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When the classes were over, I was about to leave the school,but then I met Min-ho alone, in front of his locker..... It was the perfect chance for me to ask him everything.....

Y/n: 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤?

Min-ho looked behind,all confused....

"I am Min-ho!!"

"You know Jungkook,right?!"

"I don't know anyone with that name!"(angry)

"Just admit the truth, Jungkook!!"

"Stop calling me with that shitty name, you bitch!"

His eyes started to get reddish....

"Don't you miss them at all?! They miss you like....."

Without letting me finish my sentence, he grabbed his pencil,attacked me and was about to stab me with that.... But then suddenly stopped....

He looked down, took a step backward and then looked into my eyes..... Tears started to roll down from his eyes....

"Can't you please let me be as I am?! Please? I even gave up bullying for you people..... Why?!" (cries)

I was about to say something,but then, Hoseok came by out of nowhere..... He took a glance at Min-ho, then grabbed my wrist and started to walk away speedily.....

"Y/n! Come with me!"
"I said COME WITH ME!!"
"Hoseok,you need to....."
"Just shut up Y/n!"

I almost fell down while running with him,but somehow kept my balance.... And suddenly, somebody from behind shouted, "I am not Min-ho!"

I pulled Hoseok with all my mights,and made him stop walking..... He stopped, but maybe not because I tried to stop him,but because of hearing the voice from behind....

Min-ho again yelled, "I AM NOT

"Did I even ask you anything?!"

"I am 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤!"

Hoseok stopped, and asked, "What did you just s...."

"So you guys really forgot me,right?! Then what about the promises we made?!"

Hoseok looked behind.... His eyes got filled with tears..... "I'm still your Maknae, hyung!! You are the only people I have!"(cries)

Hoseok went closer to him, pulled his shirt-coller, and was about to punch on his face.... Although the Min-ho whom we had seen before used to fight back, this time he didn't..... But then suddenly Hoseok stopped, let go off his shirt-coller,looked down.... He hid his eyes and started to cry.... Min-ho hugged him..... Both of them burst out of tears..... This was the first time ever for me to see them cry like this.....

" I am your Jungkook, hyung!"
" How could we forget you, Jungkookie?!"
"I missed you, Hyung!"
"We missed you too!"

They cried for long,hugging each other tightly..... I didn't even notice when my eyes had become teary too.....

However, I felt like finally my chapters were going towards the light.....

I was immersed in my own thoughts,when Hoseok called me, "Y/n! Will you stand here forever?" (smiles)
"Uh...hmm.... Let's go"
Hoseok wiped my tears,hold my hand, and we went back to their dorm...... And all the other boys---- Jin,Jimin, Suga, Namjoon and Taehyung, welcomed their maknae, Jeon Jungkook from the core of their hearts..... Their friendship was even deeper than someone can imagine..... However,the night passed through lots of tears, which meant true happiness..... Once again, I could feel like my fate was changing..... Things were getting colorful...

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