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[One day later]

3rd person pov.

[On a phonecall]

"Just don't worry! You know well what kind of player I am"

"I know.... But don't forget that they are not too dumb"

"Well, they are the biggest dumbs! Ha ha!(laughs) And as you know, I'm not so easy-"

"If you get caught, nobody will be more dangerous than me----"

"I know, I know, master.....! You don't need to----"

"Woo Jin! Woo Jin!!" Taehyung calls her from outside of the room....

*knock *knock

"Woo Jin! Just come out already!"

After calling her for somewhile, Taehyung left.

"I'll have to go! That asshole is calling me!"

"Go already! I'll be calling you next time... Send every information that you gather from there!!"

Ending the call, Woo Jin got out of the room. Finding nobody,she started to walk freely through the passive,and after a while, she found Suga's room,which had it's door open.

"Maybe, it's a perfect time to fool this one....!" (in her mind)

She walked into the room,and her eyes met Suga, sitting beside the window. He was smoking, resting his head with the wall.

 He was smoking, resting his head with the wall

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"Owh! Woo Jin! Feeling better?"

She nodded. She started to look around, and all of a sudden, her eyes met Taehyung. He was sitting on the couch, busy with his laptop.

"Y-you called me?"

Taehyung nodded. "Let's talk about something..."

She nodded and took a seat beside him. Taehyung turned off his laptop and looked at her.

"How old are you, though?" Suga asked.

"Well..... 16..."

"You are much younger than-----"

Taehyung couldn't complete his sentence,and out of nowhere, Namjoon entered the room and shot her right hand. Her blood split on Taehyung's shirt.

Suga smirked and looked at Namjoon.

"WHAT THE----"

Taehyung was too shocked to see all these happenings. He yelled, "WHAT DID YOU JUST....."

"Some people don't deserve to live, Taehyung-sshi!" Hoseok spoke from behind of Namjoon.


"Well, she was a spy of Lee Rang, bruh!" Suga spoke.

"WHAT?! REALLY?!" Taehyung was still shocked. And then all of a sudden, Woo Jin stabbed on Taehyung's abs,and was about to run away. But then Hoseok shoot her just on her head.

"YOU BITCH!" Taehyung screamed.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Hoseok rushed to Taehyung. They took him to his room and their maids started dressing his wound.

When they all left, Hoseok sat in front of Suga,and said, "What are you thinking, hyung?"

"Umm...maybe....we need a break, right?"

Hoseok smirked and looked outside the window.

"Let's go to the place we used to go often....." Suga looked outside of the window and said.

Hoseok nodded and stayed silent.


[At Taheyung's room]


Resting his back on the pillows, Taehyung was sitting on his bed, going through some flashbacks of his past.

[4 years ago]

(Taehyung had a fight with her girlfriend,and it resulted into a break-up)

(Taehyung had a fight with her girlfriend,and it resulted into a break-up)

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(Taehyung's girlfriend)

*throws away the ring he gave to her



"Do you think you even have anything to answer?! You guys kill people!"

"Don't get me wrong, please! I love---"

"Just shut the fuck up! Your father is a Mafia! You'll end up being..... "

He punched on the table,gathering all his angers. He screamed, "Just shut up!! Please!!"

"See..? You're already so fierce..... Sorry but, we can't be together any more...."

Taehyung's eyes got red.He pulled her hair harshly,leaned nearer to her lips and kissed her. She pushed him away,and said, "Maybe, this was our last kiss ever, Taehyung!"

She left,leaving Taehyung alone in the dark room. Taehyung kneeled down on the ground,tears started to roll down from his eyes.

After some while, Taehyung stood up, and was about to leave the club,but then he heard a sound of someone crying desperately, screaming for help......

He started to follow the sound, and found a door unlocked. He pushed the door open, and found a girl who was trying to free herself from the grip of a miscreant.....

He picked an empty wine bottle from outside of the room,rushed into there and hit on the man's head with that...the man lost his sense. He found the girl dead, she was bleeding heavily. He went closer,and found his own girlfriend(who broke up with him). His hands were shaking. He killed the man totally, with the knife with which the man killed her.

He approached nearer to her, hugged her cold body, tried to keep his tears locked in his eyes. After some while, he came outside of the club and went back to his parents' house.

"Taehyung-sshi! What happened dear?" his mother asked,watching him entering with a sad face.

Without answering to anyone's questions, he went to his room,and started to pack his belongings.

Right next day, he permanently shifted to their dorm. After what had happened that day, he had never gone back to his parental home, atleast not for staying with them.

[End of flashback]

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