chuckle and felt a finger under my chin, it pushed my head up and i saw Michael looking at me.

"Sorry, i didn't want to make you uncomfortable" i say softly to him, i see the corner of his lips lift up slightly, but soon drop into his poker face.

He lets go of my chin and points to my food.

"You want some gravy?" I ask him hesitantly.

I was never too fond of the stuff, it was always too salty for me.

He tilts his head in confusion and i feel a tap on my shoulder.

I see Jason and smile softly at him "hey Jason".

Can i have some gravy too please!

I giggle and i scoop some up, putting two scoops on each of the mens plate, soon not having much left on my own.

They both nod in thanks and Jason sits to my right.

We eat in completely silence as is expected.

I jump as an alarm is rang, Jason and Michael stand up.

Time to go back to our cell Jason signs.

I nod and frown "only 45 minutes?" Jason nods sadly "not enough time" i sigh and stand up.

I'll have to ask for them to extend the time by at least 15 minutes.

I can at least ask.

I walk with both of my Patients to their cells at the request of the doctor following behind the guards.

I wave them both farewell.

"They have taken a liking to you Rosie" Harrison states and i shrug smiling softly.

"They are sweet if you get to know them, so who is next?" I ask slightly annoyed at his hesitant expression.

"The rest either have separation issues or have to have someone to calm them down" i nod and motion him in front to lead the way.

He walked ahead and I followed him.

[1324 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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