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3rd person pov.


Suga stayed unmoving at the sight of her. Mirae slowly approached nearer to Suga, hugged him tightly and wrapped her arms around him.

Suga slowly wrapped his arms around her, hid his eyes into her hair and stayed silent. Slowly after, tears started to tackle down from his eyes.

"I kept my promise, Y-yoongi!"

Suga didn't speak a word,but some seconds later, he burst out of tears.

Mirae weakened her grip around him, and softly started to caress the scar on Yoongi's eye.

Yoongi removed his hands from her and said, "Well...you knew well that I hate surprises...why you...."

Mirae wipped his tears and said, "I-i'm s-sorry...." while her tears were continually tackling down from her eyes.

After some little conversations, they all headed back to their dorm.

[2 days later]

"SO YOU GUYS ARE MAFIAS?! And ya'll hid these all from me?!" Y/n yelled to Hoseok with a little annoyed face. Hoseok, who was resting his back on the pillows while sitting on the bed, smirked a little and said,

"I thought you'd leave us forever if you get the truth"

"Ya'll are dumbass, really!"(sighs)

Y/n said while dressing Hoseok's wounds. Mirae and all the other members except Jimin had gathered at Hoseok's room for having a little chit-chat. Jimin, who had been in the worst condition after the fight, was taking a light nap right then.

"But I still have a question to Yoongi!" Y/n said,lifting up her head while her eyes were on Yoongi.

"What?" Yoongi said with a confused face.

"What is the relation between piano and Mirae?" Y/n said with a smirk.

"Well.... Their first meet was at the piano club...." Jin said with a smile.

"What?! " Y/n said and laughed.

"Yah! Hajimaaa!!" Suga said with a little shy smile while looking at Jin. Jin burst out of laughter at this point.

[30 minutes later]

Jimin's pov.

When I woke up from my sleep for the first moment, my blurry sight caught someone who was caressing my forehead, while her eyes were totally stuck on me.

"Wh-who?" I murmured while rubbing my eyes.

The person hurriedly removed her hand from my forehead and got out of my room. I somehow sat up and started to look around in search of my phone to check the time. But then I found a tiny letter kept on the table beside my bed, which only said,

"Thank you for being my first love....Jimin....."

In the meantime, someone knocked on my door.

"Jimin! Are you up? "

Jin hyung called me from outside of my room.

"Y-yes....I'm coming!" I said while throwing the letter into my drawer.


[Around 3:00 pm]

"Han So-hee resigned from her post?" I said with a face of confusion.

Jin hyung nodded, while concentrating to what he was doing on his laptop.

"However, no worries any longer....." Hoseok hyung said while giving me a back hug.

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