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Jungkook pov.

"Once again, I started to feel like things are getting colorful..... Once again, I started to feel that I too,have that right to be loved,to be cared for..... The years that have passed don't seem to be too harsh anymore..... I spread my hands in the air, wind starts to flow through my fingers...... My eyes start to get filled with dreams again..... I start to live as Jungkook.....as I used to...." (in his mind)

"Jungkook-sshii! Yah!"

"This boy never listens....(laughs)"

"No matter how much he grows up,he'll be forever the youngest of us....."

"Jungkookie still keeps zoning out" (laughs)

"Hoseok hyung, wait for me!"

"Here we seven are together again!"

"Y/n! Let's go to amusement park!"

"Sounds fun!!"

We were making plans of having fun like this,and then, somebody dashed against me!

"Ya! Don't you have eyes?!"
"But you were the one who..."

"Ya'll stop! Stop! Let's not fight! We're sorry! Let's go.....!"

She looked at me with her fierce eyes,and here my hyungs patted on my shoulders, which meant to let it go..... I looked at her with my bombastic side eye,but didn't say anything...

However, we entered to the Amusment park..... And they insisted on riding the Roller-coaster...

"Jungkookie,let's go!"

Hoseok: You guys can go.... I'll be watching you from here....(gulps)

Jin: You're still afraid of height?(laughs)

Y/n:(coughs) So am I sitting alone?(glances at Hoseok)

Jimin: I'll sit with y.....

Hosoek: O-k,ok! I'll.....(weird smirk)

I looked at Taehyung-hyung, and both burst out of laughter, hiding our face from others.... Cuz' Hoseok hyung,no matter how much courageous he would look, he was forever the cowardest when it was about bugs and height.....

However,we rode the Rollercoaster, and,as expected, Hoseok hyung screamed the whole time....

Y/n: (laughs) I used to think that you are really brave,but.....

Hoseok: (looks at Y/n) I'm still brave, Y/n!(annoyed)

Y/n squeezed his cheeks, just like Hoseok hyung would do to her whenever she would get annoyed....

However, things started to get back to their positions.. We seven would stick together,as we used to... And Y/n, she soon became the 8th member of us.....
And soon after, I became the Jungkook as they used to know...


(Two months later)
[At their dorm]

Y/n's pov.

"Hoseok! Stop teasing me! Please!"
"But you started" (laughs)
He started playing with my hair,after 'Successfully" taking away my hair-band,realising my hair in the air.....

"I'm getting angry!Hoseok!" (annoyed)

He kept laughing, and I was the "Sufferer", who kept fighting with him...

But after a while, I accidently fell on his lap! He looked into my eyes for a while....

Idk why, but whenever, his sight would come on my eyes, my mind would go blank,and I'd lost all my words....

And...whatever, he then tied my hair himself, hugged me like a cuddle-doll, and said, " You are mi--"

Without letting him finish his word, I tried to get myself freed from his grip and,however, I failed....

"(Laughs) Owh Y/n-ie!"
"Yah! Let me go Hoseok!"

"Ok!(weakens his grip)(smiles) Go!"

I stood up, waved a bye to him,came out of his room, and was about to leave.... But then suddenly, I heard someone playing piano....

The melody was really good,and I used to love piano... So however, I followed the sound..... And found that Suga aka Min Yoongi was playing piano at his room.

"Wow! Yoongi oppa! You can play piano?!"

He stopped playing,took a glance at me and nodded....(warm smile)

"It was really good though!"

Without paying an attention,he started playing again..... I was just enjoying the melody silently,but then I noticed a name tag stuck with the cover of the piano.... It said "Mirae"

I asked, "Yoongi Oppa?"

"Hmm?" (stops)

"Who is Mirae?"

He stopped for a while,and said, "M-my first love"


(Gulps)"M-my first love is a piano!"

"What? (Laughs) Mirae is a piano?! And it's your first love?!"

He looked at me, his smile dropped.... He stayed silent for a while... And,whatever, without saying anything,he started to play again......

I found his behaviour really weird,but didn't say anything.... However, I left their dorm for then......

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