Chapter 10

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Today was my week off, i had booked a week off and was going to enjoy it in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

To say my patients were not happy about my decision was an understatement.

Some had begged me not to leave them for a week, others had threatened me, ignored me and only two had wished me to have fun and relax.

They had grown rather attached to me over the last month, the guards and Dr Campbell found it really strange that everyone had gotten so attached so quickly, even i found it bizarre.

I wasn't the most likeable person.

In Kindergarten, Middle School and Highschool i was bullied verbally every day, never physically, that was always directed at the one friend i had through each school.

Linda Woods, Terrance Monroe and then Carrie White. I had always tried my best to protect and defend them. It never succeeded, i ended up losing them all in some way.

Linda had moved away. Terrance was sadly no longer in this realm due to his mental health. And Carrie was locked up, we were reunited after 6 years, but she had moved on and so had I.

In University however i wasn't bullied, at all. I had been friends with almost everyone, dated two people and got invited to parties-most of which i declined to go to, i even kept in touch with a few people and we would meet up every couple of months or call one another just to catch up.

I was on my way currently to meet up with two of my girls, we were going shopping.

With all the riches i had earned from working long shifts for a month, i could afford to buy myself some new, much needed clothes.

$14,390 after the taxes.

It was an amazing amount still, per month.

And i was looking forward to being able to treat myself for the first time in a long time.

I pulled up in front of the mall, we were at a new town, it was halfway between me and my friends, a two hour drive for us all.

It was a huge mall, two floors with escalators leading up, the smell of food as you walk in.

I saw Lilly and Tallie, the girls i had planned to meet up with, they were both engrossed in a conversation with two men, one i recognised at my first ex, we had only dated for 6 months.

I clear my throat as i walk up to them "Tallie, Lilly!" I call out as they look up at me.

I smile widely at them and they hug me.

"Hey Corrie, and sorry, who are you?" I give Corrie a side hug awkwardly and smile up at the stranger in front of me.

"Robert Gray, most people call me Bob or Penny" he says grinning wildly at me.

I smile "Rosalina, you can call me Rosa" i say politely, shaking his hand.

He was a really attractive guy(top pic).

He was tall, around 6'3 and had an athletic build, he had a small scar on his cheek also. He had light brown hair, green eyes which as i looked longer seemed to flicker with a yellow tinge.

I look away as i feel my hand grabbed by Lilly "Penny is Corrie's best friend" she informs me and i nod in understanding.

Corrie was bisexual, and he was known for being in poly relationships, i hadn't wanted to be in one and he had, which is why we broke up, so he could be free to be with others.

Corrie only called people 'best friends' when they were involved sexually in a poly.

Having any sexuality other than 'Straight' was frowned upon and having more than one partner was too.

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