Chapter 11

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The man i had bumped into was around 6'1, an athletic build, stronger looking, he has dreamy blue eyes and brown hair.

Penny stood to his side, the one he was arguing with was this man.

Which meant he was also in a human 'disguise'.

"Uh, s-sorry" i say again as they both just stare at me "about running into you" i add giving them a fake smile.

"Penny, i'm gonna find the others, i bought your things as i couldn't find you. Don't worry about paying me back" i give him the bag with his stuff and wave at him nervously "bye".

I heard Penny say something as i walked away.

"She's scared" damn right i am.

If you are a human eating horror creature, I won't be your next meal!

I rush down the escalator before i hear someone shouting my name.

"Rosa!" I shiver as i hear the voice of Penny.

I pretend not to hear him and as soon as i can i rush towards the doors, pulling my phone out and searching the contacts for Lilly.

"Rosa, wait!" I feel a strong grip around my wrist pulling me back.

I freeze in my tracks before making myself relax "what is it Penny?" I reply with false calmness.

I see the other guy walking up behind him.

"Lilly, Tallie and Corrie are upstairs in the game store" he says smiling.

"Oh, i see" i nod "okay well i'll go up to them then".

I try to pull my hand from his grip and frown when he doesn't let go.

"Let's all go together" he says and my eyes flick to the strange man at his back nervously.

"Ivan Creeper" the blue eyed man introduces himself.

His voice was almost like a purr mixed with a growl. It was sexy but also animalistic, non human.

"Rosa, its a pleasure" i say awkawardly and glare at Penny's hand on my wrist.

He lets go and motions me towards the escalator.

I quickly walk in front, i hear 'Ivan' take a deep breath as i walk past him.

Penny jogs to walk beside me and Ivan follows behind, a little too close to me for my comfort.

I see Penny and Ivan exchange glances every few minutes.

Ivan Creeper.



The Creeper?

Jeepers Creepers?

I blink slowly as my brain overworks itself.

Absentmindedly tapping my manicured fingers against my jeans.

"So doll" Creeper drawled "what's got ya so worked up?".

"Nothing, just thinking" i flinch at my lie, i notice Penny watching me closely.

Why the fuck were most murderers so fucking attractive?!

Wait if you're not human is it even called being a murderer?

Pennywise was classed as a God 'The Eater of Worlds' or something. Creeper was labelled as a kind of 'bat demon'.

I saw the group of 3 standing in front of me.

"Lilly!" I call happily and run away from the two men and hug her happily in comfort.

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