Chapter 17

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I push the door open and freeze in my spot.

There was red splattered on the walls and floors, i walked forward two steps before i started feeling sick.

The smell, the strong metallic smell.

Blood, the red stuff was blood.

I walk slowly towards the reception desk and walk around it.

I close my eyes after i see the body of the rude blonde woman.

I open my eyes again and glance at the multiple screens on the desk.

Security cameras, it was in case she had to call the police, in case the patients broke out.

And what did I see on those cameras? A whole lot of carnage.

Many bodies of guards and nurses, i saw no one alive.

I take deep breaths through my mouth trying to calm my rapid heartbeat and not inhale the metallic scent.

I see claw marks on the walls and some on the cell doors.

No doors were open though, that was a good sign.


I taste blood and i realise I have been biting my lip hard.

I hear footsteps and i hide under the desk quickly, i pull the woman's body in front of me wanting to cry out at the feel of the cold corpse and I cover my mouth hastily with my hands.

"This is a lot more fucking difficult than we thought!" A familiar voice growled at, Freddy.

"We need some kind of code" a more playful spoke up, Penny.

"Wait, do you smell that?" Creepers voice this time.

"She is at the cabin Creeper" Penny stated.

"Then why is her scent here and fresh?!" He growled.

They weren't near the desk yet, so I decided to dip my hand in the poor woman's blood and wiped some around my neck and face and on my clothes too, i realised i needed to put it in my hair and cringed wiping whatever was left in it, hoping it was enough to hide my scent.

I then curled back up under the desk.

"It's fading Creeper, she may have visited earlier" Penny spoke up.

"You're right" he growled out.

"If she was here, we would have to kill the dear girl after all" slender man spoke up.

Oh shit, they were all here.

"So where would we find the emergency code, since apparently the dumb doctor destroyed his cards" Danny?

I sigh, realising they would probably come over here and look under the desk in case of any hidden notes, i grab the womans pen and a piece of paper before writing.

Emer Code: 6666

I slipped it onto the desk as quietly as i could.

I hear a chuckle.

I hear two pairs of footsteps approach the desk and i stay as still as possible, not daring to even breath.

I see Creepers boots in front of the body, he kicks her further under the desk.

I hear him looking on top of the desk, Penny joins in next to him.

Penny crouches down slowly and smiles at me.

My eyes widen, how did he know i was here?

His eyes trailed over my appearance before he glanced to where the others must be and he makes a shushing motion with his fingers.

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