Chapter 3

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I walked in and looked around, there was a receptionist to the left and a corridor next to it, it had a Cafe sign with an arrow pointing down the corridor.

I walk up to the receptionist.

It was a blonde woman who was glued to her phone, she was chewing her gum obnoxiously loud.

"Excuse me, i am here to meet Dr Campbell" I said.

She doesn't respond but instead throws an envelope towards me, it lands on the edge of the desk and i pick it up, it had Rosalina on the front.

I opened it up and looked inside, a keychain with 3 keys on it, 3 key cards, 2 with a yellow stripe on it and 1 with a red stripe.

There was also a welcome letter with several numbers on it.

"Thanks.." I say annoyed at how rude everyone was being.

I walked to the locked door with a card scanner to the left side of it on the opposite side to the desk.

I scan a yellow card and the door opens, i had no idea where i was going.

But there was no point in asking the blonde at the front desk.

I walk straight down the corridor in front of me, glancing at the thankfully labelled doors.

Interrogation Room 1 & 2.

Then there were no rooms.

I keep walking seeing a fork ahead of me with a door on either side.

The left door said 'Red Unit'.

The right Door said 'Green Unit'.

I look through the windows.

I see more guards in the red unit, so decide to go to the green unit.

I scan my yellow card again and it opens, the red stripe card must be for the more secure unit.

I walk down the hall, my shoes tapping as i do.

I hear a wolf whistle from my right and ignore it, staring at each door.

I finally came across a door right at the end of the green unit corridor labelled 'nurses office and quarters' I pushed it open, not needing a card to be scanned.

I walk a few steps and immediately see 'Dr Campbell' on the door to my left.

I knock twice and hear a voice asking me to come in.

"Ahh you must be Ms Hargraves?" An older dirty blonde with blue eyed man speaks to me.

"Please, call me Rosalina, Rosie or Rosa" i say smiling at him.

"Then you may call me Harrison" he beamed at me "you are only just on time, were you shown the way like i asked Miss Lauren to do so?" He glanced behind me as he asked.

"No, she didn't speak a word to me, just passed me the envelope with my items in it"

"Oh" he was a bit shocked, but shook it off "strike 2 on her behalf, i am sorry about that, you must be very clever to have made it through the maze of hallways here" he beamed at me "please sit".

I nod and do as suggested.

He also sits after shaking my hand.

"Tonight will just be introductions, I will be with you as they know me already, it will break the Ice a little. But first i must show you to your quarters" he stood up, with me copying him and he walked out the door, holding it open for my 5'4 frame.

I walk under his arm and he locks the door behind us.

"So Rosie, there is a code on your welcome letter, it is a 4 digit code that you might want to memorise. It opens the door to your quarters. The only time it will not work is when the power goes out, but that just means the door automatically unlocks, so you wont be trapped. Don't worry" He smiles reassuringly at me.

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