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[Time skip]

Y/n's pov.

"Where the fuck am I?!" I said to myself when I got back to sense.

I tried to open my eyes,but I couldn't. It was tightly tied with a cloth. I tried to move my hands and feets,but both of them were tied with ropes.

I tried to move,but my entire body seemed to be tied with ropes. I tried to yell,but then within a second when I properly got back to sense, I could feel like somebody had,well, taped my mouth to the whole.

Soon after, I slowed down my movements,as I could clearly feel that this wouldn't be of any use. But then, I started to feel a burning sensation on my neck,like somebody pressed a cigarette puff against my skin. And then I heard a dirty smirk.

"So you are up,little bitch?"

I tried to move myself, while groaning out of pain. And then,

"Enough fun for today?" I heard So-hee yell from behind.

He made a dirty laughter again,stood up and walked away saying, "As you wish, princess...."

As he left, So-hee slammed the door close, sat on the ground beside me, uncovered my eyes and removed the tape over my mouth.

"Long time no see, Mam!"

"Who the fuck are you bitches?!"

She smirked while dressing my burnt wound.

"Well...don't worry...and just wait...."

She took out a gun out of her pocket,and hid it behind the box beside me. She weakened the ropes around my hands and legs,so that I could move freely, or maybe, so that I could free myself after several attempts.


She didn't even say a word and left the room, leaving me alone in darkness.


[7 years ago]

[On the day of fight with BTS]

3rd person pov.

"Baby,don't you think that letting this bitch live is gonna be a great waste?" Lee Rang said to his girlfriend, Han So-hee, with a smirk.

"Baby,don't you think that letting this bitch live is gonna be a great waste?" Lee Rang said to his girlfriend, Han So-hee, with a smirk

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(Character: Lee Rang) (Real name : Lee Min-ho)

"Well....do you think I'm an easy player? Just do as I'm telling you to,and wait for the consequences...." she said with a smirk.

"As you wish!" he said and left the room, leaving So-hee with the doctor who was supposed to treat "Mirae".

The doctor closed the door,while the nurses were dressing her wounds. Mirae, who seemed to be dead at spot, was breathing slightly,as her heartbeat hadn't dropped to the whole....so according to the doctors, she was still at the stage where she could be saved.

"You remember what I said, right?" So-hee said looking at the doctor with a smirk.

"Well..... I believe in cash" the doctor said.

She handed a briefcase which was filled with cash,and said, "Enjoy as much as you wish! But remember, if anything goes wrong, you are dead!"

"Ye-yes mam!"

"Go and treat her!"

They started to treat Mirae, taking out all the bullets that had pierced her body.

[2 days later]

"She is far away from any danger,and will be up within days!" the doctor said with a smile.

"No need to be pleased like that!" Lee Rang said while rolling his eyebrows.

"I'm gonna meet her now...see you later!" So-hee said looking at Lee Rang.

Placing a kiss on So-hee's forehead, Lee Rang left.

So-hee entered the cabin where Mirae was lying,and sat beside her. Mirae, who had just got back to her sense, was trying to guess where she had been taken to.

"Wh-who the fuck are you?!" Mirae managed to ask.

"Shh....don't speak.... Long time no see friend.....!" So-hee said with a smirk.

"Who the...!" Mirae said while opening her eyes to the whole.

"So-hee? You?!"

"Shut your mouth and listen to me!"


"You'll need to act like you're suffering from memory loss!"


"I guess you understood"

Mirae tried to get up,but failed.

"Take rest....you'll get to know everything as the time passes. And never let anyone know that you remember everything, got it?!"

"Umm.... As long as you don't betray me!"

She smiled and said, "I'll be going now! Bye!"

[30 minutes later]

Lee Rang, So-hee and some of their fellows entered the cabin to meet Mirae....

"She is suffering from memory-loss,due to all those tortures that had been done with her" the doctor said to Lee Rang.

"As it was supposed to" So-hee said with a smirk,while gazing at Lee Rang.

"Now just wait and see.... Our little friend will soon be of a good use!"

Lee Rang gazed at So-hee with a smirk and said, "As you plan,my queen."

"From today, this bitch will be called as 'Ryujin'! " Lee Rang said,taking a glance at Mirae, who was lying on the bed.

Mirae, who was acting to be asleep, smirked in her mind after hearing all those words of them.

Time started to fly like this,and soon Ryujin(Mirae) got trained as one of the female mafias..... Soon after, she got to know that the real slayer of Lee Rang's parents weren't BTS, but it was So-hee who killed them;and also, Han So-hee seemed to be actually on BTS's side to her.

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