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[2 weeks later]

Y/n pov.


I was walking towards my home after finishing some of my academic works at my friend's house(Not actually a friend,but just a classmate). The road was quite empty and I was totally alone. But after a while, IDK why,but I started to feel like somebody was following me.

I started to walk fast just when I got that feeling of danger. And the sound kept getting closer. After walking for some-while straight, I stopped walking,and without looking behind, I yelled,


Before I could complete my sentence,somebody attacked upon me from behind,hugging me tightly. I was really shocked,and, to my utter surprise, it was Ryujin.

"Huh?! You?!"

"Surprise!!!" she said and laughed.

"And what the hell-kind of surprise was this?!"

She laughed and said, "Are you busy?"

"Umm...no? Why?"

"Let's go somewhere fun!"

"At this hour?!"

"Umm..... You like video games? Or any indoors?"


"Then let's go to my house".

" What if I say that I don't have that mode to hang out with you?"

"Just let's go!" she said with an annoyed face.

"Atleast let's have a coffee together!"

Hearing her suggestion to have coffee together,another idea popped in my mind. From the day when I saw her first till now,she would never remove her mask. Not even at the club. Her behaviour was fishy from the start. And also, she seemed to have somewhat like a connection with all the weird things that had been happening with me. So I thought that this would be a perfect chance for me to get to know deeper about everything.



"Won't you---"

"Okay...let's go!"

[15 minutes later]

We ordered cold coffee and chose a table to sit. And finally she opened her mask in front of me. And seeing her without mask made me feel even more suspicious about her. It felt like I had seen this face before; or maybe, this face was quite familiar to someone I knew.

 It felt like I had seen this face before; or maybe, this face was quite familiar to someone I knew

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"Is something bothering you lately?"


"These days you seemingly act different."

"Well...if I'm honest, yes.... Just, it feels like although everything is colorful as they seem, but deep down everything is filled with darkness."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if my life is compared with a paradise, I'll say, it's a smoke paradise. I can feel all sorts of peace and happiness,but all of them seem blurry,smokey."

"You're just fictional, Y/n!" she said with a smile. I smiled and looked down.

In the meantime, the coffee was done. We both picked our coffee. As I sipped on mine, she murmured, " Your bracelet is cute" pointing at my bracelet.

"Owh this one? Well, Jimin, I mean, one of my friends gifted me this."

"That's good" she said with a lower voice

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"That's good" she said with a lower voice.

"Yup..." I said with a smile.

"Well, I heard you used to work in a restaurant as a part-timer with some of your friends. Don't you work there anymore?"

"Well....no... But how did you get to know?" I asked with a suspicious face.

"Umm.... I just heard some students talking about things...." she said without looking at me.

"Owh? Really?"

She nodded and stayed silent.

Idk why,but her smile started to disappear slightly after some time. My eyes went on her left hand,and I found a bracelet which was quite familiar to mine. However, I stayed silent,acting like I didn't notice anything strange.

Somewhile later, we both got out of the coffee shop finishing our coffee. And then my phone rang.

"Hello... Who?"

"Y/n...I-i'm Jin..... Come home right now!"

"What?!" I asked. But he cut the call without replying to my question.

"I'll be going home now. Bye!"

"B-bye!" she said without looking at me.

[30 minutes later]

I entered my home and looked around, finding nobody at the living room.

"Oppa! Dad! Where are you?" I yelled,but nobody answered. However, I headed towards Jin's room,and found his door opened. As I pushed the door, I found him sitting on the floor,like a stone. He had deep cuts on his hands. His shirt had blood stains.

And someone whose face was covered with a black cloth,and whose whole body was containing deep wounds and bullet shots was lying in front of him.

I found there most of the waiters and maids who used to work at our house,and also,there were people whom I had never seen.

I sat down beside Jin and the man who was lying,and a maid removed the cloth over his face. To my utter surprise, it was dad who got headshot and was lying before me.

I put my hand gently on dad's forehead. I got choked at the touch of his cold, lifeless body. Soon my eyes started to get filled with tears.

Shaking Jin with all my might, I asked Jin,

"Oppa...what happened to dad?! Oppa?!!" soon teardrops started to slide down from my eyes.


Jin hugged me and started to pat on my shoulders. Soon I felt his teardrops falling on me. I sobbed between his arms.

"Why....." I couldn't complete my sentence.

"Don't cry Y/n-sshi...." he whispered while his tears were continuously flowing down from his eyes.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT DAD?! WHY!!" I yelled. He hugged me even more tightly,resting his head on top of mine.

"I am still for you Y/n-sshi... Oppa is still...."(sobs)

And after crying for somewhile hugging him, I soon started to lose my sense due to panic attack. I closed my eyes,and everything turned black,silent. The only thing I could hear till the last moment when I had sense was "Your brother is still for you....we are still here for you...." And in the crowd of all those people,my blurry sight caught the face of a person, Jung Hoseok, who was resting his arm over Jimin's shoulder for support,and who had marks of stabs on many parts of his body.

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